Actually, those “exciting news” you shared with us are totally wurst to me.
(It basically means ‘I don’t care’ or ‘it doesn’t make a difference’, and yes, that’s a really common expression in German, even though I’d personally use the variant wurscht in this context.)
Neither does Dana LeVan provide any source at all for his claim that “Mercedes-Benz & BrainChip are moving from R&D to commercial deployment”, nor does he have any connection to either company as far as we can tell.
One thing I was able to find out about him, though, is that he is the former CMO of Wevorce (“New Agreements. Peaceful. Relationships. Skip the courthouse, keep the kindness”). On their website, where he promotes himself as an excellent pick for “private judge”, he describes himself as being highly skilled at Divorce Coaching, so our company may want to save his contact details in case one day a joint partnership goes awry…

Note that he is now the CMO of (, whose “patented human-interactive AI helps groups share and refine their intelligence with curated insights to generate trusted and predictive strategies, plans, and decisions.”
My guess is that his post was largely AI-generated and he unfortunately failed to verify what the LLM came up with.
By the way, when you shared that paragraph from Dana LeVan’s LinkedIn post, why did you cut off the header that reads “Neuromorphic Hardware: The Long-Term Play (3-5 years)”? Didn’t you consider it important to also share that timeframe with us?
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Somebody asked Dana LeVan about his claim re MB & BRN on LinkedIn, and he cryptically responded with a quote.
Is it meant to be his own reply, which seems weird given the quotation marks and the fact he himself made that very claim in the first place?
Or was this quote taken from the Trump fan boys’ podcast he referred to earlier in his post (without sharing which episode it was, though)?
I noticed that he also gave Patrick Pasternacki’s second reply a

, in which he was informed that the Vision EQXX concept car would never go commercial, but he still didn’t clear up the confusion. His self-description on as a “passionate and empathetic communicator who untangles complex circumstances” doesn’t exactly shine through here…
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Anyway, not a trustworthy source at all, if you ask me…
I much prefer to listen to the horse’s mouth: “… we’re currently looking into Neuromorphic Computing as part of a research project. Depending on the further development progress, integration could become possible within a timeframe of 5 to 10 years.” (Mercedes-Benz on LinkedIn, January 29, 2025)