I am pleasantly surprised at both the resilience and volumes showing today.
Seems like the shorts threw the kitchen sink at us this morning and yet we are holding (at present) even, and frankly don't appear to have even pulled a sweat.
It's feeling different to the normal P's & D's we have experienced over the past couple of years.
Dolci and her crew are flinging crap over on the crapper trying to instil seeds of doubt, now that they have sold and are deeply invested in a fall, so they can refill their trading parcels.
And we are all still awaiting the now, very overdue, podcast which many have surmised has been delayed so as to include some (as yet) unannounced news.
Knowing how unabashed BrainChip has been in dropping crap news in the past, we can assume it is something of a positive nature, perhaps delayed by corporate lawyers adding their p's & q's.
All supposition of course, but for LT holders who have been awaiting success for their buy and hold strategy, perhaps it's this little black ducks turn, at last.
The traders have had it all their way for the past few years.
Maybe, just maybe, it's our turn now.