The plot thickens
Doesn't seem like something to be shrugged off by shareholders anyway.
I'd be pretty surprised if this wasn't something avz management would have been open and transparent about if it had any basis in reality?
It'll be pretty discouraging if it turns out these picks have simply muscled their way in as stated.
Ccp spewing bs to their populous through state controlled media?
Seriously wtf??

these Chinese simply could not give a fuck could they?
Dodgy any way you spin it.
Bring on Tuesday I guess.
I mean not dissimilar to what we've seen before but this goes into even more specific detail.
"The transaction was blocked by AVZ, the other party refused to convene a board of directors, shareholders' meeting, and twice filed a lawsuit with the court, forcing the transaction to move forward to judicial proceedings; in November 2021, the Commercial Court of Ruben and Brazil of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) rejected AVZ's application and presided over a general meeting of shareholders to approve the transfer of 15% of the equity of JINCHENG MINING, jincheng Mining became a legal shareholder holding 15% of the equity of Dathcom, and completed the relevant commercial registration and change of movable property registration number (RCCM). Since then, AVZ has further objected and obstructed through multiple channels, and in January 2022, the Commercial Court of Ruben Brazil once again rejected AVZ's claim to revoke the relevant shareholders' resolution and the changed RCCM."