His reply will be good and long, and we won't understand it.....
IWell, well, well..................look who is back
Whats your take on the current developments of the AVZ saga ?
ICC arbitration round 1 win to AVZ / Cami website........Cominiere 100%
Clear english would be most appreciated.........
I'll go you one better.
BackWell, well, well..................look who is back
Whats your take on the current developments of the AVZ saga ?
ICC arbitration round 1 win to AVZ / Cami website........Cominiere 100%
Clear english would be most appreciated.........
Even my Old Heavy Duty Top Loader would struggle to Spin Hard enough to beat that Load of DRC Horse ShitHi Frank
Felix has more spin than a Westinghouse front-loader.
Not many investors would consider being land-locked in the centre of Africa, and a thousand kms to the nearest port is a geostrategic attribute.
Still, I guess it's his job to spin it.
Well, well, well..................look who is back
Whats your take on the current developments of the AVZ saga ?
ICC arbitration round 1 win to AVZ / Cami website........Cominiere 100%
Clear english would be most appreciated.........
I think I get Der Geist of what you're saying there![]()
Anyone know who Cree EGC is?
Don't believe a fucking word until its in an official announcement.
Without prejudice.
I made a draft, and will go over it tomorrow— tomorrow is not far away….
Main take away is, AVZ should not have to arbitrate with Cominiere. This is total bullshit.
How can the MoM talk about “harmony” when the IGF is shouting from the rooftops the defrauding of the State.
Someone made MoM write that, surely.
All this points to how weak the Tshisekedi coalition is. And the Chinese are exploiting it! they are owning the ministers THEY are attempting a coup on a so called sovereign state!
Irony is Yibin wanted AVZ to take control of Dathcom, and this is one of the causes of friction— why isn’t Yibin looking after the brown paper bags???
Chinese have been corroding AVZ’s management all along in my view. Even the hydroxide pivot away from EU to in-country (a country not ready) are all attempts to interfere and undermine confidence in AVZ when all AVZ has to do was start a 2mtpa SC6 facility and slowly but carefully ramp it up. Nigel got that idea right. “Walk before run”
So postponing on Zijjn matter at ICC is very suspicious.
If AVZ got a win against Zijin at ICC that just defuses the whole Congolese drive so the cynical question is, from what other avenue will Zijin et al try to undermine from next.
This is why fighting the Congolese when bombs should dropped on the Chinese embassy is what should really be happening.
Australia should not be sitting on sidelines we’ve provided aid and immigration opportunities in the past. Why are our ministers sitting silent while thousands of Australian investors are getting scammed by these dogs?