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So is that it

Hi @Makeme 2020,

honestly, what kind of reply did you expect to your provocative rhetorical 🎺question?

In case you didn’t get the hint - I’d actually say my choice of album and song title was a pretty accurate reflection of how a lot of posters in this forum have been feeling today:
Kind of Blue (ranging from disappointment to disbelief with the 4C), yet a defiant
So What? (conviction that Brainchip’s future remains bright despite the 4C seemingly suggesting lack of interest from potential customers, confidence that revenue will eventually come, alas later than hoped for & let’s cross our fingers for some surprise reveals before/at the AGM)

Trumpet players occasionally use mutes to purposely change their instrument’s timbre (tone colour) or lower its volume. So if their sound is a little muffled at times, it doesn‘t mean they‘ve stopped playing altogether. And once in a while they need to take their instrument down and empty the spit valves - but don‘t worry, it‘s mostly water (condensation of the player’s warm moist breath to be precise) and very little actual spit. Also, playing the trumpet can be quite taxing on your lips and you may therefore find it necessary to remove the mouthpiece from your lips from time to time and rest. And last but not least there are those kind of rests that are part of your score and thus intended. The composer may even have chosen to write in a general pause - the absence of sound in all instruments as a powerful means of expression. Sometimes we forget how important silence is in music.

For what it’s worth. The German word for an instrumental mute is “Dämpfer” - this word can also be used metaphorically in the sense of “putting a damper on something“. So while the mood may have been a little subdued today, you should soon be hearing that familiar brilliant sound of trumpets once again, if you choose not to leave the concert hall early, which would indeed be a shame and waste of money in my eyes. And guess what - you are very welcome to join the brass ensemble on stage, playing the trombone or even the tuba, if you prefer that kind of sound over that of a trumpet, as long as your bass line contribution is mostly harmonious - some disharmony is fine, though, and in fact at times even desirable and refreshing:

“Despite their differences, consonance and dissonance tend to work well together in music. Like a good story, tonal music needs conflict to generate tension to drive the story. Dissonance creates that tension in the musical story. The conflict can be but is not required to be, resolved with consonance. Essentially, the composer creates a sense of movement in music by creating tension using dissonant sounds and then releases that tension by returning to consonant sounds.“

Wouldn’t it be gratifying if we all ended up making wonderful music together? After all, aren’t we all in awe of this masterpiece of a composition?

P.S.: Interesting trivia: “Trumpet-like instruments have historically been used as signalling devices in battle or hunting, with examples dating back to at least 1500 BC. They began to be used as musical instruments only in the late 14th or early 15th century.” (Wikipedia)

Doesn’t “Akida Ballista!” sound just like a rousing fanfare? 🎺🎺🎺

I guess there is more than just one way to turn lemons into lemonade.
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No, I'll just wait for the non-announcement thanks.
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No, I'll just wait for the non-announcement thanks.
Ignorance is bliss huh
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The Pope

Yes there is merit in what you are saying due to synsense and bmw comments via synsense website news in 15 April 2022. Refer link below

Then there is this from TSE forum in 27 Feb 22 with a potential dot join between BRN and BMW

I recall banter between posters on TSE linked to the above but doubt anyone will try to post links (dot joining) to convince you BRN tech is definitely in BMW upcoming EV range.

Maybe BMW have changed camps in the last 12months with exploring AI tech for their vehicles with BRN. From a quick google there doesn’t appear to be any announcement by BRN they are exploring uses of AI tech with BMW as that noted by synsense in the article above on 15 April 2022
Maybe BRN / Bmw have this under a NDA unlike synsense. Who knows but doesn’t it take a few years to develop tech into products before rolling out to customers

BRN can’t be eveywhere but BRN TSE believers like us wish it will be in BMW and many other car manufactures. Fingers crossed BRN is everywhere for us shareholders.
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Interesting article about differing views on the possibility of fully autonomous (level 5) driving:

"Leading Chinese automaker BYD claims completely autonomous driving (AD) is ‘basically impossible’, and that the automation technology would better serve streamlining manufacturing processes.

Translated from Mandarin by CNBC, BYD spokesperson Li Yunfei said “We think self-driving tech that’s fully separated from humans is very, very far away, and basically impossible.”

"Despite Mercedes-Benz having one of the most advanced ADAS systems on the market, with Level 2 autonomous driving systems across its range and the S-Class being offered with Level 3 autonomous technology in Germany, CEO Ola Kallenius said “I think we will surely be deep into the [20]30s before the whole world goes to that (self-driving tech).”

"Elon Musk says Tesla vehicles will soon achieve full self-driving autonomy and will “be able to show to regulators that the car is safer, much more so, than the average human”.

Tesla is yet to receive regulatory approval for its systems, but as Musk says, “we’ve got to prove it to regulators and get the regulatory approvals, which is outside of our control.”
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Yes there is merit in what you are saying due to synsense and bmw comments via synsense website news in 15 April 2022. Refer link below

Then there is this from TSE forum in 27 Feb 22 with a potential dot join between BRN and BMW

I recall banter between posters on TSE linked to the above but doubt anyone will try to post links (dot joining) to convince you BRN tech is definitely in BMW upcoming EV range.

Maybe BMW have changed camps in the last 12months with exploring AI tech for their vehicles with BRN. From a quick google there doesn’t appear to be any announcement by BRN they are exploring uses of AI tech with BMW as that noted by synsense in the article above on 15 April 2022
Maybe BRN / Bmw have this under a NDA unlike synsense. Who knows but doesn’t it take a few years to develop tech into products before rolling out to customers

BRN can’t be eveywhere but BRN TSE believers like us wish it will be in BMW and many other car manufactures. Fingers crossed BRN is everywhere for us shareholders.
Thanks for your considered post Pope. I would absolutely love to see us in BMW and Merc together - what a coup that would be. We partner with Prophesee but they and BMW state a partnership with SynSense only for their neuromorphic smart cockpits. There is no mention of Brainchip. Why would we be under an NDA and not SynSense (makes NoSense). Astonishingly this opinion is considered 'ignorant' by some but perhaps the dog ate their homework instead. Keep up the good work Pope, I enjoy your balanced contributions here 👍
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Thanks for your considered post Pope. I would absolutely love to see us in BMW and Merc together - what a coup that would be. We partner with Prophesee but they and BMW state a partnership with SynSense only for their neuromorphic smart cockpits. There is no mention of Brainchip. Why would we be under an NDA and not SynSense (makes NoSense). Astonishingly this opinion is considered 'ignorant' by some but perhaps the dog ate their homework instead. Keep up the good work Pope, I enjoy your balanced contributions here 👍
Oh would you look at dot dot 😏💔
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Any names mentioned from Brainchip?
Yeah I concede - read the fine print. It clearly says AKIDA being incorporated in all BMW vehicles in lieu of SynSense. Rob Telson likes it too which means commercialization is imminent (but shrouded in NDA's). Just like all of his other 'likes' can be traced directly to revenue producing contracts, oh wait.....what?
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That is also my hope.

As I said before, the recent flurry of ARM announcements (Akida compatibility with all ARM processors, ARM "more advanced" chip manufacture (IFS?), and the fact that SiFive (an up-and-coming competitor of ARM) and Akida are cozy, leads me to hope that the ARM/BrainChip presentation will be that the new ARM chip will incorporate Akida as its AI block.

Some supporting reasons:

1. ARM presently has an in-house AI block called Helium available with its processor IP. Helium is light weight AI compared to Akida, so replacing Helium with Akida would make the ARM chip "more advanced";

2. Sifive and Akida are a good fit and would give SiFive an advantage over present ARM processors, and ARM will need to swallow any "not-invented-here" attitude they may have if they are to attempt to keep up with SiFive's more efficient RISC-V architecture;

3. BrainChip has joined the ARM partnership group;

4. BrainChip and ARM have both joined the Intel Foundry Services (IFS) fellowship;

5. Why would ARM be doing a presentation for a company they barely know?

Of course, the counter-argument is that, since RISC-V is open-source, ARM is bringing out its own RISC-V processor, which would qualify as "more advanced".

Then again, an ARM RISC -V processor could be mated with Akida. That would be very advanced.
Yes!!!! Dio you are a beakon of light in the darkness cast over us....Thankyou for your priceless input.
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Pretty Pretty Pretty Pretty Good
This 4C is a joke!!!!!!! But a very bad one! 👿👿👿

I cannot vote from Germany but don't you all dare and vote YES to the bonus of Sean and others!!! (n)🤬 I will then step into a plane and come over to TALK to you all in person!!! The management DOES NOT DESERVE THEIR SALARY AND THEREFORE ALSO NOT A BONUS!!!!

I am so upset, angry, and pissed that I wasted my time and money with this company. I lost a lot of money on this so selling does not make sense at all. All I can do is wait and hope that BrainChip with its AKIDA technology will be bought by a big company. This could bring us a few stocks of a GOOD and SUCCESSFUL investment.

In my view, it is time for Sean Hehir to step down, and to be replaced. All those cute interviews were just words for money. 👿

By the way, how much cash do they have left before they are bankrupt?
200w (2).gif
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Old but new or is it new but old.

I wonder who these guys actually have contracts with. Their website doesn't elaborate although that could definitely be due to the sensitive nature of defence and intelligence contracts. They're only a small company but it appears they have some traction based on the company blurb.

This is the sort of collaboration that gives me hope - defence/national security contracts can be massive and enduring.
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