Have a Cigar 1975
thanks mate. A simple reporting of the announcement for a change
Obviously john weed is here to turn tse into the crapper. He began by trying to appear knowledgeable but a trolls true character always comes out. Unfortunately there doesn’t appear much can be done to get trolls moderated.
The good thing is most genuine shareholders see through the bullshit
A fantastic word..........I thought i had a rather extensive handle on the english language , but never came across that word until Sir Les and Der Geist used it within the space of a day or two.........fancy that.
" Confabulating " is another great word used by you too John......congrats bro.
You never stop learning do you ?
Definition of CONFABULATING....." to engage in conversation "
Question.........can confabulating lead to malfeasance ?
View attachment 36556
Thanks for the simple clarification and insight 9card....much appreciatedThe ramifications would be that the Zijin + Cominiere ICC case isn't instantly thrown out since it was lodged before the injunction.
My thinking on the timing is that AVZ tried to have the ICC just throw the case out with the Emergency Proceedings, or at least suspend it until AVZ v Cominiere is finalized (we announced April 17).
So the new timeline of events in terms of the ICC could be:
Someone peer review this for me?
- Zijin vs AVZ - July Jurisdiction Hearing, August verdict
- AVZ vs Cominiere - Preliminary steps, selecting arbitrators, document discovery, timeline setting for proceedings (September)
- Zijin/Cominiere vs AVZ - Suspended until further notice
- 3 can only go forward if 1 rules in Zijin's favour and;
- if 2 rules in Cominiere's favour (but the final verdict for this should be in like 2024-2025)
Yes with 100mil USD, it is a near certainty.If Felix got a sweetener then he is owned by the Chinese . There is nothing new about this suspicion . Many have considered this to be the case since this sh1t show began . Maybe after more than 12 months of this crap it's becoming a little more obvious .
Zijin were exposed fraudulently conspiring with Cominiere to extort ownership away from AVZ in the Dathcom Manono project by the IGF
A few months later Zijin tries to blackmail Cominiere into giving them the northern part of the project tenement
Cominiere and Zijin have another joint venture called Katamba Mining on the periphery of Manono but they don’t seem to know whether it’s a gold or lithium tenement
Zijin Mining to explore for lithium in DRC
The Chinese miner has launched its first lithium exploration project in a joint venture with DRC-owned firm Cominiere.www.mining.com
Everywhere you look Zijin and Cominiere are operating using bribery, chaos, confusion and business and environmental vandalism
Amid Environmental Concerns, A Chinese Mining Company In Serbia Looks To Repair Its Image Through Sport
In the face of growing scrutiny and protests over its poor environmental record, China's Zijin Mining Group is making donations to local sports teams in Serbia in what activists and watchdogs allege is an attempt to rehabilitate its reputation.www.rferl.org
Tshisekedi and Lukonde have been watching it all unfold over the last twelve months
Yet he mentions nothing on the ICC ann last week….thanks mate. A simple reporting of the announcement for a change
If the President or his Ministers do not step in to resolve this SHITSHOW by the end of this month than he will be fair game on Twitter
View attachment 36552
His use of the Chinese version of Zijin's 2022 Annual Report when an English version was available, plus the typically Chinese phrase 'conditioning values' tells me he's a Chinese stooge.
So it's off to the naughty corner (ignore) for him.
If the Zijin/Comminere case gets the go ahead Zijin will pull out of the July hearing . They will chew up as much time as is allowed leading up to it and pull out . I'd put the the Z / C case (if gets the green light ) at perhaps first quarter 2024 . They will likely delay that as well . So at a guess I reckon mid 2024 for the hearing and around August /Sept 2024 for a verdict . Clearly we need this sh1t show over this year before the election . Plan B Nigel . IMOThe ramifications would be that the Zijin + Cominiere ICC case isn't instantly thrown out since it was lodged before the injunction.
My thinking on the timing is that AVZ tried to have the ICC just throw the case out with the Emergency Proceedings, or at least suspend it until AVZ v Cominiere is finalized (we announced April 17).
So the new timeline of events in terms of the ICC could be:
Someone peer review this for me?
- Zijin vs AVZ - July Jurisdiction Hearing, August verdict
- AVZ vs Cominiere - Preliminary steps, selecting arbitrators, document discovery, timeline setting for proceedings (September)
- Zijin/Cominiere vs AVZ - Suspended until further notice
- 3 can only go forward if 1 rules in Zijin's favour and;
- if 2 rules in Cominiere's favour (but the final verdict for this should be in like 2024-2025)
That’s a lovely portrait Beisha. A real turn-on.
I think your answer lies in the fact we all come from different backgrounds, and individually have different proclivities as your gif suggests for yourself, and, need to respect that.
For example, I’m a keen listener and if I don’t understand a word or concept I ask or check and accordingly adopt What works for me and it may not work for you. Tough titties.
You won’t find me using the word “kunt” and it has never crossed my mind till now why a few here do, perhaps it’s their misogynistic proclivities or homoerotic howling to the group think here.
It’s likely the Congolese have checked the word “kunt” and are lost. The Chinese with their e-dictionaries “meiYou”. Really some of you need to crawl out of your parochial shells and grow up a bit, more.
In recent times, the only time I haven’t listened when it really mattered and I’m sorry for my family, was that I didn’t heed Der Geist’s warning crystal clear end of April ‘22, that AVZ was being ambushed.
We need to suck it up perhaps for not much longer but if we do end up in the ditch, we can only blame ourselves for adopting the herd mentality.
His use of the Chinese version of Zijin's 2022 Annual Report when an English version was available, plus the typically Chinese phrase 'conditioning values' tells me he's a Chinese stooge.
So it's off to the naughty corner (ignore) for him.
Yet he mentions nothing on the ICC ann last week….
What are the ramifications of the ICC submission being on or around April 28th and prior to the AVZ injunction succeeding?
Does it have significant implications in the way this can play out?
9card has provided a response, but the only point I was making earlier was that the 50k 'fines' wouldn't apply, as this was lodged before the injunction was announced, IMO
No citing Boatman or Zijin this time
His use of the Chinese version of Zijin's 2022 Annual Report when an English version was available, plus the typically Chinese phrase 'conditioning values' tells me he's a Chinese stooge.
So it's off to the naughty corner (ignore) for him.