Nigel said the KUNT is withholding our the Invoice for the surface rights illegally.
BUT he was sacked 3 years ago as DG and replaced by a female (cant recall her name) and is doing the job illegally and therefore has no authority.
Why not approach the new DG who is meant to have the authority and get this Mine started.
I know it sounds simple but may not be simple
8 months is FURKEN way to long to be be living a life of survival by getting loans from friends just to cover bills and food.
Bad enough loosing 2 years to COVID restrictions (wealthy but cant travel) and now another year is been added (can travel but funds locked up)
Looks like the first thing I will be buying after we commence trading is a motorised (lithium battery wheel chair to get around - that's after I pay my loans.
At least I can still attach my Number plates to something.

This 8 month stalemate is really really realllllllllly starting to SHIT ME.