This is a recent clip, which is a good amalgamation of various interviews with Musk, from the past year..
Visuals are all, already in the public domain, but it's an enjoyable watch.
From 1min 15secs (under safety concerns) Musk describes the need for some kind of safety switch, that is completely independant of the internet/Cloud.
Obviously, straight away, I thought of AKIDA, as it would need (in my opinion) to be an "intelligent" adaptive switch, that was monitoring the robotic systems, for anomalies.
There would probably be many varied solutions though, but something that could learn and adapt, without Cloud updates?..
A bit like how Sonny, in iRobot was built with 2 independent operating systems (brains) so it was able to reason against the nefarious orders of V.I.K.I.(basically Terminator's Skynet, for those unfamiliar with iRobot).
There's a scene where Sonny is running and V.I.K.I. is trying to control "him" and he basically says "Yeah I hear you, but it just doesn't make sense to me".
This is Sonny, lying about "murdering" his Creator.
This is all extremely close, to no longer being science fiction..
Absolute Classic film by the way..