April 28, 2023
Author :
Innocent Olenga
Financial patrol: The IGF flushes out an industrial quantity of duplicates, forgers and cheats among civil servants and agents of the State!
IGF Jules Alingete
This is a shortfall for the Public Treasury of the order of 148,999,749,440.95 FC monthly, or 64,782,499 USD at the rate of 2,300 FC that the General Inspectorate of Finance unearthed in the pay of civil servants and agents of the 'State. The conclusions of the report of its audit mission of the payroll file were made public, this Thursday, April 27, 2027, before the payroll officials of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC), the Congolese National Police (PNC), the Teacher Payroll Control Service (SECOPE) and the Secretaries General of Public Administration.
According to the IGF, 145,604 paid agents have incorrect, fanciful and fabricated registration numbers for payroll purposes; 53,328 agents alone have more than one registration number in the file with the same name; 93,356 agents share the same registration number with other equally paid agents; 43,725 agents are paid without their names appearing on the declarative lists from their original departments; while 961 payroll officers are on the payrolls of several departments and many of them are on more than 15 payrolls.
The IGF informs that already, certain cases of obvious irregularities are the subject of deactivation and warns at the same time that the list of 961 agents responsible for processing the payroll involved in the mafia network will be transmitted to the judicial authorities for embezzlement of public funds.
It should be remembered that the control of the number of civil servants and agents of the State remains a cancer that has seriously eaten away at the public treasury for decades. Despite all the efforts made by successive Ministers of Public Service, the problem remains very deep. Perhaps with the involvement of the IGF requested by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Service, Jean-Pierre Lihau, the work of cleaning the file of civil servants and agents of the State will be able to give expected results. .
Actualité - C’est un manque à gagner pour le Trésor public de l’ordre de 148.999.749.440,95FC mensuellement, soit 64.782.499 USD au taux de 2300FC que l’Inspection générale des finances a déniché dans la paie des fonctionnaires et agents de l’Etat. Les conclusions du rapport de sa mission...