"Don't be groomed"
I dont think is a matter of being groomed mate, its a matter whereby all longs need to have a open mind about how things will play out.
As i said before on this forum, this extended suspension fiasco isnt my first rodeo, i had high expectations that WFE & VEC would come out ALL positive ........only for both coys to turn to shit and it was demoralising for my phsyche!!
As a consequence, i rarely trust anything these days in the investing game and it forced me away from being a long term holder, to a active trader, which i guess was the silver lining in losing a heap of capital thru blind faith
The fact remains, Mr Market hasnt priced in ROFR, its priced AVZ as having 51% control of Dathcom, with 100% rights to CDL .
So if these negotiations play out with AVZ retaining that status quo, ML in hand with Zijin gaining 15% ROFR ( but paying full price, thus also paying 15% capex, ICC arbitration withdrawn ), Cath 24% ( $240m cash injection ) DRC 10%, ( or 15% with Cath taking a smaller percentage ), everything agreed and fort knoxed signed and sealed, then it wont be the end of the world by any means if that was presented to Mr Market, especially if extra sugar was added to the equation with updated DFS , FID etc
Given the DRC would probably want to see rapid development with CDL, compromises may have to extend further with AVZ JV with Zijin in some way or form.....
Regards to Dathomir, now i dont reckon they have a case at all, but to avoid lengthy ICC deliberations, if all parties in Dathcom contributed a FUCK OFF payment ( AVZ, CATH , ZIJIN, DRC ), then that would be well received by Mr Market too................markets hate ambiguity!
Dont get me wrong, doing business with Zijin makes me vomit, especially with that " black mail " letter sent to Cominiere , but at the same time, they do have a positive reputation regards to building mines.
So i really hope our " best bod of ASX " is looking in to all scenarios like this to get the most important lithium project on the planet into production ASAP for everyone concerned.
EOD, there needs to be a WIN, WIN solution here regardless of who is right or wrong, cause we ( AVZ ) are in a DAVID v GOLIATH situation where if pride gets in the way, then GOLIATH could simply strip us for not " creating harmony within Dathcom going forward "
I think everyone know my position on FT, i wont say anymore for the fear of upsetting
@MoneyBags1348 , but he would want to see Manono solution done and dusted ASAP with evidence of construction to pacify the locals into giving him votes for re election at EOY, counter balancing his inability to act on his mandate of extinguishing corruption , which he is a complete fail and imposter.
In the mean time, 21 days to go ICC , Zijin v AVZ, would love to see Zijin get embarrassed early in a open court with a global audience aka MMCS......

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