AVZ Discussion 2022


I just can't believe that the whole show is coming down to, concerned share holder's, for me it's been before the first drill holes. Watching our manners on a forum site, that anyone can join and say anything.
Big joke if this is the case.
We the shareholders need confirmation of something that management has done in these trying times.
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Getting pretty sick of this troll fuckwit.
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"Don't be groomed"

I dont think is a matter of being groomed mate, its a matter whereby all longs need to have a open mind about how things will play out.

As i said before on this forum, this extended suspension fiasco isnt my first rodeo, i had high expectations that WFE & VEC would come out ALL positive ........only for both coys to turn to shit and it was demoralising for my phsyche!!

As a consequence, i rarely trust anything these days in the investing game and it forced me away from being a long term holder, to a active trader, which i guess was the silver lining in losing a heap of capital thru blind faith

The fact remains, Mr Market hasnt priced in ROFR, its priced AVZ as having 51% control of Dathcom, with 100% rights to CDL .

So if these negotiations play out with AVZ retaining that status quo, ML in hand with Zijin gaining 15% ROFR ( but paying full price, thus also paying 15% capex, ICC arbitration withdrawn ), Cath 24% ( $240m cash injection ) DRC 10%, ( or 15% with Cath taking a smaller percentage ), everything agreed and fort knoxed signed and sealed, then it wont be the end of the world by any means if that was presented to Mr Market, especially if extra sugar was added to the equation with updated DFS , FID etc

Given the DRC would probably want to see rapid development with CDL, compromises may have to extend further with AVZ JV with Zijin in some way or form.....:unsure:

Regards to Dathomir, now i dont reckon they have a case at all, but to avoid lengthy ICC deliberations, if all parties in Dathcom contributed a FUCK OFF payment ( AVZ, CATH , ZIJIN, DRC ), then that would be well received by Mr Market too................markets hate ambiguity!

Dont get me wrong, doing business with Zijin makes me vomit, especially with that " black mail " letter sent to Cominiere , but at the same time, they do have a positive reputation regards to building mines.

So i really hope our " best bod of ASX " is looking in to all scenarios like this to get the most important lithium project on the planet into production ASAP for everyone concerned.

EOD, there needs to be a WIN, WIN solution here regardless of who is right or wrong, cause we ( AVZ ) are in a DAVID v GOLIATH situation where if pride gets in the way, then GOLIATH could simply strip us for not " creating harmony within Dathcom going forward "

I think everyone know my position on FT, i wont say anymore for the fear of upsetting @MoneyBags1348 , but he would want to see Manono solution done and dusted ASAP with evidence of construction to pacify the locals into giving him votes for re election at EOY, counter balancing his inability to act on his mandate of extinguishing corruption , which he is a complete fail and imposter.

In the mean time, 21 days to go ICC , Zijin v AVZ, would love to see Zijin get embarrassed early in a open court with a global audience aka MMCS......;):)🖕👊🍍🥕💥

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ZIJIN will get jack shit.
My guess - CATH will be that 15% staright from DRC at same price they were gonna buy share from AVZ. Then also 9%from AVZ at same price
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I totally agree.
I understand this forum is a release for frustrations but many in the group have become very close with a lot of comments becoming too personal towards important figures in the DRC.
I cringe when I read about people’s drinking issues as I can only imagine how overseas people are making false assumptions about our bogan culture.
Australia is a rich mining country and AVZ will create a model for how mines should be run to benefit all stakeholders….with the assurance the people of Manono will finally get more prosperous lives.
We can be critical about corruption however I hope we can word it in a way that is professional and not personal.
The Africans have a saying that a hungry politician can never be trusted…the depth of the corruption and ingrained outside influences have created this illegal nightmare.
Please note that these are my views which many will rightfully disagree with due to their own circumstances.
AVZ who will be good for the DRC people and will only partner with companies who can demonstrate the same moral values.
Good luck to all holders….AVZ will be a great Australian success story!
Ps- thanks to all her provide their views and technical knowledge. While I never post I am grateful for the updates provided.
So we're a bunch of drunken bogans that, when almost sober enough to type coherently, spend our time taking the piss (unfortunately we can't drink it) out of corrupt DRC politicians and officials who may be a tad offended.

If I wasn't such a bogan I'd go to confession.
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My 2 bobs, l say we all desist for a week or 2. What the hell, nothing has worked for us recently. Just let things play out hopefully to our favor.
I have family and friends who l recommended AVZ too and clearly l am not flavor of the month.
Understand many are venting frustrations as am l but lets have a 7-14 day silence so that our venting is not having any adverse effect. Nothing else has worked for the last 10 months so lets give this a try.
Just a thought, l don't post a lot but read constantly on a daily basis. AVZ takes up my day when l would rather be walking, at the gym or socializing. Imagine most of you the same.
We looked like progressing recently but no.
Let's try the silent approach and see what happens.
Jens and Frank maybe correct, lets give it 7 -14 days please........................
Good night all.
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The Fox

Does anyone know what happens if they flat refuse us the ML? What happens to the resource? Is our lease solid? Or can they just take it from us?
So, have you heard of the ICC? Come on dude, surly you know how that endgame works. 😁 Are you being serious or trying to scare some of the folks here? Are you a holder of AVZ or just a shorter? 🦊
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Not sure if this has been posted over weekend as I have been offline

Civil society in Manono, Tanganyika province, is concerned about the ongoing tension between AVZ Minerals and Cominière SA. For nearly a year, the violins were no longer in agreement between these two partner companies in the exploitation of Lithium in Manono. They accused each other of opacity. As a result, the Minister of Mines cancelled the Lithium P 13259 operating licence a few months ago. However, it was already issued to Dathcom, a joint venture of Cominière, a state-owned company, and AVZ Minerals, a company listed on the Australian stock exchange. On Wednesday, civil society brought delegates from two partners around a table for a dialogue.
Whether it's civil society organizations in Manono or churches, all are worried. The conflict between the two partner companies is a blockage for Manono's development. Indeed, in May 2022, the Minister of Mines, Mrs. Antoinette N'samba Kalambay signed the operating permit of Dathcom Mining SA for the exploitation of Manono's Lithium. But since then, the exploitation of this strategic mineral has still not started in Manono.
Manono Civil Society Mediation
In view of this situation, civil society in Manono decided to play the role of mediator in this conflict. Father Moïse Kiluba, president of this citizen structure, was accompanied in this process by Monsignor Vincent de Paul, Bishop of Manono. Also, the Methodist Church has delegated Monsignor Guy Mande. After meetings on Wednesday, civil society and the two religious leaders gathered in Lubumbashi delegates from both parties.
The general manager a.i. of Cominière Célestin Kibeya, staying in Kinshasa, took part by videoconference. As for AVZ Minerals, three delegates also participated in the meeting by videoconference, including the representative in the DRC Baltazar Tshiseke. The two bishops recommended that Cominière and AVZ Minerals engage in dialogue. This will make it possible to restart the process of rehabilitating the operating permit.
According to Father Moïse Kiluba of civil society, the delegates of the two companies have made the commitment to organize the general assembly of the company Dathcom SA. However, this meeting will be preceded by other meetings at the level of each company. As a result, civil society in Manono welcomes this progress.
Reasons for the dispute

As a reminder, several facts are at the root of the dispute between Cominière and AVZ Mineral. Among the reasons, civil society organizations in the DRC talk about the turmoil around the acquisition of shares in the Dathcom joint venture. Zijin, a Chinese company, for example, bought a 15% stake in Cominière. For these organizations, this takeover took place "in violation of the laws of the Republic".
For its part, Cominière accuses its partner AVZ of opacity. She cites, for example, the signature between former Minister of Water Resources and Electricity Eustache Muhanzi and AVZ POWER. This memorandum of understanding concerns the rehabilitation of the Mpyana Mwanga I and II dam located in the territory of Manono. For the state-owned company Cominière, this agreement is illegal.
In Manono, the community hopes that the two partners will transcend their difference. To this end, they will be able to give priority to the development of this entity.
Manono's Lithium is a 6.6 million tonne deposit. Thanks to this reserve, the DRC should rank 2nd among the countries holding this resource, just after Chile (7 million tons of reserve).

La Guardia / MCP magazine, via mediacongo.net

I for one appreciate your post FR, but it was posted already…. As was this

Celestin Kibeya stayed in Kinshasa and didn’t attend the meeting in person. He recently told several lies about AVZ in an interview that has also been seen here

He has been at the highest level in Cominiere for a long time and Cominiere is 90% owned by the DRC state.

Cominiere’s illegal sale of 15% shares in Dathcom to Zigin for $30million, most of which was not even paid and from the amount that was paid a lot has either disappeared or been extorted, is so significant that….

The fact no one from the President to the Prime Minister to the Ministers of Finance, Portfolio and Mining have made any comment condemning Cominiere’s actions is so telling that I can’t even begin to describe how bad it looks, but as I have posted before….

Pictures paint a thousand words


I try and keep my posts factual and respectful to the DRC Ministers and if what I post looks incriminating or disrespectful then it’s not me who’s to blame

As far as talking a break from the twitter campaign, @Spikerama has an excellent grasp on what is appropriate to post and I’ve seen excellent responses from @JAG and TITS…. and the most movement I have seen of late was due to their excellent efforts
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My thoughts are similar. Venting ain’t gonna change shite. Ignore the hater wet towels that want to spread their own disapproval like a sloppy std.
Your post won't necessarily change anything either but you had the opportunity to post on this forum.....nice....isn't it?
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Master of Quan
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Have a Cigar 1975

Cheers Frank, always appreciate the stuff you dig out and post.

I have noticed that Jules posts this sort of rallying cry post quite often, but then when someone tries to engage him with the underlying truth of his apparent post-reporting impotence, he does not comment. I guess he knows his place in the food chain.

As for the request from our self-appointed deep throat to STFU on SM for a while, I find this quite disturbing.

Yes, easing off on insulting the ministers/officals for a bit, would be a good idea, but no way in hell should you guys who have the motivation to publish RESPECTFUL and FACTUAL posts be muzzled. The campaign is clearly being noticed and no reason for it to stop. China obviously still running their campaign.........there's a new one - information laundering

no pineapples, circle jerks or grater wanks for a fortnight?

10 hail marys
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Cheers Frank, always appreciate the stuff you dig out and post.

I have noticed that Jules posts this sort of rallying cry post quite often, but then when someone tries to engage him with the underlying truth of his apparent post-reporting impotence, he does not comment. I guess he knows his place in the food chain.

As for the request from our self-appointed deep throat to STFU on SM for a while, I find this quite disturbing.

Yes, easing off on insulting the ministers/officals for a bit, would be a good idea, but no way in hell should you guys who have the motivation to publish RESPECTFUL and FACTUAL posts be muzzled. The campaign is clearly being noticed and no reason for it to stop. China obviously still running their campaign.........there's a new one - information laundering

no pineapples, circle jerks or grater wanks for a fortnight?

10 hail marys

Good morning and thank you @Xerof

Adding "pineapples, pineappled and pineappling " to the TSE vernacular list! :ROFLMAO:
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Cheers Frank, always appreciate the stuff you dig out and post.

I have noticed that Jules posts this sort of rallying cry post quite often, but then when someone tries to engage him with the underlying truth of his apparent post-reporting impotence, he does not comment. I guess he knows his place in the food chain.

As for the request from our self-appointed deep throat to STFU on SM for a while, I find this quite disturbing.

Yes, easing off on insulting the ministers/officals for a bit, would be a good idea, but no way in hell should you guys who have the motivation to publish RESPECTFUL and FACTUAL posts be muzzled. The campaign is clearly being noticed and no reason for it to stop. China obviously still running their campaign.........there's a new one - information laundering

no pineapples, circle jerks or grater wanks for a fortnight?

10 hail marys
No circle jerks is nigh on impossible to demand, us bogans won’t allow it we love our soggy biscuits.

I think the Social Media work in the majority has made a few very uncomfortable hence the pressure to have us ease up. In this respect it seems to have worked. I’m going to ease back for a little an then if no action (almost guaranteed) I’ll be back into it.

In my posts I have tried to remain respectful, but fuck me the hypocrisy and thin skinned individuals more concerned about how they perceive a word than actual criminal acts 🤌🏻🤦‍♂️

Like many have mentioned respect is a 2-way street AVZ has been given NONE
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Cheers Frank, always appreciate the stuff you dig out and post.

I have noticed that Jules posts this sort of rallying cry post quite often, but then when someone tries to engage him with the underlying truth of his apparent post-reporting impotence, he does not comment.
*The poor guy is probably too busy dealing with all the other DRC shit to be bothered engaging in "Tit 4 Tat" on Twitter imo, as

“Nationality of Jules Alingete” case: an association of young people from Maï-Ndombe seizes the Court of Cassation!

The association of young intellectuals of Maï-Ndimbe, in a complaint filed with the Court of Cassation on Thursday, March 30, 2023, asked the public prosecutor near this court, to request the lifting of the parliamentary immunities of the national deputy Daniel Safu, executive of all for the Republic of Moïse Katumbi so that he can answer for these acts and grievances alleged against him.

According to the members of this structure led by Patrick Isuisui Baju, this elected representative of the people attributed Senegalese nationality to the Inspector General of Finance, Jules Alingete, and also made abusive remarks likely to cause popular uprisings.

A complement that they qualify as defamatory, irresponsible and criminal and that they condemn with the utmost energy.

According to them, Daniel Safu would not be at his first forfeiture, because, a few months ago, the Attorney General at the Court of Cassation had asked the National Assembly to lift his parliamentary immunities for defamation, something which does not was not done, they regret.

And to continue: "as this was not enough, he allows himself today to undermine the honor of a worthy son of the DRC precisely from the province of Maï-Ndombe in the person of Mr. Jules Alingete, who is Congolese of father and mother by making him pass for a Senegalese and this, with the aim of alarming and raising the population against this authority of the general inspection of finances (IGF)", declared the young intellectuals of Maï- Ndombe, before emphasizing.

"It seems unacceptable to us that a deputy can turn into a public insulter and above all into a collimator of public uprising because he is covered by parliamentary immunities and claims to be protected by the National Assembly".

This is how they ask the President of the National Assembly to stop protecting this deputy.

He must give him exemplary sanctions, because they say, because of him, the image of the National Assembly continues to be tarnished.


Food for thought :unsure:


Frank :cool:
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Cheers Frank, always appreciate the stuff you dig out and post.

I have noticed that Jules posts this sort of rallying cry post quite often, but then when someone tries to engage him with the underlying truth of his apparent post-reporting impotence, he does not comment. I guess he knows his place in the food chain.

As for the request from our self-appointed deep throat to STFU on SM for a while, I find this quite disturbing.

Yes, easing off on insulting the ministers/officals for a bit, would be a good idea, but no way in hell should you guys who have the motivation to publish RESPECTFUL and FACTUAL posts be muzzled. The campaign is clearly being noticed and no reason for it to stop. China obviously still running their campaign.........there's a new one - information laundering

no pineapples, circle jerks or grater wanks for a fortnight?

10 hail marys

As you say X the Chinese are continuing their campaign of corruption and misinformation behind the scenes…. If anyone has forgotten what they get up to there is plenty to read that I cut and paste on the ‘Chinese Conspiring In DRC’ thread (link below)

Much of the info is from @Frank and @Sammael but also info from @Misfits @Charbella @cruiser51 @JAG @Bin59

There’s even a comment or two from tse’s own J Peterman, as I’m sure you are aware 😉
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Where's the CATH extension I wonder? Shouldn't that have been issued by now
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Where's the CATH extension I wonder? Shouldn't that have been issued by now
All of the other extensions were released on the date that they ended or before 10am the next trading day...
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Sticks and fucking stones I'd say..

If they are in the public eye, they need to learn to harden up.
Obviously there is a line that shouldn't be crossed and it shouldn't get personal.

Until then we continue on until this long, painful road reaches its climax.

Yeah I realise I don't add much to the conversation. All I have at this stage is messed up humor.
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