BET Shorting


Almost 150m now. Someone has put up big money to take such a massive short. I don't see the point unless you think the company is going bankrupt or a fraud (which I definitely don't think will happen here) because they are going to have to buy them back one day which will send the price right back up.
Maybe they are just hoping that holders will get the shits and sell in frustration but even then it's such a huge number to cover.


Almost 150m now. Someone has put up big money to take such a massive short. I don't see the point unless you think the company is going bankrupt or a fraud (which I definitely don't think will happen here) because they are going to have to buy them back one day which will send the price right back up.
Maybe they are just hoping that holders will get the shits and sell in frustration but even then it's such a huge number to cover.
what if Trip and news corp wants to buy Bet and is behind the short?
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On a different note,click on this link and see if you can recognise Someone we know.

Link not available. Please tell


Link not available. Please tell
Hi Coming,
My apologies as when I attached link it was all fine but after clicking post,it became unavailable
A case of not knowing my way around this sort of stuff.
Anyway,I'll try to paint a picture for you all.
It was a video of a group of Melbourne Cup owners urging their horses home in the cup.
Front and centre, and going off like a lunatic ,was our very own Todd,CEO of BET,going ape shit!
Good luck to him to have a share in Gold Trip,the winner.
Apparently big party afterwards at Melbourne restaurant Tonka,owned by Matt Tripp no less,who also happened to be in the party.
By accounts a great night had by all.
Would've loved to be a fly on the wall that night!!!!
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If anyone is interested.

Interesting to read.
They forgot a few reasons for borrowing though:
5. To try and hit people's stop losses
6. Try and push a stock out of the index and force selling by those that can only hold if its in the index.


This was posted over at the crapper. It's about an American shorter and his aggressive campaign against a Canadian loan company. It's a long read but pretty interesting
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