Would be interested to hear peoples take on this- less than 24hrs notice for a webinar- it could be really good news or really bad news? I’m hoping a good announcement with the qtrly tomorrow morning.
It's very rare for these types of outfits to keep info leaking prior to announcements.
Given the price has wallowed around these levels for weeks,with a downward spike if anything,I'd be saying we are getting a nothing quarterly.
They have kept the invite to the last minute to limit the amount of pent up anger and frustration SH will let fly at them.
I can't remember the last time we've had anything said about the US market and I read something about Norway,,,,,Norway seriously?????
Our footprint in the US is a kiosk located deep in the dungeons of Monmouth's Grandstand, just past the chicken wings guy!!!
My God, what a train wreck.
Hopefully we may see some hope if the Betr results surprise,but I doubt it.
As a comparison,jump on any corporate app and place the same practice bet on all of them and time the time it takes to make it .
Bet runs last,not even close and they are running on the Betmakers engine.
Only time for them to look elsewhere