



U.S. Missile Defense Agency New Concept to Counter Hypersonic Threats

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency is developing a concept to protect the US, its deployed forces, and allies against regional hypersonic threats using a multi- layered solution to defend against the next generation of hypersonic glide vehicles.

“The department is engaging and working with our allies and partners to enhance our collective missile defense efforts.” - Leonor Tomero – Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

She said it in mentioning Japan, South Korea, Australia and our NATO allies, along with Israel and Gulf Cooperation Council nations.




An imaging system and a method of imaging are provided. The imaging system includes a single optics module configured for focusing light reflected or emanated from a dynamic scene in the infrared spectrum and a synchronous focal plane array for receiving the focused light and acquiring infrared images having a high spatial resolution and a low temporal resolution from the received focused light. The imaging system further includes an asynchronous neuromorphic vision system configured for receiving the focused light and acquiring neuromorphic event data having a high temporal resolution, and a read-out integrated circuit (ROIC) configured to readout both the infrared images and event data


There May Be a Way to Destroy "Unstoppable" Hypersonic Missiles

There may actually be a way to destroy "unstoppable hypersonic" missiles. As a matter of fact, there may be several emerging ways to track and destroy hypersonic weapons. But are they realistic, knowing the speed, maneuverability, and potential destruction associated with hypersonics?
Responding to the seriousness of the existing Russian and Chinese hypersonic threat, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency has presented a challenge to the industry to develop a multi-layered defensive concept.

https://www.saffm.hq.af.mil/Portals...TE_/FY22 DAF J-Book - 3620 - SF RDT and E.pdf

Department of Defense
Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Budget Estimates

624846: Spacecraft Payload Technologies

Title: Space-Based Detector Technologies

Description: Develop advanced infrared device technologies that enable hardened space detector arrays with improved detection to perform acquisition, tracking, and discrimination of space objects and missile warning.

FY 2021 Plans:
Begin design, development, and assessment of low-cost, high-volume infrared detectors and focal plane arrays for proliferated space architecture layers. Begin development of focal plane array optical data outputs for higher speed and data throughput and begin radiation tolerance characterization of photonic devices. Begin development of alternative infrared focal plane array materials and device architectures. Continue development of resilient scanning and staring digital focal plane arrays. Complete development of 8192 x 8192 pixels, 10 micron pixel pitch focal plane arrays hardened to the natural space environment and focused photons to enable whole-earth staring for Launch Detection and Missile Warning missions.

FY 2022 Plans:
Continue design, development, and assessment of low-cost, high-volume infrared detectors and focal plane arrays for proliferated space architecture layers. Continue development of focal plane array optical data outputs for higher speed and data throughput and continue radiation tolerance characterization of photonic devices. Continue development of alternative infrared focal plane array materials and device architectures. Complete development of resilient scanning and staring digital focal plane arrays. Initiate development and assessment of event based sensing concepts and hardware. Initiate development of high dynamic range, laser hardened 8192 x 8192 pixels, 10 micron pixel pitch focal plane arrays.

Title: Space Elecronics Research

Description:Develop technologies for space-based payload components such as radiation-hardened electronic devices, microelectro-mechanical system devices, and advanced electronics packaging.

FY 2021 Plans:
Continue leadership role in Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Systems Engineering trusted and assured microelectronics strategy efforts by development of trusted manufacturing techniques that reduce risk to National Security Space systems.
Improving benchmarking capabilities on state-of-the-art electronics using latest spacecraft algorithms and transitioning results to acquisition community to enable data-informed payload architecture design decisions. Initiating complete space qualification
planning for next generation space processor and begin implementing plan. Continue development of alternative memory approaches for high density memory needed for next-generation space systems. Continue research and development of ultra-low power and neuromorphic/cortical processing architectures to enable game-changing capabilities in future National Security Space systems. Continue advanced transistor research and development, and transitioning techniques to mainstream manufacturing.

FY 2022 Plans:
Continue leadership role in Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Systems Engineering trusted and assured microelectronics strategy efforts to develop trusted manufacturing techniques that reduce risk to National Security Space systems. Continue adapting bench-marking capabilities on new electronics using the latest spacecraft algorithms and transitioning bench-marking capabilities and results to the acquisition community to enable data-informed payload architecture design decisions. Complete space qualification planning for next generation space processor. Complete development of alternative memory approaches. Continue research and development of ultra-low power and neuromorphic/cortical processing architectures and advanced transistor research to enable game-changing capabilities in future National Security Space systems. Initiate small satellite, high-performance processing to enable on-orbit autonomy, data fusion, and machine learning.


Autonomous Missile Detection using Bio-Inspired Sensors

Develop innovative designs for a bio-inspired sensor that is optimized for autonomously detecting, identifying, tracking, and reporting dim missile threats in cluttered and noisy scenes.

This topic seeks innovative solutions for autonomously (i.e. without a cue from another sensor) detecting dim missile threats in cluttered and noisy scenes using passive sensors. An example application could be detection of a distant (e.g. 100 kilometers away) re-entering missile using a ground-based infrared search and track sensor. In addition to the background and sensor noise, the scene might be cluttered by moving sources to include (but not limited to) clouds, dust, precipitation, weapon effects, the sun, the moon, stars, meteors, satellite flares, auroras, birds, insects, and aircraft. Such a scene could be challenging for conventional detection approaches, and would require increased size, weight, and power (SWaP) in order to reject noise and clutter while increasing target sensitivity.
Biological vision systems are SWaP-efficient and well adapted for ignoring clutter and noise, detecting motion, and compressing visual information. A sensor that artificially emulates all or part of a biological vision system might outperform conventional sensors for detecting, identifying, tracking, and reporting dim missile threats in cluttered and noisy scenes.
This topic seeks innovative sensor designs that artificially mimic biological vision systems wherever feasible and are capable of overcoming the challenges described above. Offerors should propose complete designs, to include everything from the optics taking in the scene to the final processor outputting target reports. These designs should incorporate technologies that are projected to mature (preferably driven by commercial investments) within the next 10 years, and that would be available (as early prototypes) for experiments during Phase II.


Falcon Neuro—Neuromorphic Cameras for sprite and lightning detection on the International Space Station

Falcon Neuro is the latest payload to be built and flown on the International Space Station (ISS) by cadets and faculty at the Air Force Academy. The objective of the mission is to use neuromorphic cameras to detect lightning and sprites from low earth orbit. Neuromorphic cameras are a class of non-traditional imaging devices inspired by biological retinas. These devices operate in a fundamentally different imaging paradigm from conventional cameras, producing a spatio-temporal output instead of conventional frames. These cameras, also known as silicon retinas, contain specialized in-pixel circuitry to detect and generate data in response to changes in log-illumination at each pixel. Each pixel therefore operates independently and asynchronously, generating events in response to changes around their own individual setpoint. This results in a dramatic reduction in the power consumption and data output of the sensor. The asynchronous nature of these devices also allows for very high temporal resolution imaging, with the events generated on the camera with microsecond resolution. These devices therefore offer the potential to perform low-power, continuous, and high-speed imaging and without the high data rates associated with high-speed cameras. Falcon Neuro consists of two neuromorphic cameras, one nadir, and one directed ram. Both cameras work in the visible spectrum, and have a 10 degree field of view. The nadir camera will be used to detect lightning, while the ram camera is designed to detect sprites. Falcon Neuro is manifested to fly to the ISS in February of 2022. Details of the design, and expected temporal and spatial performance will be discussed.


WSU and RAAF tech to deploy on International Space Station

Conventional camera technology was not designed to capture very bright, rare and fast moving events. But WSU’s neuromorphic cameras operate more like a photoreceptor in the eye than a conventional camera. All the pixels in these cameras work like single individual cameras that don’t interact or depend on one another.

To capture an event that is moving incredibly fast (for example a Sprite or hypersonic missile) a conventional camera would need to capture many large pictures extremely regularly resulting in terabytes of data that then need analysing.

“Developing, deploying and operating world-first sensors on the International Space Station in a collaborative project with the US Air Force Academy is an outstanding accomplishment,” Prof Durrant-Whyte said. “This is another example of innovative technology being supported and developed in NSW and rapidly deployed on the world stage.”

In the future A/Prof Cohen sees no technical reason why Falcon Neuro 2.0 cannot also observe the Earth, through clouds to track ships, aircraft, missile launches and explosions, and possibly submarines.


Neuromorphic sensors, Plan Jericho and the linkage between Western Sydney University and the RAAF

We start the episode by discussing neuromorphic imaging and its applications in the field of astronomy, the concept demonstrator that's been developed within a shipping container and the project's involvement with Plan Jericho, including how Greg's team made the connection with the RAAF. Greg walks us through how the initial meeting with Plan Jericho lead to the concept demonstration program and how that, in turn, developed the concept into the field of deployable Space Situational Awareness.

Following a discussion of other opportunities for neuromorphic vision systems, Lyle explains the purpose behind the RAAF's Project Jericho and provides an example of one of the many projects they're currently progressing. He also notes Project Jericho's use of rapid prototyping, its links into academia and the EDGY Air Force initiative that helps to identify opportunities for new solutions to existing issues.



Capturing data faster than a speeding bullet

The prototype MANTIS (Mutual-Axis Neuromorphic Twin Imaging System) sensor is the result of the work of the University of Sydney Nano Institute and Air Force’s Jericho Disruptive Innovation. Despite being developed through an Air Force partnership, MANTIS will be tested by all three services to explore how additional sensor diversity can provide Defence with an edge. Future iterations of MANTIS could also see it combined with a robotic eye to allow for surveillance of large portions of airspace looking for air vehicles passively driving around.


Working seamlessly with our US labs, including Skunk Works, the Advanced Technology Centre, and The Lighthouse, STELaRLab is a conduit for advancing our home-grown Australian technologies, and will draw upon the backbone of our world-leading R&D capabilities. STELaRLab researchers will explore several fields, including: Hypersonics research; Quantum Information Science; Space Systems research; Radar and signal processing; and C4ISR systems research.


Quantum Ventura Inc is essentially a technology innovation company with a single mission of delivering customer-centric advanced solutions to US Federal & State Governments and Private Sector customers.

Our Core offerings:

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning: We specialize in developing tools and applications using CNN, RNN, Reinforcement Learning, Denoising Auto-encoders, Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN) and Bayesian Anomaly Detection Algorithms in the areas of cyber-security, Automated Vehicle Tracking, Real-time Video Analytics, Sensor Fusion, Cognitive Computing, Synthetic Data Generation and other Computer-Vision driven applications.

Our Current Federally-Funded Research Projects as the Prime Contractor:

Missile Defense Agency: "Hypersonic Threat Detection" using bio-inspired processing, neuromorphic computing and Advanced AI. (Phase 1 STTR)
Partners: University of Florida and Lockheed Martin.

Department of Energy: "Cyber threat-detection using neuromorphic computing" - SBIR Phase 1


Definitive Contract HQ086021C7058 is a Firm Fixed Price Federal Contract Award. It was awarded to Quantum Ventura, Inc. on Apr 27, 2021. The definitive contract is funded by the Missile Defense Agency (DOD). The potential value of the award is $124,962.

Our Summary


Awarded Vendor
Quantum Ventura, Inc. - 7K3W2

Project Grant DESC0021562. Funded by the Office of Science (DOE). Awarded to Quantum Ventura, Inc.. Awarded on Feb 22, 2021. CFDA 81.049 - Office of Science Financial Assistance Program

Our Summary


Quantum Ventura, Inc.

$ 250,000

Realtime Neuromorphic Cyber-Agents (Cyber-NeuroRT)
To process large volumes of data in real-time and detect cyberattacks quickly at speeds 30x faster than traditional machine learning networks, we propose to develop a real-time HPC-scale neuromorphic cyber agent called Cyber-NeuroRT using latest neuromorphic processors. Our cyber monitoring tool, a combination of software cum hardware appliance, will predict and alert cybersecurity threats and warnings in real-time.


Title: Event-Based Sensing for Space & Directed Energy Applications (Air Force)

FY 2019 New Start - This project comparatively tests neuromorphic imaging technology and algorithms. This technology enhances daytime ground/space-based space situational awareness and directed energy test and evaluation. If successful, the resulting prototype will enhance ground-based space situational awareness and the technology will be inserted into further space-based situational awareness technology development.

FY 2019 Plans:
Test article cameras are to be received in 3Q FY 2019. Design for integration of camera into sensor applications is to be completed in 4Q FY 2019. This project continues in FY 2020 with FY 2020 funds.

FY 2020 Plans:
Application-specific testing will occur throughout FY 2020. Tests are to be completed by 4Q FY 2020 with a closeout report.


Op-ed: Hyperwar is coming. America needs to bring AI into the fight to win — with caution

Hyperwar, or combat waged under the influence of AI, where human decision making is almost entirely absent from the observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) loop, already is beginning to intrude on military operations.

Now is the time for the U.S. and China to have the hard conversations about norms of behavior in an AI enabled, hyperwar environment. With both sides moving rapidly to field arsenals of hypersonic weapons, action and reaction times will become shorter and shorter and the growing imbalance of the character and nature of war will create strong incentives, in moments of intense crisis, for conflict not peace. This is foreseeable now, and demands the engagement of both powers to understand, seek, and preserve the equilibrium that can prevent the sort of miscalculation and high-speed escalation to the catastrophe that none of us wants.


Modeling Neuromorphic and Advanced Computing Architectures

OBJECTIVE: Develop a software tool to optimize the signal processing chain across varioussensors and systems, e.g., radar, electronic warfare (EW),electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR), and communications, that consists of functionalmodels that can be assembled to produce an integrated network model used topredict overall detection/classification, power, and throughput performance tomake design trade-off decisions.

DESCRIPTION: Conventional computing architectures are running up against a quantum limit interms of transistor size and efficiency, sometimes referred to as the end ofMoore’s Law. To regain our competitive edge, we need to find a way around thislimit. This is especially relevant for small size, weight, and power(SWaP)-constrained platforms. For these systems, scaling Von Neumann computingbecomes prohibitively expensive in terms of power and/or SWaP. Biologicallyinspired neural networks provide the basis for modern signal processing andclassification algorithms. Implementation of these algorithms on conventionalcomputing hardware requires significant compromises in efficiency and latencydue to fundamental design differences. A new class of hardware is emerging thatmore closely resembles the biological neuron model, also known as a spikingneuron model; mathematically describing the systems found in nature and maysolve some of these limitations and bottlenecks. Recent work has demonstratedperformance gains using these new hardware architectures and have shownequivalence to converge on a solution with the same accuracy


Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

OBJECTIVE: Deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphicor equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware.

DESCRIPTION:Biological inspired Neural Networks provide the basis for modern signalprocessing and classification algorithms. Implementation of these algorithms onconventional computing hardware requires significant compromises in efficiencyand latency due to fundamental design differences. A new class of hardware isemerging that more closely resembles the biological Neuron/Synapse model foundin Nature and may solve some of these limitations and bottlenecks. Recent workhas demonstrated significant performance gains using these new hardwarearchitectures and have shown equivalence to converge on a solution with thesame accuracy [Ref 1]. Themost promising of the new class are based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) andanalog Processing in Memory (PiM), where information is spatially andtemporally encoded onto the network. A simple spiking network can reproduce thecomplex behavior found in the Neural Cortex with significant reduction incomplexity and power requirements [Ref 2]. Fundamentally, there should be nodifference between algorithms based on Neural Network and current processinghardware. In fact, the algorithms can easily be transferred between hardwarearchitectures [Ref 4]. The performance gains, application of neural networksand the relative ease of transitioning current algorithms over to the newhardware motivates the consideration of this topic.


Hypersonics: developing and defending against missiles far faster than sound

The speed and range of hypersonic weapons has taken the task of defending against them into space, where orbiting sensors can detect a launch the moment it happens — or even before. “Every minute counts when it comes to hypersonics,” said Rob Aalseth, mission area director for Missile Warning and Defense at Raytheon Intelligence & Space, a Raytheon Technologies business. His team is developing a broad set of space technologies to detect, track and intercept hypersonic weapons at all phases of flight.

Latency is the key parameter to address when defeating hypersonic threats. It affects every other parameter,” Aalseth said. On that front, Raytheon Intelligence & Space uses advanced missile detection and tracking algorithms that can perform highly precise missile track processing onboard the satellite in orbit.“ All of the other systems to date have had to send the data to the ground for processing,” Aalseth said. “That wastes time.”


US11063667 - Systems, devices, and methods for optical communication

Applicants Raytheon BBN Technologies, Corp.

A technology is described for optical communication. An example of the technology can include receiving an event stream containing indications of independent events detected by pixels in an event camera. An event may be a change in brightness detected by a pixel in the pixel array, and the pixel independently generates an indication of the event in response to detecting the event. The event stream can be demultiplexed into a plurality of commun ication streams containing related events associated with a plurality of communication sources. The events contained in a communication stream can be aggregated based in part on an event proximity and an event time that associates an event with other events contained in the event stream. The plurality of communication streams can be demodulated to extract optically transmitted information from the plurality of communication streams, which can be sent to a data Consumer


The optically-modulated signals cause asynchronous pixel activations to occur and an associated change of brightness to be detected, each of which is encapsulated as an event by associated readout electronics and tagged with a corresponding pixel location and timestamp (e.g., E(x,y,t)). One or more event streams are sent to the event processors (e.g., event processor(s) 104 such as shown in FIG. 1),


Neutron-Induced, Single-Event Effects on Neuromorphic Event-Based Vision Sensor: A First Step and Tools to Space Applications

Seth Roffe; Himanshu Akolkar; Alan D. George; Bernabé Linares-Barranco; Ryad B. Benosman

This paper studies the suitability of neuromorphic event-based vision cameras for spaceflight and the effects of neutron radiation on their performance. Neuromorphic event-based vision cameras are novel sensors that implement asynchronous, clockless data acquisition, providing information about the change in illuminance with sub-millisecond temporal precision. These sensors have huge potential for space applications as they provide an extremely sparse representation of visual dynamics while removing redundant information, thereby conforming to low-resource requirements. An event-based sensor was irradiated under wide-spectrum neutrons at Los Alamos Neutron Science Center and its effects were classified. Radiation-induced damage of the sensor under wide-spectrum neutrons was tested, as was the radiative effect on the signal-to-noise ratio of the output at different angles of incidence from the beam source. We found that the sensor had very fast recovery during radiation, showing high correlation of noise event bursts with respect to source macro-pulses. No statistically significant differences were observed between the number of events induced at different angles of incidence but significant differences were found in the spatial structure of noise events at different angles. The results show that event-based cameras are capable of functioning in a space-like, radiative environment with a signal-to-noise ratio of 3.355. They also show that radiation-induced noise does not affect event-level computation. Finally, we introduce the Event-based Radiation-Induced Noise Simulation Environment (Event-RINSE), a simulation environment based on the noise-modelling we conducted and capable of injecting the effects of radiation-induced noise from the collected data to any stream of events in order to ensure that developed code can operate in a radiative environment. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time such analysis of neutron-induced noise has been performed on a neuromorphic vision sensor, and this study shows the advantage of using such sensors for space applications.

Bernabé Linares-Barranco:

Method, digital electronic circuit and system for unsupervised detection of repeating patterns in a series of events

Jacob Martin
Simon Thorpe

A method of performing unsupervised detection of repeating patterns in a series of events, includes a) Providing a plurality of neurons, each neuron being representative of W event types; b) Acquiring an input packet comprising N successive events of the series; c) Attributing to at least some neurons a potential value, representative of the number of common events between the input packet and the neuron; d) Modify the event types of neurons having a potential value exceeding a first threshold TL; and e) generating a first output signal for all neurons having a potential value exceeding a second threshold TF, and a second output signal, different from the first one, for all other neurons. A digital electronic circuit and system configured for carrying out such a method is also provided


Method, digital electronic circuit and system for unsupervised detection of repeating patterns in a series of events, European Patent Office EP17305186 Feb 2017, Amirreza Yousefzadeh, Bernabe Linares-Barranco, Timothee Masquelier, Jacob Martin, Simon Thorpe, Exclusive Licensed to the Californian start-up BrainChip.
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Defence, UNSW’s M2 satellite successfully separates into two

Defence has revealed that on Friday UNSW Canberra conducted a controlled separation of M2 into two smaller cube satellites, M2A and M2B, enabling planned research into formation flying, satellite control mechanisms, maritime surveillance, space domain awareness, and inter-satellite communications.

The two satellites are packed with payloads such as optical telescopes which are informing future Defence surveillance concepts.“In a world first, M2 is carrying the first neuromorphic cameras to be placed into orbit. Western Sydney University’s International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems (ICNS) leads development of these biology-inspired event based cameras, delivering advanced capability for tracking small and fast moving objects.”

Defence said the UNSW Canberra Space team also achieved an Australian first, performing in-space artificial intelligence inferencing using on-board computing


Congress wants answers on how DoD is solving a hypersonic weapons detection gap

“The committee is concerned about the inability of current radar systems to detect, track, engage and defeat emerging threats from hypersonic weapons,” an amendment added to the HASC markup states. “As identified by the National Defense Strategy, the Department of Defense has an immediate need to reinforce efforts to counter these weapons.”

The report needs to include an evaluation of the Air Force’s current ability to detect hypersonic weapons, plans to guarantee a “comprehensive” assessment of commercially available technology to improve radars and a description of investments for upgrades to existing radar systems to detect hypersonic weapons, the pending legislation states.



Space Force zeroing-in on satellites, launch vehicles, radar, electro-optical sensors, communications, and cyber security

“The most important enabling technology is communications and processing that can provide low-latency, direct-to-warfighter, mission-relevant information,” saysAn Atlas V carrying the USSF-7 mission aboard rolls to the launch pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station’s Space Launch Complex. United Launch Alliance photo L3Harris’s Lynch. “This critical information can be used to avoid conflict, and can be used to win conflict.”

“AI-enabled ground and on-board (edge) sensor/data processing has the potential to provide significant near-term impacts to the mission capabilities that Northrop Grumman can offer to Space Force,” says Matt Vandyke, consulting guidance navigation and control engineer at Northrop Grumman. “These advanced algorithms enable the development of sense-making pipelines to convert raw data to useful and actionable knowledge, increasing decisions superiority and information dominance.




Australia, Britain and US form new trilateral technology-sharing security partnership AUKUS

"Greg Moriarty, Australia's top Defence official said he was looking forward to exploring other non-nuclear capability as well, including drone submarines, long-range missiles, cyber and artificial intelligence technologies."

Australia has also been investing in hypersonic missile research, advanced guided missiles and upgraded air and underwater surveillance capabilities. Artificial intelligence, another area proposed for technology cooperation, has been a major focus for Defence in recent years


Opinion: The Air Force is moving to confront China’s threat to our national security

It’s not hyperbole. We know from detailed war games played out over the past decade that winning any conflict with China or Russia would require marshaling significant new resources. Both strategic competitors have built formidable and advanced defensive systems, are bolstering offensive and defensive capabilities in space and are rapidly developing the next generation of technologies in autonomously operated weapons, precision missiles, artificial intelligence and hypersonic flight.

The Air Force has mapped out a path to compete, deter and win in this new strategic environment, and we’re moving swiftly to implement change. It will involve rigorous analysis of the problem, difficult choices and close collaboration with Congress, industry and academia. To do this, we are removing bureaucratic hurdles, emphasizing a culture of competition and creating processes that will bring rapid digital design concepts to fruition, aiming to bring new technologies online at the pace that strategic competition demands.


Hardening Australia’s north: vital infrastructure vulnerable to hypersonic threats without protection

With the growing threat posed by hypersonic weapons, it also makes sense for Australia and the US to collaborate on satellite detection and space-based tracking of threats to better facilitate long-range defence against such weapons, which was suggested in the 2019 US Missile Defence Review as the best solution to defeating hypersonic threats.


The New Missile Gap

The response to the new circumstances should reflect a Cold War–era urgency. The Biden administration has proposed more spending on hypersonic missiles, but the latest news should mean even more of an emphasis on their rapid deployment, so we can hold at risk Chinese assets and maintain our deterrence.

We should, with an eye to the growing Chinese missile threat, deploy missile-defense interceptors in Australia and more sensors in space, as well as work toward directed-energy weapons that would be the best counter to hypersonic missiles.


Satellite images expose China practising blowing up US warships

In June, Director of the US Missile Defence Agency Vice Admiral Jon Hill told the US Senate that US aircraft carriers are already facing an unprecedented threat. He was urging renewed focus and investment in new defensive technologies.

“It’s important that we have that capability now because the hypersonic threat is there now,” he said. “Regional hypersonic defence will first focus on defence in the terminal phase,” he added, referring to the moment the warhead approaches its target.

But that will rely heavily upon early warning from space-based sensors aboard new satellites and new high-speed, high-accuracy interceptor missiles.



Understanding Hypersonic Weapons: Managing the Allure and the Risks



In AI and materials, US lags behind China on hypersonic weapons

Nicolas Chaillan was the country's first Chief Software Officer for the Air Force and Space Force. He just left the job last month. And he tells Newsy A.I. will be used offensively to help gliders avoid missile defense systems and reach their targets. Defensively, they'll track and stop them.

"A.I. is effectively the difference between winning or losing when it comes to the adoption of hypersonic glide vehicles," Chaillan said.


Northrop Grumman completes design review for hypersonic missile sensor

Northrop Grumman has completed the critical design review of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) prototype for the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) — aimed at establishing the company’s technical approach for precise, timely sensor coverage to defeat long-range hypersonic missiles.HBTSS satellites are designed to provide continuous tracking and handoff to enable targeting of enemy missiles launched from land, sea or air — forming a key part of the Overhead Persistent Infrared (OPIR) multi-layered constellation of satellites.



MDA: Hypersonic missile tracking prototypes on point for 2023 launch

The Missile Defense Agency’s race to develop new sensors capable of tracking hypersonic missiles from space is close to ticking off a key milestone, with both contractors expected to begin “bending the metal” at the end of this month, according to agency and company officials.

“We are on track for on-orbit prototype demonstrations with two space vehicles in 2023,” Mark Wright, agency spokesperson, told Breaking Defense Wednesday.


New missile technology, threats forcing DoD to alter its approach to protecting the nation

“We really need global persistent sensing. Whereas now we don’t have a uniform coverage, meaning we need to upgrade the sensors we have and also adding sensing capabilities from space,” Fitzgerald said. “More importantly, it’s not just having that network of sensors across the globe, but making sure they’re interoperable and that we’ve got command control between those sensors. That discussion is happening all the way from the very top echelons of the DoD and all the way down into industry.”



Northrop Grumman completes hypersonic and ballistic tracking space sensor critical design review

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. - Northrop Grumman Corporation recently completed the critical design review of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) prototype for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA). The review establishes the company’s technical approach for precise, timely sensor coverage to defeat ballistic and hypersonic missiles.

some history:


Northrop Grumman and L3Harris to build sensor satellites for Missile Defense Agency

Northrop Grumman’s and L3Harris’ designs were selected from a field of four competitors. The Missile Defense Agency in October 2019 awarded Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Leidos and L3Harris each $20 million contracts to design space sensors for the program known as the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS).

The satellites will be deployed in low-Earth orbit to test the capabilities of the sensors to track hypersonic and dim upper-stage ballistic missiles. These so-called medium-field-of-view sensors are capable of producing “fire control” data needed to be able to target an interceptor weapon to shoot down the enemy missile.

The HBTSS satellites will be part of a larger missile warning network that also includes wide-field-of-view missile tracking satellites to be acquired by the Pentagon’s Space Development Agency. L3Harris and SpaceX are each building four satellites for the Space Development Agency’s Tracking Layer. Both the Missile Defense Agency and the Space Development Agency are expected to buy hundreds more satellites to eventually provide global coverage.

The HBTSS and the Tracking Layer programs are pieces of what the U.S. Space Force calls an “overhead persistent infrared” architecture of satellites in low and high orbits that provide early warning of missile launches, detect the location of an incoming missile and send the location data to an interceptor missile that would try to shoot it down.


Scott Morrison sees AUKUS as 'much more than nuclear submarines' in critical tech shift

The emerging and critical technology space includes quantum tech, as well as other fields such as artificial intelligence, drones, critical mineral extraction, genetic engineering and novel antibiotics, antivirals and vaccines.

"AUKUS is a broad and adaptable partnership that will drive our technology and capability co-operation to meet the challenges of the 21st century in our region, the Indo-Pacific region."


Pentagon picks Northrop, Lockheed, Raytheon to develop hypersonic defense

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon on Friday said it selected Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to research and develop a missile system that would be able to defend the United States against a hypersonic weapons attack.

The three companies were awarded separate contracts totaling about $60 million to develop a glide phase interceptor that would be guided by a constellation of satellites and sensors to intercept a hypersonic missile inside Earth's atmosphere as it glides towards its target.


Space Force general: "We're not as advanced as the Chinese or the Russians" with hypersonic missiles

For the fiscal year running through 2022, the U.S. is preparing to spend $3.8 billion on hypersonic missiles, which are defined as weapons that fly at the speed of Mach 5 or more, the memo said.

During his interview, Thompson said hypersonic missiles are "changing the game" for national defense and security, comparing their use to a snowball fight. Typically, you can predict where a snowball is when it's thrown. Yet, if the projectile is thrown in another direction, it's harder to detect — but it's still going to hit you."

That's what a hyperglide vehicle does," he said, referring to another type of hypersonic missile. "You no longer have that predictability. So every launch of a certain type, regardless of where it's headed, now ha the potential to be a threat."


Here are the three companies selected to design hypersonic missile interceptors for MDA

The Missile Defense Agency has chosen Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon Missiles and Defense to design the Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) for regional hypersonic missile defense, the agency announced Nov. 19.

“We are pleased to have these contractors working with us to develop design concepts for the GPI,” Rear Adm. Tom Druggan, MDA’s Sea-based Weapon Systems program executive, said in the statement. “Multiple awards allow us to execute a risk reduction phase to explore industry concepts and maximize the benefits of a competitive environment to demonstrate the most effective and reliable Glide Phase Interceptor for regional hypersonic defense, as soon as possible.”

Future efforts already scheduled to come online are systems like the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS), a satellite that will be placed in low-earth orbit to spot hypersonic missiles in flight, and the SPY-6 radar will further increase the ability to track hypersonic threats, Hill added.


Small satellite network, three launches in the mid-20s ... With a view to detecting hypersonic weapons in China and Russia

The government has decided to launch three satellites in the mid-2020s and conduct demonstration tests in order to build an observation network using small satellites. It is expected to be used for grasping the disaster situation and monitoring the ocean, and in the future, it is also considering the detection and tracking of "hypersonic gliding weapons (HGV)" that China and Russia are developing.



Hypersonic technologies are ‘incredibly important’ for national security

“The ability to move at that speed and to be able to react quite quickly – there’s a significant role that can be played in defensive systems that can protect large swathes of the country from one position and hypersonics offers that possibility.”


U.S. in hypersonic weapon 'arms race' with China -Air Force secretary

Defense contractors hope to capitalize on the shift to hypersonic weapons not only by building them, but also by developing new detection and defeat mechanisms.

Arms makers Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N), Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N) and Raytheon Technologies Corp (RTX.N) have all touted their hypersonic weapons programs to investors as world focus shifted to the new arms race for an emerging class of weapon.

Still, the Pentagon wants defense contractors to cut the ultimate cost of hypersonic weapons, the head of research and development has said, as the next generation of super-fast missiles being developed currently costs tens of millions per unit.


NORAD commander warns Canadian officials about the threat posed by hypersonic missiles

"The U.S. missile defence review is looking into the technology, he said. Canada, meanwhile, is not conducting a similar review and hasn't laid out a clear position on what it would do to defend Canada from hypersonics."

"He said NORAD needs the capability to use artificial intelligence to feed defence officials information about the threat."

"Perry said the U.S. is leading the world on development of systems to detect, track and destroy hypersonic missiles. But the Canadian federal government, he said, hasn't stated publicly if opting out of the U.S. ballistic missile defence effort also means the country continues to opt out of defence arrangements for other missile types, like hypersonic glide vehicles."


L3Harris’ Satellite Design For Missile Tracking Approved By The Space Development Agency

“Rapid deployment programs, such as this one, demonstrate early missile warning and tracking missions can be efficient, affordable, and developed at a pace that keeps up with emerging threats,” said Ed Zoiss, President, L3Harris Space & Airborne Systems. “L3Harris purchased subsystems and other material and began building while completing the design to demonstrate speed to deployment.”


US issues warning over China’s new hypersonic missile

“The US military leadership has been playing up the Chinese military threat in recent years, so this may well be another example of its officials trying to seek a bigger defence budget going forward,” he told the AFP.

He noted that the US administration had requested a bigger budgetary increase for Space Force next year, 13.1 per cent, than for any of the other four branches of the military.


China’s hypersonic weapons aren’t just hype. India should be worried

Karnad referred to other technologies. "Hypersonicweapons everywhere are in the process of being developed alongside their antidote counter-technologies such as lasers and directed-energy weapons, which are at the experimental stage," heexplained. Directed-energyweapons damage or destroytargets using focussed energy by means of lasers, microwaves or particle beams.

Sawhney explained theforemost challenge in dealing with hypersonic weapons was in detecting them early. He said the US and China werecontemplating the development of a 'grid' of satellites in low- earth orbit (LEO) that would be better placed to detect and track high-speed weapons.


As China tests hypersonic missile tech, Florida-based L3Harris readies low-cost tracking satellites

"L3Harris says the company is also developing a prototype for the Missile Defense Agency’s Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor, an announcement that is obviously targeted toward the emerging threat in China."


The U.S. Needs a Hypersonic Capability Now

Instead of waiting for the Pentagon to develop a satellite network to detect hypersonic launches—which could take the rest of the decade—the U.S. must quickly deploy a defensive network of existing unmanned platforms to intercept hypersonic vehicles before they reach their targets

An agreement among the U.S., U.K., Australia, Japan, and India on hypersonics—along the lines of the recent Aukus agreement on nuclear submarines—will send the proper signal to Beijing and stimulate innovation and strategic thinking on both sides of the Pacific.


US Plans To Build ‘Constellation Of Satellites’ To Identify, Detect & Track Russian, Chinese Hypersonic Missiles

The Pentagon’s Space Development Agency may acquire new satellites as part of a global missile-tracking space sensor array aimed at providing a defense shield against Russian and Chinese ballistic and hypersonic missiles

SDA plans to award contracts to multiple vendors to build a constellation of up to 28 satellites divided into four orbital planes at an altitude of about 1,200 kilometers above Earth.

The launch of these 28 spacecraft is expected to begin in late 2024. It would increase the number of missile-detection satellites in the Tracking Layer Tranche 0, a batch of eight satellites currently being built by L3Harris and SpaceX for launch in 2023.



SDA Tranche 1 Tracking Layer DRAFT Solicitation

The Space Development Agency (SDA) is issuing this DRAFT Other Transaction (OT) prototyping solicitation for the Tranche 1 (T1) Tracking Layer to provide an opportunity for industry to review and offer feedback in advance of final posting. The T1 Tracking Layer prototyping effort will accelerate the NDSA capability to provide global, persistent indications, detection, warning, tracking, and identification of traditional and advanced missile threats, including hypersonic missile systems.
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Mosaic 1:


The launch of these 28 spacecraft is expected to begin in late 2024. It would increase the number of missile-detection satellites in the Tracking Tranche 0, a batch of eight satellites currently being built by L3Harris and SpaceX for launch in 2023.


Last year, Microsoft launched Azure Space to compete in the space segment of the infrastructure-as-a-service market. The company has partnered with Elon Musk's SpaceX to jointly develop connections between SpaceX's satellite-delivered Starlink broadband and Microsoft's Azure Modular Datacenter (MDC).

Microsoft Has Been Chosen To Build Advanced Chips For The U.S Military

"It was further stated that the Navy and Air Force both desire to leverage commercial capabilities to develop a RAMP prototype methodology. This means that the government is going to be one of the major users of these new futuristic chips."





Mosaic 2:



Develop innovative designs for a bio-inspired sensor that is optimized for autonomously detecting, identifying, tracking, and reporting dim missile threats in cluttered and noisy scenes.


5. D. Scribner, T. Petty and P. Mui, "Neuromorphic readout integrated circuits and related spike-based image processing," 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Baltimore, MD, 2017, pp. 1-4.


Northrop Grumman Completes Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor Critical Design Review

Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) recently completed the critical design review of the Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) prototype for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA). The review establishes the company’s technical approach for precise, timely sensor coverage to defeat ballistic and hypersonic missiles.


Northrop to modify four EQ-4 Global Hawks with hypersonic missile testing sensors

The Department of Defense granted Northrop Grumman a contract to start reconfiguring four US Air Force (USAF) EQ-4 Block 20 Global Hawk unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) with sensors for tracking hypersonic missiles during tests.




An optical information collection system includes a neuromorphic sensor to collect optical information from a scene in response to change in photon flux detected at a plurality of photoreceptors of the neuromorphic sensor. A sensor stimulator stimulates a subset of the plurality of photoreceptors according to an eye movement pattern in response to a control command. A controller generates the control command that includes instructions to execute the eye movement pattern






How the Pentagon Plans to Deter Hypersonic Missile Attacks

Computer processing is becoming faster and increasingly dependent on artificial intelligence.

If there is a way to stop hypersonic missile attacks, then it will likely rely heavily upon data sharing, high-speed data processing and artificial intelligence

the Defense Department is focused on developing new Hypersonic Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor technology that would establish a continuous track of fast-moving hypersonic missiles from “beyond-line-of-sight” by networking small satellites to one another.

“A method of doing that is potentially processing some of that data in real-time to a weapons database and transfer that data from the satellite system down to the weapon,” Mike Ciffone, Northrop Grumman’s director of Strategy, Capture & Operations,

For instance, some of the data processing can potentially be artificial-intelligence-enabled and also performed at the point of data receipt, essentially wherever the incoming sensor data first arrives.


Northrop to modify four EQ-4 Global Hawks with hypersonic missile testing sensors

The US Department of Defense granted Northrop Grumman a contract to start reconfiguring four US Air Force (USAF) EQ-4 Block 20 Global Hawk unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) with sensors for tracking hypersonic missiles during tests.

The ”SkyRange” programme will integrate four EQ-4s with sensors to show that the UAVs can collect data on hypersonic missile tests. Modifications will be done at Northrop’s Grand Sky UAV-testing facility near Grand Forks, North Dakota.


Northrop Grumman Global Hawk to Expand Participation in SkyRange Program for US Department of Defense

The SkyRange program will equip the four high-altitude, long-endurance EQ-4 aircraft with sensors to demonstrate an alternative data collection support system to support testing U.S. hypersonic systems. Modifications of the Block 20 jets are expected to occur at Northrop Grumman’s Grand Sky facility near Grand Forks, North Dakota.

“The SkyRange program exploits the intrinsic strengths of Global Hawk – altitude, persistence, payload, and flexibility,” said Jane Bishop, vice president and general manager, global surveillance, Northrop Grumman. “Grand Sky’s high-tech facility with a modern 35,000 square foot hangar provides the ideal location for engineering modifications to Global Hawk in support of the SkyRange program.

interesting history:

from Dec 16, 2020


NASA Awards Contract for Global Hawk Skyrange Program

NASA has selected Northrop Grumman Systems Corp. (NGSC) of San Diego to provide demonstration engineering, manufacturing, and technical support for the Global Hawk Skyrange program at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California.The firm-fixed price contract begins Tuesday, Dec. 15, and runs through Dec. 14, 2025, with a total value of $70 million with no options.The Skyrange program will obtain engineering, technical and fight operations, and maintenance support from NGSC for the program at Armstrong. Skyrange goals are to equip high-altitude, long-endurance aircraft with sensors to demonstrate an alternative data collection support system for remote long-range flight test activities.


Space Development Agency orders more work on hypersonic missile tracking

L3Harris Technologies and Moog Engineering have received a $7.87 million contract for supplemental work with the Space Development Agency (SDA) on satellites to track hypersonic missiles.The two companies will support work to ‘develop and deliver space vehicles to detect and track hypersonic vehicles from low Earth orbit [LEO]’, the DoD announced on 14 December.


L3Harris Completes Final US Missile Defense Agency Satellite Design Milestone

L3Harris Technologies (NYSE:LHX) completed the final major design milestone on the U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) program Phase IIb On-orbit Prototype Demonstration and has already begun building the demonstration satellite.

HBTSS is one of several proposed systems within the Department of Defense’s next-generation proliferated low-Earth orbit space architecture. The program’s objective is to demonstrate the capability to detect and track traditional and emerging missile threats using infrared sensors and advanced processing capability.
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My god you are on fire,it will take two lifetimes for me to read and absorb what you have shared with us here and your other posts.your research is amazing.if BRN Akida is involved in a small portion of this we will boom.
well done
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Pentagon Launching New Hypersonic Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor (HBTSS) Technology

Some of the data processing, for instance, can potentially be AI-enabled and also performed at the point of data receipt, essentially wherever the incoming sensor data first arrives.

“There's a tremendous amount of data that comes out of that space. How do you effectively utilize that data in terms of integrating that with your weapon?” Mike Ciffone, director, Strategy, Capture & Operations, OPIR & Geospatial Systems, Northrop Grumman, told reports at the SMD Symposium.

Computer processing is becoming much faster and of course AI enabled, a series of technical breakthroughs which enable incoming sensor data to be instantly analyzed, organized, assessed and streamlined. With this, key points, moments or objects of relevance can be found and sent to commanders at speeds exponentially faster than what may have previously been possible.

This means that critical data such as anticipated flight path, landing time and location as well as things such as speed and altitude can be calculated by advanced computer algorithms able to bound incoming specifics off of a huge, seemingly limitless database to make comparisons, examine similar past scenarios and establish near real-time analytics to organize data, find optimal courses of action and relay them to human decision makers through a fire-control, sensor-to-shooter loop that is exponentially faster than what had previously been possible. Most of all, it enables a fast exchange of information across previously disaggregated areas or “segments” of detection not otherwise integrated to one another.
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Easy read!

Lol nah I sure it’s very interesting 🧐
Watched the vids :)
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STP-H7 and H8 Scientific Payloads Successfully Installed, Collecting Data on the ISS

STP-H7’s six one-year experiments include a near-infrared camera designed to observe airglow, the faint emission of light in the upper atmosphere at the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and space; an experiment to acquire imagery of scenes while the sun is in its field of view; an experiment to adapt and evaluate advanced sensing and computing technologies for autonomous sensor processing on small spacecraft; a neuromorphic camera that will demonstrate a novel means of detecting sprites, or large-scale electric discharges; an experiment using GPS to measure sea state and ocean surface vector winds; and a radiation monitor.

“Experiments and demonstrators such as those on STP-H7 and H8 are critical first steps to getting new technologies into the pipeline, verifying the viability of the technology in a low-cost, low-threat environment before investing the necessary funding for production efforts,” Chastain said.

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China ‘Outpaced’ US in Hypersonic Weapons Development: Report

“The scale and urgency required here touches virtually every aspect of missile defense: sensors, interceptors, defense design, doctrine, and policy,” the report said.

To that end, the report said that space-based tracking systems and countermeasures would be imperative.

“The single most important program element for hypersonic defense is a resilient and persistent space sensor layer capable of observing, classifying, and tracking missile threats of all types, azimuths, and trajectories,” the report said.
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Raytheon Satellite Sensor Payload Tested for Space Survivability

Raytheon has announced the completion of sensor payload Thermal Vacuum Testing for the US Space Force’s Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared missile warning satellites.

According to the company, Thermal Vacuum Testing exposes the sensor payload to a space-like environment to evaluate its survivability. The test provides data that Raytheon can use for model correlation, flight hardware production, and payload delivery.
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Japan to Accelerate Integrated Deterrence with U.S. as Hedge Against China

Hayashi said Japan will still aim to invest in emerging technology to maintain its edge and stay ahead of the curve technologically. To do so, Tokyo will need to increase its defense spending. The government is determined to boost spending over the next decade incrementally, he added.

“I think there is a consensus that without increasing defense spending, we cannot defend our country,” he said.

Space, cyber technology, artificial intelligence, quantum computing and hypersonic weapons are a few key areas where the United States and Japan can collaborate to maintain regional security, Hayashi noted.

In particular, both China and North Korea have ramped up their hypersonic missile capabilities recently. In response, Japan and the United States announced a new agreement in January to increase research and development work on countering hypersonic missiles.

Kotani said updating Japan’s self-defense system against hypersonic weapons — such as by upgrading sensors to detect incoming missiles and additional space capabilities — is on the agenda for the alliance.
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Mad Scientist
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Lockheed Martin selects mission payload providers for missile warning satellite system

Lockheed Martin has selected Raytheon Technologies to provide a second mission payload for the Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Block 0 missile warning satellite system - also known as NGG. Both Raytheon Technologies and Northrop Grumman are each already on contract to provide one mission payload for the three-satellite procurement.
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I included this in the hypersonic research originally as it was related to a company performing research on hypersonic defense systems. Obviously now with the '22 funding you can see they specifically mention utilising Akida AND Loihi. Previously I mentioned ph1, now this is ph2

I would imagine they would be utilising the unique "game changing" capabilities of Akida

Department of Energy: "Cyber threat-detection using neuromorphic computing"


Based on Phase 1 Feasibility and proof-of-concept developed for Cyber-NeuroRT, we propose to develop a full-fledged prototype. Cyber-NeuroRT, a real-time neuromorphic processor-based monitoring tool to predict and alert cyber threats and warnings using the Neuromorphic Platforms of Intel Loihi and Akida and develop a user-friendly dashboard for analysts. We will expand our capability to detect complex cyber-attacks in near real-time and develop new techniques to detect unknown and unfamiliar cyberattacks using novel neuromorphic unsupervised learning techniques.

Full extracted row:

2022II1DE-FOA-0002571Advanced Scientific Computing Research03aHPC CYBERSECURITYQuantum Ventura Inc1 S Market Street, Suite 1715San JoseCA95113-1780vasan, sriniSTTR$ 1,650,000.00Realtime Neuromorphic Cyber-Agents (Cyber-NeuroRT)Based on Phase 1 Feasibility and proof-of-concept developed for Cyber-NeuroRT, we propose to develop a full-fledged prototype. Cyber-NeuroRT, a real-time neuromorphic processor-based monitoring tool to predict and alert cyber threats and warnings using the Neuromorphic Platforms of Intel Loihi and Akida and develop a user-friendly dashboard for analysts. We will expand our capability to detect complex cyber-attacks in near real-time and develop new techniques to detect unknown and unfamiliar cyberattacks using novel neuromorphic unsupervised learning techniques.
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Project Falcon Neuro using sensor cameras to share earth observation data from the ISS

A pair of neuromorphic cameras have been developed by Western Sydney University and the United States Air Force Academy to capture atmospheric events from orbit.
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I included this in the hypersonic research originally as it was related to a company performing research on hypersonic defense systems. Obviously now with the '22 funding you can see they specifically mention utilising Akida AND Loihi. Previously I mentioned ph1, now this is ph2

I would imagine they would be utilising the unique "game changing" capabilities of Akida

Department of Energy: "Cyber threat-detection using neuromorphic computing"


Based on Phase 1 Feasibility and proof-of-concept developed for Cyber-NeuroRT, we propose to develop a full-fledged prototype. Cyber-NeuroRT, a real-time neuromorphic processor-based monitoring tool to predict and alert cyber threats and warnings using the Neuromorphic Platforms of Intel Loihi and Akida and develop a user-friendly dashboard for analysts. We will expand our capability to detect complex cyber-attacks in near real-time and develop new techniques to detect unknown and unfamiliar cyberattacks using novel neuromorphic unsupervised learning techniques.

Full extracted row:

2022II1DE-FOA-0002571Advanced Scientific Computing Research03aHPC CYBERSECURITYQuantum Ventura Inc1 S Market Street, Suite 1715San JoseCA95113-1780vasan, sriniSTTR$ 1,650,000.00Realtime Neuromorphic Cyber-Agents (Cyber-NeuroRT)Based on Phase 1 Feasibility and proof-of-concept developed for Cyber-NeuroRT, we propose to develop a full-fledged prototype. Cyber-NeuroRT, a real-time neuromorphic processor-based monitoring tool to predict and alert cyber threats and warnings using the Neuromorphic Platforms of Intel Loihi and Akida and develop a user-friendly dashboard for analysts. We will expand our capability to detect complex cyber-attacks in near real-time and develop new techniques to detect unknown and unfamiliar cyberattacks using novel neuromorphic unsupervised learning techniques.

Now that it is known that Quantum Ventura are using Akida, here are some of their other projects:

AI/ML/ Hyperspectral Imaging/ Neuromorphic/ Cybersecurity related topics:

"AI Verification with provable guarantees" using advanced AI verification tools.

Partner: NC State University

Navy Air Warfare: "Certification of AI Systems - CORSI" using Advanced AI to certify AI/ML applications. (Phase 1 and Phase 2 SBIRs)

Partner: Lockheed Martin.

Missile Defense Agency: "Hypersonic Threat Detection" using bio-inspired processing, neuromorphic computing and Advanced AI. (Phase 1 STTR)

Partners: University of Florida and Lockheed Martin.

Navy Air Warfare: "Detection of UAVs and rogue drones using hyperspectral Imaging" (SBIR Phase 1).

Partners: Bodkin Imaging and Lockheed

Navy Air Warfare: "Vulnerability detection of source code using advanced AI/ML" - SBIR Phase 1

Homeland Security: "Opioid/contraband detection using hyperspectral imaging" - SBIR Phase 1

Department of Energy: "Cyber threat-detection using neuromorphic computing" - SBIR Phase 1
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Hi uiux, saw this this morning after your earlier post. You called all this early on. I think you are spot on. See Lockheed Martin mentioned a bit there. I wonder ????

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Canada to unveil ‘robust package’ to modernize NORAD, Defence Minister Anita Anand says

Last August, on the eve of the 2021 federal election campaign, the Canadian and U.S. governments announced they had agreed to proceed with “co-ordinated investments” that bolster their ability to protect North America from “a greater and more complex conventional missile threat.” That includes gear that watches for incoming threats from “the sea floor to outer space.”

The August, 2021, statement, titled “Joint Statement on NORAD modernization,” set out priorities for the future of NORAD, the heart of a Canada-U.S. continental defence pact, saying the two countries must be able to detect and identify airborne threats earlier and respond to them faster and more decisively.

The statement said the North Warning System will be replaced with technology that includes “next-generation over-the-horizon radar systems,” which have the ability to detect targets at very long ranges. The technology is being developed by Canada’s Department of National Defence. The statement also mentioned building a network of U.S. and Canadian sensors installed everywhere from the seabed to satellites in space.
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DoD estimates $2.5 billion price tag for global constellation to track hypersonic missiles

A $550 million increase to the Pentagon’s 2022 budget was directed by Congress to procure sensor satellites and launch them to low Earth orbit to detect and track Russian and Chinese hypersonic missiles.

These funds are only a down payment to kickstart the deployment of the Tracking Layer Tranche 1, a constellation of 28 infrared sensor satellites that would cost about $2.5 billion to procure and launch, a senior defense official told reporters March 15.

DoD’s Space Development Agency (SDA) in 2020 bought the first eight satellites of the Tracking Layer — four from L3Harris and four from a SpaceX-Leidos team. Both have passed design reviews and are scheduled to launch in 2023.

In the face of Russian aggression in Ukraine and China’s rapid advances in hypersonic missiles, it’s not surprising that appropriators saw the need to fund these satellites, the official said.

“The one thing that the recent events have shown us is that these capabilities are not something that we want to delay in fielding,” he said.

SDA is expected to release a solicitation for the 28 tracking satellites in the next one to two weeks. Two vendors are likely to be selected to supply 14 satellites each. The first 14 would launch in 2024 and the second half in 2025.

If successful, the Tracking Layer would be the first U.S. defense system to provide global coverage for missile detection and tracking.

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