What Cominiere is trying to achieve is obvious, kick Dathcom off the lease.Why do you think Dathomir haven't joined in the damages claim?
Why would Cominiere need to claim damages if there is a takeover happening?
Cominiere legally own 25% of Dathcom and would receive their share of the sale proceeds if one was occurring. Whether they then acknowledge Zijin's 15% would be up to them to work out.
Who in that case cares about a Dathcom JV, who finishes with what percentage, or what happens with it?
AVZ can have the lot of an empty Dathcom shell in that case.
In my eyes the financial claim, which is a laughable btw, is just noise.
The big deal is the attempt by Cominiere/Zijin to kick Dathcom and with that AVZ off the lease.
Do the 70/30 split and let Zijin build the mine, with the DRC 30% free carried.
The deposit is huge and at 30% the DRC hopes to derive huge profits.
In my eyes it is the exact reason why no DRC official, bar Jules A has stepped in.
It is an enormous opportunistic bald move, but they have done it before and will try to do it again.
And if they can't get away with it, it will be "We were just joking".
To give to China the richest and largest hard rock deposit in the world, as a reward for services rendered, is the exact reason the DRC is extremely poor.
What the DRC fails to see, if the Chinese have fucked the DRC over for the last 20-30 years that it will not change.
It is the way China work inside and especially outside China, it is the way the Chinese and Russian Communist parties operate.
Steal all you can, if someone tries to steal from you shoot him.
As long as you steal for the motherland and the common good, any dirty trick and/or crime is allowed.
The Nikki Hailey clip must have come like manna from heaven for the Chinese.
It must gone down like a fart in church for Felix, that it came from his new friends, the US of fukkin A.
The stupid bitch doesn't get it, that her man, Trump, tried to steal the USA election.
She is in no position to point fingers at anybody and yell fraud.
She is part and wants to be a front runner of that mob.
However in the DRC there is a very rich upper class, which sits close to the fire, sets its own rules, regardless of law and doesn't stop stealing, because they believe it is an entitlement.
In my eyes the only way this can be turned around is getting a working democracy, something the DRC does not have at this stage.
Felix is making a lot of noise that it is what he wants to achieve, but he has spent too much time sitting in his plane, playing the Leyland brothers.
It is not the way how you put a rocket up your underlings and introduce change.
If the master is away, the kids party, as they say.