BrainChip + Riverside Research


Perhaps, but really what we are seeing so far is testing or pilot schemes to assess if AKIDA is worth integrating, or perhaps worthy of new technology development.

It's a catch 22 though - the more significant a technological shift that AKIDA represents, the less likely we are to hear about it because each implementer will want to keep their advantage hidden.

Back to disclosure of revenue......'where did all that money come from?' 🤣
Hiya Foxdog, I do agree, I think what you will see is “Brand names” getting to share the field of examinations for future high end use purposes , but as has already been mentioned, Akida’s uniqueness is always going to be the obvious choice, imo it’s just not likely that it will be publicly released for some.....time ,as you’ve hinted towards.
For me , my tipping point was NASA validating the tech Dec 2020 , and then going silent on AKIDA progressions thru it’s programs. Thru the exhaustive efforts of our unbelievably thorough research divers, I’m forever indebt , IMO ,it appears to me, that NASA , as been the window of many things defence based, having allowed accesses and I believe ,it’s promoted a very serious fast tracking development of this tech (AKIDA) in so many vast fields. They have to consider an extremely serious and dangerous competitor in China. 2nd best can’t be an option, the shocking events with Russia/Ukraine only highlight this.
As somebody has already referenced, commercial neuromorphic processing will bring huge changes to our daily lives like no other, perhaps only likened to the type of change the internet has given.
But it Does take time.
Basically ,the entire world is ignorant of this all encompassing technology
But it is happening and you and exceptional others here, are knowledgeable pioneers of it.

Cheers Kozi
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The full wording of the following will provide solid evidence of the FACT that income may be the only reward when dealing with Defence applications. The question of whether Brainchip engaged with this SBIR is live however it can be seen how sensitive SNN is dealt with:
Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

Navy SBIR 20.2 - Topic N202-099

Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) - Ms. Donna Attick

Opens: June 3, 2020 - Closes: July 2, 2020 (12:00 pm ET)

N202-099 TITLE: Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

RT&L FOCUS AREA(S): Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, General Warfighting Requirements (GWR)


OBJECTIVE: Deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware.

DESCRIPTION: Biological inspired Neural Networks provide the basis for modern signal processing and classification algorithms. Implementation of these algorithms on conventional computing hardware requires significant compromises in efficiency and latency due to fundamental design differences. A new class of hardware is emerging that more closely resembles the biological Neuron/Synapse model found in Nature and may solve some of these limitations and bottlenecks. Recent work has demonstrated significant performance gains using these new hardware architectures and have shown equivalence to converge on a solution with the same accuracy [Ref 1].

The most promising of the new class are based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) and analog Processing in Memory (PiM), where information is spatially and temporally encoded onto the network. A simple spiking network can reproduce the complex behavior found in the Neural Cortex with significant reduction in complexity and power requirements [Ref 2]. Fundamentally, there should be no difference between algorithms based on Neural Network and current processing hardware. In fact, the algorithms can easily be transferred between hardware architectures [Ref 4]. The performance gains, application of neural networks and the relative ease of transitioning current algorithms over to the new hardware motivates the consideration of this topic.

Hardware based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are currently under development at various stages of maturity. Two prominent examples are the IBM True North and the INTEL Loihi Chips, respectively. The IBM approach uses conventional CMOS technology and the INTEL approach uses a less mature memrisistor architecture. Estimated efficiency performance increase is greater than 3 orders of magnitude better than state of the art Graphic Processing Unit (GPUs) or Field-programmable gate array (FPGAs). More advanced architectures based on an all-optical or photonic based SNN show even more promise. Nano-Photonic based systems are estimated to achieve 6 orders of magnitude increase in efficiency and computational density; approaching the performance of a Human Neural Cortex. The primary goal of this effort is to deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware. Benchmark the performance gains and validate the suitability to warfighter application.

Work produced in Phase II may become classified. Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). The selected contractor and/or subcontractor must be able to acquire and maintain a secret level facility and Personnel Security Clearances. This will allow contractor personnel to perform on advanced phases of this project as set forth by DCSA and NAVAIR in order to gain access to classified information pertaining to the national defense of the United States and its allies; this will be an inherent requirement. The selected company will be required to safeguard classified material IAW DoD 5220.22-M during the advanced phases of this contract.

PHASE I: Develop an approach for deploying Neural Network algorithms and identify suitable hardware, learning algorithm framework and benchmark testing and validation methodology plan. Demonstrate performance enhancements and integration of technology as described in the description above. The Phase I effort will include plans to be developed under Phase II.

PHASE II: Transfer government furnished algorithms and training data running on a desktop computing environment to the new hardware environment. An example algorithm development frame for this work would be TensorFlow. Some modification of the framework and/or algorithms may be required to facilitate transfer. Some optimization will be required and is expected to maximize the performance of the algorithms on the new hardware. This optimization should focus on throughput, latency, and power draw/dissipation. Benchmark testing should be conducted against these metrics. Develop a transition plan for Phase III.

It is probable that the work under this effort will be classified under Phase II (see Description section for details).

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Optimize algorithm and conduct benchmark testing. Adjust algorithms as needed and transition to final hardware environment. Successful technology development could benefit industries that conduct data mining and high-end processing, computer modeling and machine learning such as manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace industries.

I have absolutely zero doubts that that SBIR will involve Akida.
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The full wording of the following will provide solid evidence of the FACT that income may be the only reward when dealing with Defence applications. The question of whether Brainchip engaged with this SBIR is live however it can be seen how sensitive SNN is dealt with:
Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

Navy SBIR 20.2 - Topic N202-099

Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) - Ms. Donna Attick

Opens: June 3, 2020 - Closes: July 2, 2020 (12:00 pm ET)

N202-099 TITLE: Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

RT&L FOCUS AREA(S): Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, General Warfighting Requirements (GWR)


OBJECTIVE: Deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware.

DESCRIPTION: Biological inspired Neural Networks provide the basis for modern signal processing and classification algorithms. Implementation of these algorithms on conventional computing hardware requires significant compromises in efficiency and latency due to fundamental design differences. A new class of hardware is emerging that more closely resembles the biological Neuron/Synapse model found in Nature and may solve some of these limitations and bottlenecks. Recent work has demonstrated significant performance gains using these new hardware architectures and have shown equivalence to converge on a solution with the same accuracy [Ref 1].

The most promising of the new class are based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) and analog Processing in Memory (PiM), where information is spatially and temporally encoded onto the network. A simple spiking network can reproduce the complex behavior found in the Neural Cortex with significant reduction in complexity and power requirements [Ref 2]. Fundamentally, there should be no difference between algorithms based on Neural Network and current processing hardware. In fact, the algorithms can easily be transferred between hardware architectures [Ref 4]. The performance gains, application of neural networks and the relative ease of transitioning current algorithms over to the new hardware motivates the consideration of this topic.

Hardware based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are currently under development at various stages of maturity. Two prominent examples are the IBM True North and the INTEL Loihi Chips, respectively. The IBM approach uses conventional CMOS technology and the INTEL approach uses a less mature memrisistor architecture. Estimated efficiency performance increase is greater than 3 orders of magnitude better than state of the art Graphic Processing Unit (GPUs) or Field-programmable gate array (FPGAs). More advanced architectures based on an all-optical or photonic based SNN show even more promise. Nano-Photonic based systems are estimated to achieve 6 orders of magnitude increase in efficiency and computational density; approaching the performance of a Human Neural Cortex. The primary goal of this effort is to deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware. Benchmark the performance gains and validate the suitability to warfighter application.

Work produced in Phase II may become classified. Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). The selected contractor and/or subcontractor must be able to acquire and maintain a secret level facility and Personnel Security Clearances. This will allow contractor personnel to perform on advanced phases of this project as set forth by DCSA and NAVAIR in order to gain access to classified information pertaining to the national defense of the United States and its allies; this will be an inherent requirement. The selected company will be required to safeguard classified material IAW DoD 5220.22-M during the advanced phases of this contract.

PHASE I: Develop an approach for deploying Neural Network algorithms and identify suitable hardware, learning algorithm framework and benchmark testing and validation methodology plan. Demonstrate performance enhancements and integration of technology as described in the description above. The Phase I effort will include plans to be developed under Phase II.

PHASE II: Transfer government furnished algorithms and training data running on a desktop computing environment to the new hardware environment. An example algorithm development frame for this work would be TensorFlow. Some modification of the framework and/or algorithms may be required to facilitate transfer. Some optimization will be required and is expected to maximize the performance of the algorithms on the new hardware. This optimization should focus on throughput, latency, and power draw/dissipation. Benchmark testing should be conducted against these metrics. Develop a transition plan for Phase III.

It is probable that the work under this effort will be classified under Phase II (see Description section for details).

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Optimize algorithm and conduct benchmark testing. Adjust algorithms as needed and transition to final hardware environment. Successful technology development could benefit industries that conduct data mining and high-end processing, computer modeling and machine learning such as manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace industries.

Hilarious FF, I read yours and I read mine.
You say it and example it with substance sooo much better , thank you for sharing your high end deep knowledge. I can only deal with the “on the street version“
Cheers , I’m laughing , Same page thou
You are good value
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I have absolutely zero doubts that that SBIR will involve Akida.
Yes but I have my conservative reputation to uphold however “if I were a betting man” looking at the date of the SBIR and the words “on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware” then what other SNN processor could it be than AKD1000?

Blind Freddie is absolutely certain you are correct as well.😂

My opinion only DYOR

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Top 20
Should Riverside Research be placed on @greenwaves excellent Speculative Investigation Wall?
Funnily enough I think Greenwaves should be placed on Greenwaves wall. Look at their hearables.
They are also into smart homes, buildings and wearables.
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A random FACT that is worthwhile to take not of and which can be verified quite easily with a quick Google search is that NASA is not a ‘Johnnie come lately’ to the concept of brain inspired spiking neural network processing.

In fact the idea that spiking neural networks might provide answers to issues NASA faced in their space program was generating NASA funded research papers at least as far back as the 1980’s.

This long term interest assures me that NASA did not embrace AKIDA technology on a scientific whim but from the position of an organisation that for more than thirty years had been aware of the potential benefits that would flow if someone could crack the SNN code.

The multiple exposures that @uiux has achieved of AKIDA being trialled and the ASX announcements stand as testimony to the first in class brilliance of Peter van der Made and Anil Mankar and their AKD1000 Revolution.

My opinion only DYOR

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Top 20
I have seen where Rob Telson has put a like to RISC-V on LinkedIn. This organisation is interesting and I can’t say I fully understand how their open source approach works. It does however look like they are gaining rapid popularity In the microchip sphere.
Greenwaves uses RISC-V and I don’t fully understand what that entails. What I do know is that BrainChip was constructing a page on their website for hearing aids but so far it hasn’t materialised. It remains a distant and intriguing dot.
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Funnily enough I think Greenwaves should be placed on Greenwaves wall. Look at their hearables.
They are also into smart homes, buildings and wearables.
I have dug deeply into Greenwaves and their two chips are running CNN accelerators, 1 watt to 5.5 watts over the two chips, 16 to 32 bits over the two chips separate clock and it goes on so definitely not AKIDA technology but would clearly benefit from switching to modern technology.

My opinion only DYOR

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I have dug deeply into Greenwaves and their two chips are running CNN accelerators, 1 watt to 5.5 watts over the two chips, 16 to 32 bits over the two chips separate clock and it goes on so definitely not AKIDA technology but would clearly benefit from switching to modern technology.

My opinion only DYOR

Should mention they are using compression to reduce latency.
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The full wording of the following will provide solid evidence of the FACT that income may be the only reward when dealing with Defence applications. The question of whether Brainchip engaged with this SBIR is live however it can be seen how sensitive SNN is dealt with:
Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

Navy SBIR 20.2 - Topic N202-099

Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) - Ms. Donna Attick

Opens: June 3, 2020 - Closes: July 2, 2020 (12:00 pm ET)

N202-099 TITLE: Implementing Neural Network Algorithms on Neuromorphic Processors

RT&L FOCUS AREA(S): Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning, General Warfighting Requirements (GWR)


OBJECTIVE: Deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware.

DESCRIPTION: Biological inspired Neural Networks provide the basis for modern signal processing and classification algorithms. Implementation of these algorithms on conventional computing hardware requires significant compromises in efficiency and latency due to fundamental design differences. A new class of hardware is emerging that more closely resembles the biological Neuron/Synapse model found in Nature and may solve some of these limitations and bottlenecks. Recent work has demonstrated significant performance gains using these new hardware architectures and have shown equivalence to converge on a solution with the same accuracy [Ref 1].

The most promising of the new class are based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) and analog Processing in Memory (PiM), where information is spatially and temporally encoded onto the network. A simple spiking network can reproduce the complex behavior found in the Neural Cortex with significant reduction in complexity and power requirements [Ref 2]. Fundamentally, there should be no difference between algorithms based on Neural Network and current processing hardware. In fact, the algorithms can easily be transferred between hardware architectures [Ref 4]. The performance gains, application of neural networks and the relative ease of transitioning current algorithms over to the new hardware motivates the consideration of this topic.

Hardware based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are currently under development at various stages of maturity. Two prominent examples are the IBM True North and the INTEL Loihi Chips, respectively. The IBM approach uses conventional CMOS technology and the INTEL approach uses a less mature memrisistor architecture. Estimated efficiency performance increase is greater than 3 orders of magnitude better than state of the art Graphic Processing Unit (GPUs) or Field-programmable gate array (FPGAs). More advanced architectures based on an all-optical or photonic based SNN show even more promise. Nano-Photonic based systems are estimated to achieve 6 orders of magnitude increase in efficiency and computational density; approaching the performance of a Human Neural Cortex. The primary goal of this effort is to deploy Deep Neural Network algorithms on near-commercially available Neuromorphic or equivalent Spiking Neural Network processing hardware. Benchmark the performance gains and validate the suitability to warfighter application.

Work produced in Phase II may become classified. Note: The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). The selected contractor and/or subcontractor must be able to acquire and maintain a secret level facility and Personnel Security Clearances. This will allow contractor personnel to perform on advanced phases of this project as set forth by DCSA and NAVAIR in order to gain access to classified information pertaining to the national defense of the United States and its allies; this will be an inherent requirement. The selected company will be required to safeguard classified material IAW DoD 5220.22-M during the advanced phases of this contract.

PHASE I: Develop an approach for deploying Neural Network algorithms and identify suitable hardware, learning algorithm framework and benchmark testing and validation methodology plan. Demonstrate performance enhancements and integration of technology as described in the description above. The Phase I effort will include plans to be developed under Phase II.

PHASE II: Transfer government furnished algorithms and training data running on a desktop computing environment to the new hardware environment. An example algorithm development frame for this work would be TensorFlow. Some modification of the framework and/or algorithms may be required to facilitate transfer. Some optimization will be required and is expected to maximize the performance of the algorithms on the new hardware. This optimization should focus on throughput, latency, and power draw/dissipation. Benchmark testing should be conducted against these metrics. Develop a transition plan for Phase III.

It is probable that the work under this effort will be classified under Phase II (see Description section for details).

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Optimize algorithm and conduct benchmark testing. Adjust algorithms as needed and transition to final hardware environment. Successful technology development could benefit industries that conduct data mining and high-end processing, computer modeling and machine learning such as manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace industries.

Thanks FF. Excuse my ignorance but does this represent any hurdles for BRN though: 'The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA).'

Cheers Fd
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Thanks FF. Excuse my ignorance but does this represent any hurdles for BRN though: 'The prospective contractor(s) must be U.S. owned and operated with no foreign influence as defined by DoD 5220.22-M, National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, unless acceptable mitigating procedures can and have been implemented and approved by the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA).'

Cheers Fd
The short answer is no. They have a US registered entity, they have employed a group who meet the personal qualifications for US Defence and as I have mentioned they work in a silo within the US Office and they have satisfied NASA and the US Airforce in the ISL research grant.

My opinion only DYOR

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The first rule of the Riverside Research Machine Learning Laboratory is never talk about the Riverside Research Machine Learning Laboratory.
View attachment 2922
Totally off topic, how did you manage to overlay the Ken robot, without any background?
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

Riverside Research Capabilities to Support the IARPA Securing Compartmented Information with Smart Radio Systems (SCISRS) Research Program

Riverside Research, a not-for-profit organization chartered to advance scientific
research for the benefit of the U.S. government and in the public interest, is pleased to
submit this Capabilities Statement that reviews our background, expertise, and
experience to support the IARPA Securing Compartmented Information with Smart
Radio Systems (SCISRS) Research Program.

Riverside Research’s open innovation R&D model encourages internal and external
collaboration to accelerate innovation, advance science, and expand market opportuni-
ties. It fosters creativity and synergy to encourage and drive innovative solutions to
current and anticipated challenges while allowing us to more easily embrace emerging
technologies. Our Open Innovation Center (OIC) operates a series of geographically-
dispersed laboratories enabling company-funded research that complements our
customer-focused services and provides reach back for our customers.

Particularly relevant to the SCISRS program is the work conducted by our Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Laboratory, Optics and Photonics
Laboratory, and Trusted and Resilient Systems Laboratory. These laboratories support
a diverse set of DoD and Intelligence Community customers, including the Defense
Research Projects Agency (DARPA), National Air and Space Intelligence Center
(NASIC), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), U.S. Army Combat Capabilities
Development Command (CCDC) Armaments Center, and National Reconnaissance
Organization (NRO), working closely with numerous industry and academic partners.

State-of-the-Art Equipment and Computing Systems Machine Learning. Current hardware setup includes:
  • NVidia DGX-1
    • 8x V100 GPUs
    • 20 core Intel Xeon E5-2698 @ 2.2 GHz
  • 2x Lambda Workstations
    • 4x RTX 2080 GPUs per
    • 10 core Intel Core i9 @ 3.7 GHz per
  • 1x Lambda Workstation
    • 4x Titan V GPUs
    • 10 core Intel Core i9 @ 3.7 GHz
  • 30 TB of high bandwidth network attached storage (NAS)
  • Additional Hardware
    • Acquiring Intel Loihi chip and Brainchip Akida processor
    • Multiple COTS edge devices, FPGAs, and small board computers (i.e.: Jetson Nano, Raspberry PI)

View attachment 2707

I just came across this ODNI Press Release from October 2021.

Following on from earlier research which involved AKIDA, SCISRS program manager, Dr. Paul Kolb said “If we want to deploy SCISRS everywhere, we must find a way to run hyper-efficient algorithms on modestly-priced hardware.”

Sounds like Akida fits the bill.

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I just came across this ODNI Press Release from October 2021.

Following on from earlier research which involved AKIDA, SCISRS program manager, Dr. Paul Kolb said “If we want to deploy SCISRS everywhere, we must find a way to run hyper-efficient algorithms on modestly-priced hardware.”

Sounds Akida fits the bill.

View attachment 4644

Hi @Bravo77

I have to once again compliment you on how you keep adding value. Hopefully I am about to add value with a tiny dot which will require the rest of the 1,000 Eyes to come on board and complete. I have read the above and the following jumps out at me:

"Our research goal is extremely challenging because we need to scan an enormous frequency range and analyze terabytes of data every second - we are looking for the proverbial needles in the RF haystack," SCISRS Program Manager Paul Kolb said in the release. "If we want to deploy SCISRS everywhere, we must find a way to run hyper-efficient algorithms on modestly-priced hardware."

In the last year or so on one occasion either the former CEO Mr. Dinardo or Rob Telson in a presentation used the example of AKIDA finding a "needle in a haystack". The context was in explaining how AKIDA was unique against all its competitors in that the competitors would have to look at every single hay straw until they saw needle whereas AKIDA would look and only see the needle.

I learn heavily toward it being an example used by Rob Telson. Now if I am correct and if he used this example around October, 2021 or earlier when these five companies were engaged in the tender process well????

My opinion only DYOR

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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Hi @Bravo77

I have to once again compliment you on how you keep adding value. Hopefully I am about to add value with a tiny dot which will require the rest of the 1,000 Eyes to come on board and complete. I have read the above and the following jumps out at me:

"Our research goal is extremely challenging because we need to scan an enormous frequency range and analyze terabytes of data every second - we are looking for the proverbial needles in the RF haystack," SCISRS Program Manager Paul Kolb said in the release. "If we want to deploy SCISRS everywhere, we must find a way to run hyper-efficient algorithms on modestly-priced hardware."

In the last year or so on one occasion either the former CEO Mr. Dinardo or Rob Telson in a presentation used the example of AKIDA finding a "needle in a haystack". The context was in explaining how AKIDA was unique against all its competitors in that the competitors would have to look at every single hay straw until they saw needle whereas AKIDA would look and only see the needle.

I learn heavily toward it being an example used by Rob Telson. Now if I am correct and if he used this example around October, 2021 or earlier when these five companies were engaged in the tender process well????

My opinion only DYOR

Evening Fact Finder ,

This looking for the needle, only spiking using power when needle found, when looking for a needle in a haystack is the way I explained it to all my mates..

Simple is good.

Needles to say , thay are all very happy investors.

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