Founding Member
Thank TechGirl for the video presentation.
Mercedes want to build "a car that thinks like you".
I do wonder what that truly means?:-
We know Mercedes is using Akida in the concept EQXX ("Hey, Mercedes" voice control system in the EQXX five to ten times more efficient than conventional voice control.)
We know Akida has the ability to do one shot learning and more.
The following is my hypothesis/ imagination. Lol
The first use case would be, improvements of the voice control system eg, when first entered a new Mercedes you have to manually input your heights on the info entertainment system, for the seat to adjust to the correct driving position base on your hight. But now with Akida its can be done with voice control, and because Akida can recognise (vision) the driver, its won't be needed for a second time as you swap between driver.
Mercedes is using Akida to learn the driver comforts adjustments and automaticly adjust ( incar temperature, type of music, volume to the like of the driver.
Mercedes is using Akida to learn the driver driving patterns, and as it recognises a different driving patterns (eg, intoxicated, unconscious, un normal behaviour) the car will alarms and slow down.
That's just some of my hypothesis ( I don't have a brand new car, so other luxury brand may have those already) but that's what I thinks a car that thinks like me would behave.
It's great to be a shareholder.
Most Welcome Learning
I like your hypothesis / imagination