G'day mate @MoneyBags1348 - I have resisted mentioning you to honour your request, but I see you've found your password once again. I know the bourse is better for it.Apologies TITS, it’s been a while since I let Nuts know there is more to the Mantle than just swearing…. There’s a fair amount of genuine emotion, depth, belief and frustration required for a Mantle worthy post…. Really I’ve given up any hope of trying to win it back from @Winenut.
Some on here have said we shouldn’t have been drilling the last few months, but my thoughts are that once we get the ML granted we will be releasing a few announcements to support our share price and these drill results are just one of those.
If I was keen enough I might even PM @TheCount and see if we could try and calculate our own numbers on what a new BFS might look like, perhaps the hardest part would be adding all the extra zeros into the spreadsheet…. What do you reckon TC?
I don’t see why granting the PE would take as long this time as all the elements required for the decree have already been fulfilled and Mupande exposed….
I don’t know, what I do know is the shorter’s like boatman and tommy and the Chinese trolls will be out in force
I have $30k worth of Mac Pro and monitors at the ready to dive into some serious calculations whenever the need arises. Not being one to jump at shadows, there is still plenty of time. My spreadsheet prowess dates back before many here were born - back to 1987 when "Symphony" was the product of choice. As a cadet with Deloittes I was chosen to learn, use, and report to Partners on its ability to assist what was essentially a paper-based industry. Back then we'd hand draft tax returns, hand them into the "typing pool" and they'd come back all nice and pretty from the ladies. Then each Friday night, head down to the Sydney Rugby Club, then Jackson's on George to buy enough drinks in the hope of waking up the next day with one of them. Ahhhhhhh, the good old days............
Back to reality. Jens produced some long-form numbers about 18 months ago and he wanted us to believe the numbers supported a USD28 share price. That's just rose coloured glasses bullshit and he's got no idea how to model if that's what he thinks. You cannot forecast costs out past year 2 because 'things' change so much. I'll try to get a copy and do my own modelling.
However, my LOYALTY to this stock has never waned. Shots at the BOD have been taken, but fairly. If it was my company I'd be working on a staged production - years ago. Explore a little bit, dig a little bit, process a little bit, sell a little bit. Scale up. The way our BOD have done it with working on the hail-mary approach to knock everyone else out has only served their fat wallets and portfolios. No Junior Miner should receive the pay packets these guys have taken. Like, WTF has our "chairman" even done let alone the non-exec members.
Recent developments in the story are healthy positive signs that we're on the way to getting back on track. The site will be a multi-generational earner and I still sleep well at night knowing my family will be looked after.
Bring on the ICC. Fuck zinjin, fuck cong, fuck the politicians everywhere, fuck the bod, fuck boatman, fuck tommy, fuck h00ts too.
$12 and a party on JAG's deck.