On the business of ASX Announcements, I've had correspondence at least a dozen times over the years with the ASX Listing Compliance Section as well as ASIC and I'm sure the ASX will be fully supporting AVZ.
On the business of decision making in the DRC, Cominiere is a state owned Mining Company that is 90% owned by the state, so that gives you an idea of where the power lies. Cominiere have been running at a loss (or probably more accurately Going Bankrupt) for years which is one reason they have gotten away with taking bribes from mining companies in the DRC, just so they can keep operating. This is embarrassing enough for the DRC government, but worse still is that it appears Corruption's mate.... 'Greed' realised the value of Dathcom and isn't happy giving AVZ the % ownership it legally acquired after 6 years of proving up the resource including:
Carrying out Soil Sampling, Field Mapping, Consulting, Drilling, Metallurgical Testing, Completing a FEED Study, Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports including Groundwater Management, a 160 page Definitive Feasibility Study, a SEZ Agreement, Tendering for Mining Infrastructure, Legally Obtaining and Paying For an Increased Share of Dathcom, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin, Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s and a Funding and Offtake Agreement with CATH, Presenting at the Battery Minerals Conference, Legally Fulfilling all Requirements to Obtain the Mining License, Including Receiving the Ministerial Decree to Award the Mining License; Obtaining a site for establishing a logistics infrastructure plan; And spending millions of dollars and Supporting the Local Community….
Producing an 85 page Sustainability Report committing to:
Environmental and Social Governance (ESG); Socio - economic benefits; Preserving environmental values; Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain; Ending poverty; Improving health and education; Reducing inequality; Contributing to economic growth; Minimising greenhouse gas emissions; Preserving biodiversity; Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant; Supplying energy to local communities; Making a positive contribution to the lives of people in the region; Providing direct and indirect employment opportunities; Leaving a positive legacy for future generations and Maintaining a strong sense of loyalty
Nicolas Kazadi is the DRC Finance Minister and has lots of knowledge and experience when it comes to corruption in the DRC mining sector and he has known about Dathcom's situation for a long time. I don't believe for a second that he and Felix don't know what is going on, so it seems non state actors like Zigin, Simon Cong and other Chinese actors and companies need to be kept in the spotlight
@BEISHA.... You don't want to upset me?! That'd be a first

I agree with your comments BEISH.
Just watched an interview with Nicolas Kazadi and he was stressing the importance of time and how the DRC needs to get the battery manufacturing up and running as soon as possible. He also mentioned the importance of ESG which you can see we fulfilled in the Sustainability Report
Nicolas Kazadi, the Democratic Republic of Congo's finance minister, tells the FT Commodities Global Summit that DRC must export more products and fewer raw materials. FT energy correspondent Tom Wilson also asks him about relations with China, tensions with Rwanda and attitudes to the...
The trouble with investing heavily in AVZ, having a responsibility of keeping up to date with all things AVZ and being part of this forum…. Is that you are constantly reviewing your own, as well as other’s information and opinions and constantly reassessing them
My final thoughts for the day (hopefully) after going back over recent information is that the announcement on Friday was merely to make clear to the ASX that the main reason for the continuing suspension is the fact that non state (Chinese) actors are continuing to obstruct the outcome regarding our ML
I personally believe that this is a part of the obstruction that the DRC government could easily remedy if they chose, however the illegal sale of shares by state owned Cominiere has made it clear what the project is worth and greed now says
Or in other words…. The DRC wants a greater percentage of the project now that you have done all the work and we know what it is worth.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they care or not whether Zigin is in on it or not…. The President, the Prime Minister, the Finance Minister, the Mining Minister and the Portfolio Minister all know all there is to know about this project (including all the illegalities, fraudulence, corruption and what it’s worth) and they now want more for themselves
Anyway that’s what I think, here’s a little reminder…. They say Celestin Kibeya operates outside of the President and Portfolio Minister’s orders, I say bullshit
If ever there was a photo that should be put in the dictionary next to the word greed, it would be this one
Sale of the mining assets of Cominière SA: Technical director Célestin Kibeya accused of complicity and usurpation of competence
Congolese civil society organizations and platforms specializing in mining issues (Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG, RCEN, CERN/CENCO, TPRDC, MAX IMPACT), monitoring exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, accused, in a press release, the technical director Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of being no stranger to the selling off of the mining assets of the Congolese mining company (Cominière SA).
Worse still, the man exercises the functions of interim Director General without presidential order, nor decree of the ministry of supervision, that of the Portfolio, even less a report of the Board of directors.
"Already on October 26, 2022, when the interim Managing Director Mwamba Athanase was not yet in the hands of Congolese justice, the same Mr. Kibeya had co-signed as '' Managing Director ai '' on behalf of Cominière SA a press release press attributed to UNITED COMINIERE SAS with Eric Allard, a convicted person in Lubumbashi for forgery and use of forgery, and Michel Kitwa Nelkin. “, denounce these NGOs.
These structures draw the particular attention of the President of the Republic, Félix Félix Tshisekedi and the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde to these facts. "Mr. Célestin Kibeya is one of the key players in the sale of Cominière SA shares to Jin Cheng Mining Company Limited (a subsidiary of Zijin) and the undervaluation of the market value castigated by the General Inspectorate of Finance ( IGF) and for which Mr. Mwamba is the only one warned to date, while several elements demonstrate internal teamwork at Cominière SA. “, warn these civil society structures.