At first I thought you may be doing too much and you’re focus may be wavering away from us in particular…. Then opened your picture up and read it and I think you are doing a fantastic job Spike.
Also really liked when I opened Sam’s video link and immediately saw someone reply with your ‘Princess of Thieves’ work.
Keep up the great work, when shareholders pull together like this we immensely help our own struggle against these corrupt entities.
Don’t know what I could suggest to help really except to try and keep the focus on us…. Everyone has a different approach, mine of late has been to put the spotlight on THE VUKA GROUP who are organising the DRC MINING WEEK EVENTS. Mupande is closely linked with THE VUKA GROUP and I’m sure they don’t want potential investors hearing about our story.
My final thought on your latest work is ‘Excellent’…. I don’t think you need to change anything. The cuff links are a touch of pure class and brilliance!
Just my opinion