I hate videos. So painfully slow. I need to fast forward and jump around at my pace which I can do when reading . The good Professor spoke so slowly when he was younger I wanted to scream.

Had to give up even during his more recent ones about healing skin. Not sure if there is anything I missed as a result so it will be up to others to decide.
HE DID EXPOSE that deep learning fell over when they went from the laboratory to the clinic as it could not deal with the contaminants in the real world when sampling breath and their accuracy dropped to 50%. Clearly AKD1000 did not have this drop in performance and this is why AKIDA RULES.
My opinion only DYOR
"HE DID EXPOSE that deep learning fell over when they went from the laboratory to the clinic as it could not deal with the contaminants in the real world when sampling breath and their accuracy dropped to 50%. Clearly AKD1000 did not have this drop in performance and this is why AKIDA RULES."
The last information we had regarding Nanose was that the clinical trials being run via the FDA had a completion end date in May, 2022. If I remember correctly to hit this date Nanose had to get through a further 3,000 patient tests having a total target of 10,000 with 7.000 completed. If they have not completed the further 3,000 by the current end date they will seek and be given and extension by the FDA. Once they have finalised these trials then the data will be collated and reported on by the independent researchers and supplied to Nanose and then to the FDA.
The FDA and Nanose will then consult on the where too at that point.
The thing is if you have regard to what Professor Haick said was the short coming of deep learning which saw the over 90% accuracy achieved in the laboratory and reducing it to 50% when exposed to real world gathered data then it is very hard to imagine in what universe Nanose would elect to go back to deep learning and abandon Brainchip and AKIDA technology. The data analysed by AKIDA in Perth was gathered in the real world in Wuhan, China.
The device that Nanose is developing is far more complex and advanced than Covid-19 it is also about being able to identify 17 different forms of cancer (including gastric cancer which is notoriously a late diagnosed disease and usually fatal and a very painful death) and also they are aiming to have it capable of being updatable for new disease or variants. The Covid virus is still mutating and the next virus likely to cause a pandemic has already been identified by the WHO.
Brainchip has stated that income will ramp up this year from Renesas and others.
Nanose will happen when it happens along with Biotome, Mercedes, Nasa, MegaChips, Valeo, Ford, Socionext, DARPA (ISL & many others) and at least 11 other EAP's which probably include Tata, DELL and Samsung.
Anyone here remember Noisey Gut Belt that is going along in the background as well as the monitoring of heavy rail for preventative maintenance of bearings. Not to mention the possibility of being the brain in the fluffy round thing from Panasonic that might be a comfort to those who sold out of Brainchip and are now feeling desolate.
So many opportunities hidden from view and a world class sales and marketing team and CEO driving the bus. Multiple products available for purchase. Insatiable demand. Explosive sales expected. Next generation technology advanced to engineering and the generation after it on or beyond the bench. Three year lead increasing with each new technology generation. Industries that do not exist being disrupted. Significant cash runway and further finance locked in if required end of 2023.
Does the investment potential and returns ever become greater than presently evidenced by what we know as FACT about Brainchip?
My opinion only DYOR