@Cashcity and @DiscoDanNZ and TSE versus crapper fight fans, I don’t want to get into any more fights in my life
I’ve been head butted, king hit, kicked in the head both in sparring and after being king hit in a night club, I’ve walked out of another nightclub going to fight a bloke and then fought his mate who was a first grade footy player, had fights in high school, fights with my twin brother and so on
The biggest concern I (and everybody else should) have is the bad karma that will catch up with you when you deliberately hurt someone.
Good fighter’s don’t fuck around, if I was in a fight I would go straight for the throat and groin, after that it would be knees to the hip and head and then maybe chokes
It’s just not worth it, I trained my son when he was young and then he got into a fight with another kid in primary school and broke the kid’s nose which then made my son sick
It’s a shame we have to live in a violent world. I’m not really aggressive by nature, having said that…. I grew up fighting blokes who were 6’3”. This is me next to my best mate (at 14) and we were fighting since we were 5
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To get an idea of how mad my mate is, this the proud picture he sent me of is his grandson
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There’s no doubt he’s a chip off the old block
Im the same Bags