Both proceedings refers to the 2 separate claims at the ICC against Dathomir by AVZ for the 5% and 10% purchases of Dathcom in 2021
Cong is trying to get out of the ICC on jurisdiction because he knows he will lose both cases and be liable for damages to AVZ. If he loses his jurisdiction claim then he will finally fulfil his contractual obligations to transfer the total 15% of Dathcom to AVZ so he can avoid having to pay us compensation and this will all be over well before September 2024 imo
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Totally agree, the only thing that worries me regarding the ICC is that the case can be potentially delayed/adjourned as a result of ridiculous counter claims/excuses by Cong…..
Dragging it out as long as possible with Congs desired effect being 2 fold -
1. the DRC state getting fed up of the delay - ie. this was eluded to as the excuse in the decrees - ‘dathcom shareholders not getting along’….
2. The longer this drags on Cong is hoping AVZ will run out of money
That’s exactly Congs game plan IMO
I’ve just seen ICC cases in the past drag on for years - hope the ICC arbitrators will play hard ball and see through the games
P.S the above could be just my paranoid/poker brain kicking into overdrive and over analysing the hand Cong is playing