AVZ Discussion 2022


I've also consistently said that I understand why management put us in suspension and support them in their fight to retain our rights. But we have traded in this exact same position before and the share price was sub 0.20 for a long time. At the end of the day I just don't see what information isn't available to the market at this point.
Pretty obvious why management has kept us in suspension, if trading the share price dives and Zijin goes on a shopping spree ensuring they have a bigger stake over Manono.
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Pretty obvious why management has kept us in suspension, if trading the share price dives and Zijin goes on a shopping spree ensuring they have a bigger stake over Manono.
Yeah like I said I understand why. But looking at it objectively I don't think it stacks up by the rules. Obviously the ASX is happy with the suspension so what I think doesn't matter haha
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ASX Aware Letter - CMC Markets Invest Alert.
Continuation of Suspension from Quotation - CMC Markets Invest Alert.

NOTE: There are more slides that I couldn't include in this post because of the attachment limit.

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ASX Aware Letter - CMC Markets Invest Alert.
Continuation of Suspension from Quotation - CMC Markets Invest Alert.
Not a great look with ASX taking control of the suspension.
Although not a surprise when we had 1 week to reply, and took two months.
(and then advised we aren't fully complying with a rule)

I understand its all cloaks and daggers at the moment with all that's going on.
But I don't expect the ASX to be as accommodating.
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Expect the unexpected, I guess this was it.
Management better have a plan B for getting this ML over the line ASAP.
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Pretty depressing stuff. What could have been a great project for everyone is now a shit project for the benefit of none. Corruption may as well be legalised in the DRC at this point. Impossible business climate.
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Not a great look with ASX taking control of the suspension.
Although not a surprise when we had 1 week to reply, and took two months.
(and then advised we aren't fully complying with a rule)

I understand its all cloaks and daggers at the moment with all that's going on.
But I don't expect the ASX to be as accommodating.
This is it.... :(


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Can anyone break down what this actually means?

"AVZ’s securities will now continue to be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1, due to AVZ’s inability to
confirm compliance with Listing Rule 3.1"

"AVZ’s securities are likely to remain suspended until ASX is satisfied about AVZ’s compliance with the Listing
Rules, including Listing Rule 3.1."

3.1 = May 14 2021 Letter.

Is this all bad for us?
Or is it just like, we are still suspended but for a different reason than before?
Could it just be that ASX had no legal recourse to keep AVZ suspended, so now they have a new reason?
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At least we have the best BoD of any company on the ASX :rolleyes:
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Pretty obvious why management has kept us in suspension, if trading the share price dives and Zijin goes on a shopping spree ensuring they have a bigger stake over Manono.
Push the price down to 5c then go private.

Suspension may ultimately kill us, but it was the only option at the time.

Following today's announcement, we have lost none of the AVZ ground, the problem is that it gives Z ammo'.

Mr Clean

Crazy all that money AVZ spent recently drilling out those tenements when this company is increasingly in a more perilous state.

What’s the likelihood that AVZ are delisted by the ASX in the coming months?

All looks pretty grim
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Can anyone break down what this actually means?

"AVZ’s securities will now continue to be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1, due to AVZ’s inability to
confirm compliance with Listing Rule 3.1"

"AVZ’s securities are likely to remain suspended until ASX is satisfied about AVZ’s compliance with the Listing
Rules, including Listing Rule 3.1."

3.1 = May 14 2021 Letter.

Is this all bad for us?
Or is it just like, we are still suspended but for a different reason than before?
Could it just be that ASX had no legal recourse to keep AVZ suspended, so now they have a new reason?
My, very outside, hope is that geopolitical forces are at play here and ASX are onside.
Hence the grace since February.

As things develop (hopefully in AVZ's favour), then maybe it is both in our interests to trade and we comply.

Or have I got my head in the clouds /up my rs?
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Can anyone break down what this actually means?

"AVZ’s securities will now continue to be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1, due to AVZ’s inability to
confirm compliance with Listing Rule 3.1"

"AVZ’s securities are likely to remain suspended until ASX is satisfied about AVZ’s compliance with the Listing
Rules, including Listing Rule 3.1."

3.1 = May 14 2021 Letter.

Is this all bad for us?
Or is it just like, we are still suspended but for a different reason than before?
Could it just be that ASX had no legal recourse to keep AVZ suspended, so now they have a new reason?
My take on it, for whatever its worth:
-All the noise made someone at ASX pay attention or enough rubbish from AFR etc caused someone to look harder.
-In looking, they realised that there was some questions about the suspensions they keep approving.
-ASX decides to actually ask questions that they could have been asking all along.

-Now BOD have to have a robust explanation with ASX about how sensitive the situation is, until they either:
-Agree that the suspension is the best course of action.
-Or decide that its not good enough and not a valid reason for suspension and push us back to trading.
-Or decide that the information has to be released, even if it is used against the company, or is against the advice of lawyers and people involved in the discussions.

Not necessarily all bad, nothing has changed the situation itself.
Just the ASX has more control now, and we may have to disclose information prematurely.
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We were in voluntary suspension and now we are officially suspended indefinitely by the ASX for non-compliance of listing rule 3.1


Having explained themselves I don't see how AVZ can un-explain themselves and somehow show they are "in" compliance

Hate to say it but I reckon we're well and truly fucked
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I've also consistently said that I understand why management put us in suspension and support them in their fight to retain our rights. But we have traded in this exact same position before and the share price was sub 0.20 for a long time. At the end of the day I just don't see what information isn't available to the market at this point.
But we have traded in this exact same position before and the share price was sub 0.20 for a long time. At the end of the day I just don't see what information isn't available to the market at this point.

Last time AVZ traded at 20c was late 2020/ early 2021 when we got our first offtake...........lol, lol, lol

Lots of water has passed under the bridge since then and AVZ is a much bigger beast, with a updated DFS in the bottom drawer waiting to be released when this mess is cleared up.

This mess we are in wasnt created by AVZ , (even tho disclosure comms are suss to say the least ) and would create a material impact on the SP as a result.

I disagree with the notion that no more information isnt available to the market........in fact i think there is a whole heap to come as per our TSE sleuths are revealing as time goes by.

Just my opinion.
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Can anyone break down what this actually means?

"AVZ’s securities will now continue to be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1, due to AVZ’s inability to
confirm compliance with Listing Rule 3.1"

"AVZ’s securities are likely to remain suspended until ASX is satisfied about AVZ’s compliance with the Listing
Rules, including Listing Rule 3.1."

3.1 = May 14 2021 Letter.

Is this all bad for us?
Or is it just like, we are still suspended but for a different reason than before?
Could it just be that ASX had no legal recourse to keep AVZ suspended, so now they have a new reason?
It means we are no longer in voluntary suspension and are now officially suspended by the ASX until we make an announcement about our mining rights

At least we won't have to go through the monthly bullshit extension process anymore but management can't just decide to end the suspension if they wanted to
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Can anyone break down what this actually means?

"AVZ’s securities will now continue to be suspended from quotation under Listing Rule 17.3.1, due to AVZ’s inability to
confirm compliance with Listing Rule 3.1"

"AVZ’s securities are likely to remain suspended until ASX is satisfied about AVZ’s compliance with the Listing
Rules, including Listing Rule 3.1."

3.1 = May 14 2021 Letter.

Is this all bad for us?
Or is it just like, we are still suspended but for a different reason than before?
Could it just be that ASX had no legal recourse to keep AVZ suspended, so now they have a new reason?
Ok so I wasn't thinking clearly here, the 3.1 doesnt refer to the query letter that AVZ responded to, where at 3.1 it states may 14 letter.

It's talking about ASX listing rule 17.3.1 as follows:

Suspension not at entity’s request

General rule

17.3 ASX may at any time suspend an entity’s + securities, or a + class of them, from + quotation if in
ASX’s opinion any of the following applies.

17.3.1 The entity is unable or unwilling to comply with, or breaks,
a listing rule.

In the response letter when asked if AVZ considers information regarding the Jan 28th 2023 Ministerial decrees (response 1.7), to be something that would have an effect on the share price, AVZ state "Potentially yes..." And go on to say they don't yet know.

It looks to me, like because of listing rule 17.3.1, the ASX must take on the suspension themselves, because AVZ are unable to comply with a listing rule, because they don't yet know the true intentions of the DRC in regards to those decrees, and can not make a disclosure yet.

And so...
the ASX states that the securites are likely to remain suspended until AVZ know what it's all about.

So my take on all this is that it's all ok and nothing really changes as a result of this. ASX seem satisfied to continue the suspension, which is now just under a new rule, and they have said the ball is in AVZ's court in regards to coming out of suspension.

So (and I fucking hope so) I think nothing has really changed, just sounds scary.

Peace ☮️
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My, very outside, hope is that geopolitical forces are at play here and ASX are onside.
Hence the grace since February.

As things develop (hopefully in AVZ's favour), then maybe it is both in our interests to trade and we comply.

Or have I got my head in the clouds /up my rs?
I'm thinking this too mate.
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IMO the ASX, after rightly requesting answers to many questions regarding continuous disclosure, is satisfied with the position AVZ has explained itself to be confronting ...... and therefore uses ambiguous terminology "likely to remain suspended" and also permitted AVZ to take 2 months longer than stipulated to respond to the Aware Letter.

ASX has effectively said....we are doing our job in questioning the company and responding to the many questions investors and detractors have lobbed on us in respect to the continuing suspension....and AVZ has explained the situation to our current satisfaction as we now understand the negotiations and legal actions in progress and will allow them further time for the current actions to play out.

Not good and not bad.....just more of the same while communication with DRC continues imo.
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