" know we have one of the best BOD's on the ASX "...........

No disrespect, but had a bit of a chuckle with that statement.......
Lack of disclosure, copious missed time lines ( both probably linked together ), conflict of interest... is hardly characteristics of best bod on ASX, but, to give them their due, have proven up a wonderful resource, provided a very robust DFS ( in good time), 4/5 offtakes ( albeit all chinese....

) all of those achievements executed in one of the most corrupted cesspool locations known to mankind with the native tongue being french.......
So Kudos in that regard...............but best bod ?
NOPE !!!!
Anyway, i am encouraged by the latest update with Cami website............have gone from nada to 100% Dathcom mining, so could this be a sign that the BODs discussions with " relevant " authorities in DRC govt are bearing fruit ?
I guess we will have to wait and see for the next roller coaster chapter...........
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ICC arbitration next month.........Zijin / China karma not far away
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If AVZ can come out of this nightmare with our rights retained / regained against the might of China and the corrupt elite, then my appraisal of the BOD and possibly FT will elevate
Time will tell.
The hour of transhumance has come
Unless changed, the elections will take place in December 2023.
But now for the political actors, it is time to prepare and implement winning strategies.
Most of them, like the herds, are in search of beautiful pastures.
And for them, the green grass on the side of the Sacred Union for the Nation and some choose the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) as a political party.
What is called in pastoral language “transhumance”.
On March 18, six provincial deputies from Haut-Katanga joined the UDPS.
Among them, the deputies of the People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD).
But long before, many others have done it.
This is the case of Théo Ngwabidje governor of South Kivu, or Dieudonné Piemé governor of Kasaï as well as many thinking heads of the Common Front for Congo (FCC).
Some have chosen other USN parties such as the Avenir du Congo (ACO) of Dany Banza.
These memberships have awakened passions.
“Transhumance”, shouted some.
For them, how can one join a political party just a year, even nine months before an election while having good motives?
Transhumance, this word borrowed from pastoral vocabulary, designates politicians who, for their own interests, temporarily change political parties or create alliances.
This word is well indicated in the Congolese context.
Congolese political actors have a reputation to protect.
That of changing political parties for political interests.
For the head of works, Kyungu Shimbi, this is typical of Congolese society.
There are several reasons for this behavior.
“For many, the power is on the side of the UDPS.
Thus, in order for them to continue to keep their advantages, they join this political party.
Because with the elections coming up, they are not sure to protect their interests if they stay in their old structures.
Especially since we know that during elections, less than 10% of former elected officials return to office.
Thus, they want to redo a new image!”, explains this political scientist.
This political scientist regretted the fact that this system has lasted for a long time.
Politics as a job
In the DRC, those who make politics and in particular those who have nominative or elective mandates are the best off.
They have a regular and sometimes exorbitant monthly salary.
For example, according to the 2022 budget, an MP receives 10,265 usd, not including benefits.
Compared to nearly 250 usd that a teacher earns, their situation is enviable.
Thus, the head of works Kyungu Shimbi thinks that this is what pushes the Congolese to consider politics as a job.
"They [the politicians] are ready to move forward with anyone as long as they find each other", says the head of works again.
This is what is observed today and this will always be observed on the eve of each election.
For him, it is necessary to manage to change the system and that means “getting the country back on track”.
“Our country, like a train, has been derailed since 1960.
Since then, no power has managed to put it back on track,” he explains again.
By changing the management model of the country, the system may also change.
But in the meantime, the political actors will thus continue to seek a good positioning.
By adhering to political parties without adhering to its ideals.
Two years after taking office, the Constitutional Court takes note of the declaration of family assets of the Prime Minister and members of the government
The Constitutional Court took note on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, of the declaration of family heritage of Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde and that of all the members of his Government.
“Before taking up their duties and upon their expiry, the President of the Republic and the members of the Government are required to deposit, before the Constitutional Court, the written declaration of their family patrimony, listing their movable property, including including stocks, shares, bonds, other securities, bank accounts, their immovable property, including undeveloped land, forests, plantations and agricultural land, mines and all other immovables, with an indication of the relevant titles", informs the Constitution in its section 99.
Note that this comes two years after the installation of the Sama Lukonde government by the national representation.