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Some stats:
- NVISO Cloud Model (GPU Optimized) = 23.8MB (internet required), latency = ~15ms
- NVISO Neuromorphic Model (Akida Optimized) = 150KB (no internet required), latency = 1ms


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Power consumption soars in northern China as Premier issues warning​

56m ago

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The electricity load in the Chinese province of Henan reached a new record on Monday, primarily driven by air-conditioning demand, as scorching heat waves spread across regions north of the Yangtze river.

Loads reached a peak of 71.08 million kilowatts, surpassing the previous day's record of 65.34 million kilowatts, according to a state media report published Wednesday morning.

Premier Li Keqiang, visiting a thermal power company in Hebei Province, said that China must increase coal production capacity to "resolutely prevent power outages", according to a state media summary published late on Tuesday."
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Could I suggest that todays extremely low volume of shares sales has been those who wish it to stay low or go lower are the ones selling to themselves. Afterall even Blind Freddy can see that this company has a game changing technology and is executing the plan to market with outstanding results. I'm holding my shares tightly and happy to do so.
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Power consumption soars in northern China as Premier issues warning​

56m ago
View attachment 9841
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The electricity load in the Chinese province of Henan reached a new record on Monday, primarily driven by air-conditioning demand, as scorching heat waves spread across regions north of the Yangtze river.

Loads reached a peak of 71.08 million kilowatts, surpassing the previous day's record of 65.34 million kilowatts, according to a state media report published Wednesday morning.

Premier Li Keqiang, visiting a thermal power company in Hebei Province, said that China must increase coal production capacity to "resolutely prevent power outages", according to a state media summary published late on Tuesday."
The old double edged sword trick. Need to use more coal to cool down, so makes it warmer, so need to use even more coal!
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I Remember hearing about this on the national news
Fell through huh, wonder who could help


  • ResApp Health (RAP) has plunged into the red after inadequate test results for its COVID-19 detection app shaved $53 million off of a takeover bid from Pfizer
  • An independent confirmation study for RAP’s smartphone-based COVID-19 identification technology showed “significantly lower” results than a previous study in March
  • Pfizer had offered to pay 20.7 cents per share for control of ResApp if the latest results were on par with the March results, but the biotech giant will now offer 14.6 cents
  • This effectively lowers the value of the Pfizer deal from $180 million to $127 million given the test results came in below the threshold of the higher Pfizer offer
  • ResApp is down 24.57 per cent and trading at 13 cents per share at 1:15 pm AEST.
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Move on, nothing to see.
Yeah Mr J Chapman89, yeah 1000 fps, that Brainchip's Spiking Solution can use to make decisions! Computers and Human Behavior has been a challenge forever, and now can monitor and assist the driver of an automobile, so needed! This old 1962 video has a lot of neat things in it, when you have time! Best regards.

I just watched this video, thanks for sharing it @stuart888.

The following is a bit of a rant, but I think it makes some valid points. I apologise in advance for the words that are spewing forth from my fingers. I hope I don‘t mislead too many, and hopefully help some.

For me, this video tells quite an intriguing story. I originally only watched it because I wanted to see how people from 1962 worked with computers of the day. But after watching it, I found It is actually quite revealing of just how grand Akida is. What an amazing quantum leap Akida represents. Especially when it gets LTSM and cortical columns working to even better emulate the human brain. That will allow prior experience and big picture thinking to come into play, even potentially pre-cognition.

Firstly, I noticed how absolutely stuck on binary logic these 1962 scientists where. They saw everything as yes or no. Which does work and has worked for decades. It’s just so bloody limiting.

This also emphasised just how dumb computers are! Computers blindly follow rules, and hence are completely at the mercy of the programmer. They just blindly apply the rules VERY quickly, and in a reproducible manner, and so appear to be clever.

The blocks problem was a particularly good example of this. For those who haven’t watched the video—Given a pattern of black and white blocks, and some rules about how the blocks can be placed, reproduce the pattern.

I believe Billy did follow the rules when he first solved the problem by adding two same coloured blocks that were not adjacent. The rules DO NOT say the blocks have to be adjacent. That was an adjunct added by the tester, and implied by the pictures. This must have been coded in the computer program, but human error neglected to add it to the written rules presented to Billy. I think the tester stated something like “place two blocks together”. Billy just interpreted the word together as simultaneous, or time adjacent, rather than spatially adjacent. A clever interpretation IMHO.

Billy got a typical response of “Oh well, yes, you did solve it, but not the way I wanted to you to solve it.”

So not wrong then! Just different, that kind of stuff the brain does well, and computers cannot do. Maybe not until now - or In the imminent future.

I was equally impressed by Billy‘s absolutely first attempt of exactly reproducing the pattern, by placing the blocks down one at a time. This shows how prior experience and non-binary logic works. He saw the big picture and devised a mechanism to solve it directly that didn‘t apply the rules. He determined that the rules were not the most efficient way to solve the problem.

Again, this is the kind of stuff an intelligent human brain does well.

The computer program, as it was programmed to do, and as limited by pure binary logic, looked at a single column at a time and rather inefficiently tried to resolve any issues in that column alone. Again, yes that works, it IS effective, but it isn‘t how the human mind solves a pattern matching problem.

Computing, since 1962, progressed to using bytes and words. Well the 1962 computers probably did use 4-bit bytes. But with modern computers using 64 bit words (and possibly even 128 bit words now) as complete logic blocks, applying masks to determine what the combination of bits mean. Boolean logic can even be applied directly to these, and even to matrices of these words, to solve more complex problems in a single pass.

This allowed computers to do more complex things quicker, but still in a rather unintelligent, always pre-programmed, way.

Bring in neuomorphic computing and Akida. Some of the examples given by Anil Manaker show logic, and weightings, going back to single bits where appropriate. This results in ultra-low power consumption. Extra nodes and layers are brought into play as needed. And Akida has the ability to learn and hence apply logic that is outside of the initial rules. Just like Billy did so many years ago!

Learning burns in a pathway and reverts back to single bit logic and instant recognition. The fact that Akida does this in single shot is far superior to even the human brain. We need repetition to burn memories. And the more repetition, the better.

Akida does truly more closely mimic the way the brain works, and even seems to exceed it in its learning capability. Bring on LTSM and cortical columns and the amount of information that can form a memory and achieve single bit-like efficiencies becomes immense. Very complex things can be learned And associated to other very complex things.

It seems we have come full circle, back to single bits, but we haven’t. The nueromorphic processor may indeed use single bits but not in the same stupid way the original purely boolean based computers and programmers did/do.

e.g. Imagine a 1000 x 1000 pattern of red dots with an unknown number of blue dots randomly placed within it. And lets refine this particular case to there only being a single blue dot. It is possible to apply 1962 logic to this and test each of the 1M bits in isolation. You have to test them all because you don’t know how many anomalies here are. And even once it corrects the anomaly, the program must continue to test all 1M dots, even if the first one was the one in error. The human brain (and Akida) would ignore all the sameness and zoom in to the anomoly and fix it directly, and in a single step.

This is where Akida is fantastic in scarcity situations. And they appear to be the predominant cases - i.e. find a face in a crowd.

Better still, Akida uses zero power if an anomalous blue dot does not appear.

I have seen an experiment that does just this, timing eye movements to work out when the anomaly is found. The eye focuses on the dot within milliseconds.

The 1962 written program may also be as fast as the human eye/brin in this situation, but it would consume millions of times more power (than Akida) in all the unnecessary testing of each and every pixel and will be about one million times slower than Akida, assuming same clock speed.

Now where have we heard that analogy used before?
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Interesting video and only a couple of minutes long.

They have reduced the labelling of 1 hour of driving video to 50 hours which is very impressive until you realise that Tesla has somewhere in the order of 3 billion miles of driving video.

To make it easy this means for every billion miles travelled at 100 kph you would generate 10 million hours of video which times 50 hours becomes 500 million hours of labelling that needs to take place. At 3 billion miles this becomes 1.5 billion hours. It is easy to see why some think this is unsustainable.

What we really need is one shot and incremental learning on device I wish someone would invent it.

If the maths is wrong it was Blind Freddie otherwise
My opinion only DYOR

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Rob also later mentions “over 5000 unique users” of the MetaTF software. Pretty sure it was 4500 only a few weeks back. So what does this increase of 500+ users represent? New companies? If so, how many? 5, 10, 50, 100? Or is it existing companies ramping up their development? Maybe a bit of both?
I'm assuming unique users means new companies. It's a validation BRN's new marketing team and strategy is working. As others have previously commented, BRN's product is becoming well know globally and potential end users are now exploring how they might integrate Akida into their products. It's now up to the sales department to go to work.

Rob did say this may take months if not years to get a product to market. Every company is unique in regards to

1/ how fast they're able to comprehend the new tech
2/ where they're at in their product lifecycle
3/ what level of risk they're prepared to undertake
4/ the size and budget of their R&D teams

As Rob touched on, the great thing about the developing ecosystem is other companies (Megachips, Edge Impulse etc) are positioning themselves to be able to help develop applications no matter where each company is positioned within the edge AI spectrum (beginners to advanced with massive R&D teams). All you need is an idea and the sales team can either help internally or point you in the right direction at one of BRN's partners to get you started.
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Move on, nothing to see.
This is from the datasheet of the product:

Analog interfaces
□ Ultra-Low Power Voice Activity
Detection (VAD) enabling seamless
audio processing with system-on
current < 26 uA
. . .
@uiux I feel I have to explain my 🤣 response to your reply. I believe I understand your response, and as an engineer, appreciate the way it is delivered. Considering that µA and max mV are involved is quite telling, but without definitively knowing, you can‘t just give a simple ”yes” answer. Analogue interface is a bit of a firfy but nothing an ADC can’t fix.

That power consumption seems to scream spiking to me.

Seamless also implies minimal lag, so all logic must be self-contained.
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Not sure if this has been mentioned but all this is coming up:

Sensors Converge Exhibition and Trade Show in San Jose, Calif., June 27-29

A lot of interesting things happening here.

There are also co-expos happening as well:

- Embedded Technologies Expo & Conference, the largest embedded and IoT gathering in North America and taking place June 27-29 in San Jose, CA
- Autonomous Technologies Conference, June 27-28 in San Jose, CA
- Metaverse Global Congress, June 28-29 in San Jose, CA
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Move on, nothing to see.
Just received this newsletter via email.
This is the website page if it makes it easier?

To view this newsletter online, please click here

IoT and Vision: Why It’s a Security Minefield and How to Navigate ItArm
Recent advancements in machine learning have enabled market innovators to build insights from IoT sensors in the wild. These insights can be . . .
I wish people would stop using IoT when the processing is done on the edge and doesn’t involve the internet at all. The term AIoT (as I recently updated it on Wiki) is much more meaningful—Artificial Intelligence of Things—as in no internet involved!

And as is quite well stated in the article shared by @Boab, the IoT is a mess were privacy is concerned. The AIoT has no such issues!!!

Back in March this year I added the following paragraph to the wiki page for AIoT to make it more pertinent to Akida, and more difficult for others to say they are using it:

”In the AIoT an important facet is AI being done on some Thing. In its purest form this involves performing the AI on the device, i.e. at the edge or Edge Computing, with no need for external connections. There is no need for an Internet in AIoT, it is an evolution of the concept of the IoT and that is where the comparison ends.”
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Hi DB.
As i mentioned in yesterdays post about the Shorting , wait to see if they (THM/HC/MF) have done more Shorts on Tuesday (yesterday) as the trading pattern seemed to suggest they had.
Todays action shows more "Shorting" activity thought it is very small really considering the weak market (ASX) today.

Well the Data is in and ............Yes they did take out some more "Shorts" yesterday - 3.8 Mil NEW shorts for Tuesday
after Mondays 3.3 Mil and Fridays 11.3 Mil.
Quite a lot of shorts................and the SP is still up around 0.90c aprox.

NOT going very good for them so far! lol

Yak52 :cool:
Well you know Yak, every lot of borrowed shares, sold on market, is like adding another piece of wood to the pile.

They must buy them back at some stage and if they get caught out, with a significant development from the Company...
Say an IP deal with Moschip, or a partnership, with the likes of Nvidia (neither of which are fanciful).

Well then, you don't want to be anywhere near it, when that goes up! 😛 🔥🔥🔥

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Move on, nothing to see.
The old double edged sword trick. Need to use more coal to cool down, so makes it warmer, so need to use even more coal!
China have it all sorted, their LFTRs will be coming on line very shortly. Actually their first test plant is supposed to be online already.

China has plans for 40 LFTRs, that will give them essentially unlimited clean energy, plus all the you-best byproduct isotopes that are necessary in medical circles and not able to be produced by any other means.

And historically, with abundant power comes power - as in geo-political power. This scares me more than anything else at the moment.

And to think the FISRT nuclear reactors were LFTRs. And that was in the 50’s by a team of Australian scientists. LFTRs were abandoned because they didn‘t produce plutonium/
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If you are wondering about whether AKIDA might be part of Nviso’s medical engagement with Siemens Medical the following is on point in particular the very last paragraph:

Tim Llewellynn

CEO/Co-Founder of NVISO Human Behaviour AI | President Bonseyes Community Association | Coordinator Bonseyes AI Marketplace | IBM Beacon Award Winner #metaverse #edgeai #decentralizedai

Wow ResApp Health, a startup in Australia commercializing an AI App on the mobile phone to screen and diagnose cough sounds, just lost A$53m of value in it's buyout from Pfizer because it's AI App couldn't reproduce trial results to a required degree of accuracy. If you are a #shareholder of an AI listed company there are some learnings in this! At NVISO we have some experience in what it takes to bring clinical and high performance AI Apps to market working with the likes of Siemens Healthineers and med-tech research partners Innosuisse, Technical University of Munich, and European Commission for over a decade now. Here are a few learnings based on our decade of experience: - Data-driven AI technology is not a buy and forget technology. It requires constant data and feedback to improve. So that you can maximize providing quality care to everyone in the world - there is really no such thing as an "outlier" in medical AI applications. - While data is king, an automated, dependable, repeatable and well maintained data-driven software tech stack to constantly train, test, deploy, verify, and explain the AI Apps during dev/prod is the queen, bishop, knight, and rook combined. - When training your AI Apps on medical data don't go cheap on data collection and labelling. Collect more data than you need, ensure you have enough samples across the population with noise factors included, ensure you cover variance across ethnics groups, skin colors, age, gender, disabilities, and try to get towards a 99% population coverage as early as possible. - Don't outsource the entire data collection and labelling to a university - you learn a lot by working directly with the data yourself, understanding the labelling process, etc - To ensure robust generalizable performance performance with small datasets, ensure that datasets and models are constantly upgraded and using SOA in terms of best practice (this can change every 6 months in the field of AI so constantly review SOA publications every month). Don't focus solely on model architecture and training a lot of great improvements can come from data-centric AI. - Set aside appropriate development budgets to constantly invest into an "AI Flywheel" -> users -> generate data -> build better AI model -> acquire more users -> etc - This allows you to constantly improve your AI App during development cycles and improving generalization performance. - Ensure you have separate training, test and verification datasets. Verification datasets MUST come from a source completely independent from your training dataset. -

Ensure you have the right team and infrastructure in place to build a core team or if you can't find the talent engage a specialized AI company to assist you with the journey”

Remember Brainchip is described by Mercedes Benz as artificial intelligence experts and they have allowed Nviso to achieve WOW performance levels.

My opinion only DYOR

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Founding Member
Great Sony Video

Imaging & Sensing​

Unlocking the potential of imaging and sensing technology with AI to unveil new opportunities

Our Approach​

We are working on combining industry leading sensor technologies developed at Sony Semiconductor Solutions with new machine learning methods and robotic actuators. By developing novel learning and control algorithms, while also evolving the computing hardware to handle the sensor data in optimal ways, we will discover and explore the full potential of Sony’s sensor technologies and sensor-based solutions.We believe that the resulting systems will open up applications for imaging and sensing technology in areas that no one has imagined before.

@TechGirl thankyou for this video, here is another Sony Incabin video.

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Founding Member
@TechGirl thankyou for this video, here is another Sony Incabin video.

I like it & I also like that it is Sony demonstrating in a Mercedes, I can't remember do we have a connection with Mercedes :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Dang Son

Hi DB.
As i mentioned in yesterdays post about the Shorting , wait to see if they (THM/HC/MF) have done more Shorts on Tuesday (yesterday) as the trading pattern seemed to suggest they had.
Todays action shows more "Shorting" activity thought it is very small really considering the weak market (ASX) today.

Well the Data is in and ............Yes they did take out some more "Shorts" yesterday - 3.8 Mil NEW shorts for Tuesday
after Mondays 3.3 Mil and Fridays 11.3 Mil.
Quite a lot of shorts................and the SP is still up around 0.90c aprox.

NOT going very good for them so far! lol

Yak52 :cool:
Hi Yak, It's not just BRN .
These Multi National Insto Bots seem to be shortING every promising Aust Co.
Legislators should put a bomb under them . They generate brokerage and GSt on that is about all , while stripping massive equity out of the Country
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A. Akida
S. Standard
S. in plain Sight
U. Ubiquitous
G. Game changing
E. Essential/Edge
D Defacto

Akida ASSUAGED the need for ultra low power at the edge.

Very clever @Slymeat Rearranged to suit your name

S piking
A kida
U biquitous
S in plain Sight
G ame changing
E ssential
Last edited:
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I like it & I also like that it is Sony demonstrating in a Mercedes, I can't remember do we have a connection with Mercedes :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I’m missing the balance of the other place so yes but it it is only with Mercedes’ Benz luxury passenger vehicles not Mercedes’ Benz luxury Commercial.😂🤣😂


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