The other day Ford’s brain machine interface was discussed with the discovery of its patent for detecting driver alertness and reaction from Brain activity and or muscle response now over on the Mercedes thread Alfie Posted the following link for Mercedes:
Mercedes-Benz takes hands-free vehicle control to the next level at this year's IAA Mobility show in Munich. Its scaly Vision AVTR concept looks as likely to rise up and eat its driver as to obey them, but with a new brain-computer interface, the visionary car actually becomes something of an…
I said it the other day the only way this can happen efficiently is with a processor that can recognise spike patterns. We know this is how Neuralink is doing this for Mr. Musk and as I said the crossovers has led many to wonder if Neuralink might be using AKIDA technology.
Is it not just too much of a coincidence that both Ford and Mercedes are doing similar things at the same time as they are working with Brainchip.
As Dio said and all this for just $1.05.
True value should be $1.50 according to Pitt Street Research and since then we have had at least the following:
1. Almost a doubling of staff and larger offices and more staff to come;
2. The release of four commercial ready to buy COTS;
3. The new CEO Sean Hehir
4. The new Head of Marketing Jerome Nadel
5. The confirmation that all 15 EAPs look likely to convert;
6. The licence with MegaChips
7. The very successful capital call on LDA Capital;
8. A great looking annual report showing $49 million in the bank;
9. A 4C showing revenue increasing;
10. Validation unsolicited from Mercedes Benz;
11. Confirmation that Mercedes Benz, Valeo, NASA & Vorago have moved from being simple EAPs to being Early Adopters;
12. Confirmation that Renesas will be releasing MCUs this year with AKIDA technology on board;
13. Go to market readiness of MegaChips with trained staff out there selling AKIDA edge technology;
14. A new Chair of the Board Mr. Viana completing the Brainchip ARM management and strategic plan;
15. The appointment of a highly qualified Australian director;
16. Confirmation that the AKD2000 design is complete and on schedule;
17. The reveal that Brainchip has been awarded research and development grants by the Western Australian and Federal Governments and has had an endorsement by the WA Chief Scientist; and
18. The research grant from the US Airforce for the AKIDA radar project.
Clearly at an average value of 2 cents a point x18 points BRNASX should now be sitting at $1.86 at least.
S1.05 cents is irrational.
My opinion only DYOR