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Poor bugger. Sorry to hear mate.Not looking good mate he was screaming blue murder in pain whilst trying to poop the yelping was horrifying. His prostate is fucking huge, vet couldn't even get finger to go wherever it should. Also recently he had a cancer removed. He's a little vicious prick when it comes to going to the vet does not like being poked or prodded.
Haha. Nah his name is El Bandito you're all good mate it's not too late to enter.
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Not good...hard times with pets sometimes.
Hope they can sort something out for him. Best of luck.
We've been adopting rescues as pets over the years.
Dogs and cats. Mostly older as they tend to get left behind a bit.
Rewarding but hard as well, as don't generally get a lot of years with them but they get a great furever home while with us.
Currently have 2 cats after our dog developed a heart condition last year and had to let him go
The cats are both FIV (indoor only) and only have their right eye. Like little pirates those two....looks and behaviour haha
Time to crash methinks.