If anyone wants to read it in English:
To Mr. the Editor-in-Chief of the Website 7su7.cd, N°644/15, Avenue Bakongo. Massamba Building, Commune of Gombe, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Mr Editor-in-Chief,
Subject: Article by Mr. Christian Kakule from February 7, 2024
I am writing this in my capacity as advisor to AVZ Minerals Ltd and its Managing Director, Mr Nigel Ferguson.
My clients consider themselves seriously aggrieved by the publication on February 7, 2024 of a column by Mr. Christian Kakule entitled: "Subscription report and seizure of shares: No salvation for AVZ through arbitration", an article downloadable from from the URL
This op-ed contains a number of damaging and highly defamatory imputations against AVZ and Mr. Ferguson. The seriousness and effect of these imputations cannot be underestimated.
The article incorrectly states, among other things, that AVZ is "the main provocateur of the unrest (which caused the paralysis of the Manono lithium-tin mining project), that it is showing signs of exhaustion and that she is on the verge of bankruptcy, paying a heavy price for her illegal and fraudulent acts in Congo.”
Despite the blatant nature of these claims, the article does not explain how AVZ is the "primary provocateur" or, more importantly, what "fraudulent acts" she allegedly committed in Congo.
Since its entry into the capital of the joint venture DATHCOM Mining SA in January 2017, AVZ finance
only the lithium-tin project and diligently keeps the public informed of the progress of the campaign
drilling at Manono, which revealed the existence of a world-class lithium deposit.
Deposit which was then evaluated and certified. Following this, a feasibility study approved by the
Congolese regulatory authorities was carried out and DATHCOM and AVZ were rewarded for their
efforts by the Minister of Mines by granting an operating permit in May 2022.
Under no circumstances do any of these actions constitute illegal and fraudulent acts.
The article also falsely claims that AVZ declared victory too soon after the interim order
ICSID demanded that the Congolese government re-establish DATHCOM Mining as holder of the
research permit 13359. Given the provisional nature of the orders, AVZ has taken care to issue a neutral press release reflecting the ICSID provisional measures in their entirety. At no point did AVZ's announcement take a triumphalist tone or speculate on the final outcome. of the arbitration procedure.
The article in question does not specify that AVZ, as a listed company, has a duty to inform its shareholders via the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) of all major developments in the arbitration proceedings. This omission leads readers of your publication to believe that AVZ is publishing misleading and self-serving information in the marketplace, in violation of its legal obligations. Such a suggestion is not only false, but falsely asserts that the directors of AVZ are not discharging their legal duties as directors of a listed company.
The column also claims that on January 31, 2024, AVZ “hid revealing revealing details” about the dire state of its financial situation. Specifically, it states that "as of December 31, 2023, AVZ's cash position stood at just A$6.4 million (approximately US$4.2 million)" and that to "reinvigorate investor confidence and strengthen its position in arbitrations and negotiations", the company disclosed new evaluations of the mineral reserves of the Manono site, which constitutes "a fraud against the Congolese government and the public company Cominière".
AVZ publishes consolidated annual accounts which are audited. These published accounts disclose the precise statement of the Company's current financial position, the most recent of which was published in the Annual Report dated 30 June 2023 (available at
www.avzminerals.com.au). These accounts give an overall and comprehensive assessment of AVZ's financial position (not just its cash reserves) and reveal that the company's net assets stand at $51,896,824.00.
The allegations that Mr. Ferguson is the "architect" of AVZ's fraudulent acts of "knowingly concealing the amount of resources from shareholders and the public, with a flagrant lack of transparency in the disclosure of information, seriously transgressing the joint venture agreement" are serious. Claims that should never be published without clear and unequivocal evidence. It should be noted that the disclosure of new evaluations of mineral reserves on the Manono site is part of the normal framework of AVZ's activities, given that drilling continued (despite obtaining the operating permit). The information thus collected was processed to generate the data which was recently published. The publication of AVZ data is based on strict compliance with procedures.
According to a decision of the High Court of Australia in the authoritative case of Dow Jones & Co Inc v Gutnick [2002] HCA 56A, editors of websites can be prosecuted in Australia, regardless of their jurisdiction abroad. The effect of this decision allows my clients to pursue legal action on Australian soil against any media outlet which publishes false and defamatory material concerning them which was published on the internet in the DRC. Justice Callian said at paragraph 186 of the Dow Jones judgment: "If people wish to do business, or even travel, live or use the
infrastructure of different countries, they can hardly expect to be excused from complying with the laws of those countries.”
Any decision of an Australian court can be legally enforced in the DRC.
Given the serious and unfounded allegations raised against them, my clients demand the publication of a retraction and an apology, the terms of which they must approve.
Jonelle Di Lena
Law One (WA) Pty Ltd t/as Di Lena Defamation & Litigation | ABN 30633116971 | Level 1, 21 Howard Street
PERTH WA 6000 | (08) 6383 6006 |