Anil selling This all explains the rise to $0.44 recently and the fake Defence contractor deal that has,nt happened. Hey shorters can you stop shorting for a bit, just gunna put out a bit of unoffical news about a new defence contractor contract to pump the price up so Anil can get his fair share before he retires, don’t worry we will give you a heads up when we are done to push the price down again. I tell you why the shorts are rising because they know what’s happening they know there will be no announcements before the AGM, It’s the big boys playing this game and they are in the know,they have been for the last 3 years. Every time the price goes up management announce something to push it straight down. Every time Sean opens his mouth the share price goes down, either management getting free shares or management sellin, for tax purposes of course. You know why the wouldn’t issue the top 20 shareholders know don’t we, coincidence I think not baby puppy. Wake up shareholders we are being screwed over by our own management.