I've seen several tables like this comparing the various technologies, and there are disparities I feel could be confusing to people researching this processor for potential use in their products.
The earlier table posted for the Brainstack technologies listed Akida power usage as "<4W", which is a real head-scratcher too. Was that power draw a result of the components in their design, from the Akida processor, or just a typo?
When I see inconsistencies like that, I wonder what specifications they list for competing products that are dubious at best. I would rather see people post links to the actual spec sheets for products instead of showcasing (in some cases very poorly) what they see as relevant attributes for a given neuromorphic solution. Sure, summarize the highlights of each product, but at least provide a reference as to where the information was obtained.
From a technical perspective, it's frustrating to see such glaring errors, and hopefully, people will call them out on it and ask them to post a correction.