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The main purpose of what I posted was to counteract the people saying that ACAJ's tweet meant that Cominiere were going to take all of our holdings in Dathcom and the northern part of the tenement. Weird you're not going off at them for posting without evidence.
It is far more likely that these new decrees relate to the disputed 20% that the MoP approved for transfer rather than Cominiere being awarded basically everything that AVZ owns imo. That was all I was trying to say and the very next section I added an imo. Apologies if it wasn't written exactly as you would like. As you say the decrees could also be about Tantalex or they could be about something else. I look forward to an official announcement regarding this matter from management for clarity.
The vast majority of my posts are factual and I'm not one to claim I have inside lines to beagles or to give dates about when things are going to happen. A lot of bullshit gets posted here and written in official announcements that is stated as fact. At least what I said wouldn't impact the share price as we're not fucking trading because the registration of the licence didn't happen in a matter of days as promised.
Well before I reply to Carlos, I want to say, thanks @Frank, always nice to hear from you mate!
@BEISHA, I don't know if I take things the wrong way or not?! As far as my comments to Carlos, I know he has provided a great deal of information, so much so, that I know there are some here who think he is Ben Cohen.... As far as no one here has got the facts, there are lots of facts out there, I would say as many facts as there are assumptions and speculation and if you stick to the facts, then you don't need to be adding to the speculation.
In regards to harsh, BEISH I recall you having harsh words regarding Netoo Sethi not to long ago, and not that long before that harsh words were said by others about @Schemozzle (who can confirm at the time I privately messaged him and told him I appreciated his input). I did have a sense of humour here BEISH, it's gone now.... like me for the next week after this post
@Carlos Danger you seem to have taken offense to my post, that's ok, people here have offended me too. My issue still remains that of those making unverified, unsubstantiated statements (guesses in other words) based on only having half the information. It's bad enough reading the bullshit in the DRC, and our exec's and BOD being guilty of it for months without others turning this into what could sometimes be described as reading information from a barrel of half witted monkeys.
The only person here I have on ignore is cruiser and he actually is well researched and accurate in his assessments of our circumstances.
Now the issue I have with you Carlos, is that your comments today are based on what you have read TODAY from ACAJ and I don't even think you know what they have come out with before.... but because you have to reply to everyone, and me being one of them today, I'm going to share some information that came from ACAJ last year, that I didn't fucken want to share on here, but if it makes you research a little bit more before commenting I going to put it below.... and no doubt you and others aren't going to like it, but if you want to engage with me I'll tell you what I know.
Knowing you, you will reply again, but I won't, like I said, I am having the next week off.... Here is what ACAJ said last year:
DRC: ACAJ wants severe sanctions against COMINIERE's agents involved in the contract with MMCS
Georges Kapiamba, national president of ACAJ, during a press briefing, Saturday, March 05 in Kinshasa
The Congolese Association for Access to Justice (ACAJ) calls on the Congolese government to impose severe sanctions against the agents of the Congolese Mining Company (COMINIERE) involved in the joint venture contract with the MMCS company. Through its president, Me Georges Kapiamba, the ACAJ asks the government to carry out a credible investigation into the behavior of COMINIERE's representatives.
In addition, ACAJ recommends that the Congolese government initiate negotiations with MMCS to avoid a possible conviction of the COMINIERE company by the Paris Arbitral Tribunal.
"The dispute arises from the violation by COMINIERE of its obligations under the joint venture contract, concluded on September 16, 2013 between MMCS and COMINIERE, for the exploitation of the mineral deposits of Manono and Kitotolo in the province of Tanganyika in accordance with the Permit d'Exploitation 12202 (PE 12202).PE 12202 was allocated to COMINIERE on July 2, 2011 before being sold on July 26, 2011 to the company Manono Minerais SARL (MANOMIN).The latter is a company established under the laws of the DRC and was initially a wholly-owned subsidiary of COMINIERE. Upon signing the contract, MMCS acquired 68% of the shares of MANOMIN, the remaining 32% remaining held by COMINIERE.", can we read in the document published this Saturday 05 March.
The NGO ACAJ indicates that the two companies MMCS and COMINIERE had undertaken to jointly operate PE 12202 through MANOMIN, their joint company. “MMCS has fulfilled its obligations under the contract, in particular by paying 5 million USD for research and exploitation work and to develop the infrastructures necessary for the development of the project”, notes the ACAJ document.
And to add: "According to the terms of the contract, COMINIERE had the obligation to do everything possible to ensure that PE 12202 was not revoked, not to grant rights to third parties in the area covered by the PE 12202 and to assist MMCS and MANOMIN in the operation of PE 12202.”
However, COMINIERE never fulfilled its obligations. Several documents to which the ACAJ had access show that COMINIERE acted unfairly towards MMCS by establishing, from the beginning of 2016, links with third-party companies interested in the project in order to discuss potential agreements concerning the exploitation of PE 12202 or deposits located on the territory covered by PE 12202. These discussions with third parties were held before the revocation of PE 12202 in disregard of COMINIERE's obligations of loyalty under the terms of the contract.
ACAJ recalls that since February 2017, the new permit has been majority-owned by an Australian company, AVZ Minerals Limited ("AVZ"), whose links with COMINIERE date back to the beginning of 2016, before the revocation of the PE 12202 and while MANOMIN (and MMCS) were still holders of PE 12202. AVZ has since then undertaken the exploitation of the new permit using all the infrastructure and preliminary work carried out and financed by MMCS, while there are still serious doubt as to his preliminary payment of key money.
"MMCS sued COMINIERE before the Paris arbitral tribunal and provisionally claims from it the sum of 180 million US dollars for the damages suffered following the revocation of PE 12202, due to being deprived of the opportunity to develop the project. and to reap the benefits of the substantial investments it has made over four years. It adds that this estimate is also provisional and could be revised upwards in particular with regard to the announcements made regularly by AVZ concerning the wealth of the Project and the prospects. gains expected in the near future. While AVZ has only conducted very limited work, it recently announced that the total value of the Coltan, Tin, Lithium and Wolframite deposits of the said project could exceed US$700 million .”, concluded the ACAJ.
I'm posting this information for you Carlos, I'm not drawing any conclusions, making any suggestions or offering my opinion on it. The only thing left I have to say is I wont be posting again for the next week
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