If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hi @Bravo,
hmm, looks like someone told you to better tone it down and edit your original post? As yesterday, it still read “I prefer to focus on the positive.” And it did so for more than 12 hours, before you edited it.
By saying “I prefer to focus on the positive”, you were of course insinuating I were focusing on the negative with my post about Sebastian Otte, the Uni Lübeck professor, who has first-hand experience with both Akida and Loihi and who - as we found out yesterday - will be collaborating with MB and others on the NAOMI4Radar project.
For the record: I didn’t focus on the negative.
My post referenced back to another post of mine (Oct 4), in which I had written the following about the updated table tennis robot paper’s co-authors, including Sebastian Otte:
My post also focused on the positive when I wrote
“To those constantly dissing our competition: Believe it or not, there are actually neuromorphic researchers who appreciate both Akida and Loihi:”
Last time I checked, appreciate was a verb with a thoroughly positive connotation.
And then I went on to post a screenshot of a LinkedIn comment by Sebastian Otte he had made just half an hour earlier, in which he praised both AKD1000 and TENNs with the words: “Both are excellent technologies for specific use cases.”
So stop trying to portray me in a bad light with your innuendo!
All you did was to copy the quote by Sebastian Otte I had spotted earlier and cropped it so there was no more mention of Loihi. You really call this focusing on the positive?
Oh, so that’s why you decided to underline only “BrainChip AKD1500” in the following photo, ignoring the fact that it also said “or SpinnCloud SpiNNaker 2”?
Interesting. I prefer to call this cherry-picking or denial of reality instead.
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How about you now positively focus on FINALLY getting the Mercedes CEO’s surname right: it’s Schäfer (alternatively Schaefer, if you don‘t have an umlaut at your fingertips), not Shafer. At least that doesn’t come across as cringeworthy and bordering on racist like when you referred to Sailesh Chittipeddi from Renesas as Sailesh Chickpea…
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Hi @Frangipanni,
Accusing me of being racist is a terrible accusation to make. I detest racism and I don't possess a racist bone in my body.
I'm sorry if you feel my posts fall short of your standards either because I have edited something, spelled something incorrectly or because you don't like my sense of humour. If it affects you so much them you can put me on ignore or just scroll past my responses.
I think that you do an amazing job with your posts and you have contributed a lot of quality information to this forum, which I really appreciate. But I also think you have a tendency to read too much into things, of which I think this is a prime example. And I think you should try to curtail how much you criticise others. This isn't some sort of school assessment that you need to critique and your tendency to dress-down other contributors for perceived inaccuracies, error, edits, etc, can make people feel disinclined to participate, which is what happened to Fact Finder which is a loss to everyone who really appreciated his amazing input.
I don't think there's any need to clog up the forum further on this subject. But if you would like to privately message me to discuss, then please feel free.
I hope you have a nice day.