We don't have a license through them either? Do either deal with mega chips?
Gotta remember this car is not much diff to the EQXX in so much as they are both concepts.
The key diff is that the EQXX was a proving vehicle where MB threw essentially the kitchen sink of tech at it to show their capabilities.
Given BRN never had, on the surface, a formal agreement I would suggest that the EQXX was merely mutually beneficial for BRN to showcase their tech...no more no less at this point imo.
Suspect no $ changed hands hence no material Ann via the ASX either at the time from memory.
We could have provided anything gratis and in return we get the publicity and POC in an end product which is worth something, just not monetary at the time.
The CLA is slated for production around late 24 as I understand and we know from job ads etc that MB are still interested and working on neuromorphic.
Happy to be wrong but as I said a few days ago, I didn't expect we'd be in this release.
To me it's bang for buck and goes back to BRN saying that AKD1000 didn't get traction as other products available that were fit for purpose enough.
Would probably be much easier to have NVIDIA whole system rather than try integrate one small SNN for a wake word or one component when the return would not be worth the investment.
Eg. How much return will they get in power for the road going car and would it make much of difference overall to their vehicle buyers at this time?
Makes a diff to a proving vehicle showcasing their future obviously.
Now that's said, it doesn't discount that we could end up in the production MBOS by the time the CLA rolls off the line.
Personally suspect they are trying to explore the full capabilities of Akida via 1500 and 2.0 to provide that bang for buck in say, infotainment, drivetrain (vibrations etc), battery management, maybe LIDAR integration and wherever else.