9 unavailable videos hidden 5 days ago. The question would be why?
Would be a straightforward question to ask the company I reckon
See if you get a straight answer
9 unavailable videos hidden 5 days ago. The question would be why?
Would be a straightforward question to ask the company I reckon
It caught my attention as I sometimes go back to these interviews to re analyze them . I videoed a few of them at the time for personal reasons suspecting they might get pulled. If true this will need to be addressed .
Nige has already signed that shit IMO, just waiting for the ML and the Mess and it’s all over boys and gals.We are being primed for a cheap takeover, fuckers have agreed a deal and know us shareholders wont be to keen on it so are draining the coffers.
Next thing you know CATH come in with a BS offer and we feel obliged to take it :
CATH : We will give you ......
Sorry bud IMO Nige is out at the best offer once ML is done.We need to continue to move forward with confident and intent . Show these low life c--ts we are not intimated and mean business . Show Felix we are the real deal . To sit on our hands while all this sh1t unfolds would be a mistake imo . We don't have another year . Election in December . It's crunch time now imo .
Whoever is running that reported shareholder class action would be relying on content such as interviews. Possibly the videos have been subpoenaed and Proactive responded accordingly.It caught my attention as I sometimes go back to these interviews to re analyze them . I videoed a few of them at the time for personal reasons suspecting they might get pulled. If true this will need to be addressed .
Has the class action proceeded beyond the investigation stage?Whoever is running that reported shareholder class action would be relying on content such as interviews. Possibly the videos have been subpoenaed and Proactive responded accordingly.
LOL . Mate I haven't changed my views . 100% TO if we ever get out of this sh1t .Sorry bud IMO Nige is out at the best offer once ML is done.
Ask aroundand Fuck another bullshit roadshow spin..
However I like the New 2023 Optimist Wombat74….
Which raises two questions:More likely this was done at AVZ management's request imo
Bullshit. If we have “good legal title”, have followed the mining code to a T, and are of the opinion that the ML has been held up “illegally in our view” it tells us that the law is on our side and that there must be avenues for legal recourse. So stop fucking around and get into the courts and sort this shit out, stat.
I've lost count of how many times I've needed to post this. The 30 days time limit was for the ministerial decree.Bullshit. If we have “good legal title”, have followed the mining code to a T, and are of the opinion that the ML has been held up “illegally in our view” it tells us that the law is on our side and that there must be avenues for legal recourse. So stop fucking around and get into the courts and sort this shit out, stat.
Also, remember when we were smugly told how this shit would happen automatically by court order if the ML was not issued after 30 days? Nigel and his fucking hubris, hey?
at this point does it matter?I've lost count of how many times I've needed to post this. The 30 days time limit was for the ministerial decree.
Q: Interview NF mentioned once mentioned once decree issued 10 day period before Court could issue the licence. What happened?
A: This was a misunderstanding. As soon as your documentation was in order and issued, this talk of periods was regarding the ministerial decree. Other steps in way of ML – CAMI have held up the invoicing, illegally in our view.
View attachment 28391
And for what reason?
No idea why they would want to have the interviews pulled. My guess would be it's because Nigel said so much shit that was wrong in them. There was another interview that he did in March 2022 that magically disappeared when we went into suspension. Can't remember who it was with.Which raises two questions:
What reason would AVZ management have for wanting to pull the interviews?
What leverage would they have over proactive to compel them to pull the interviews (over and above threatening no more interviews)?
Yes lolat this point does it matter?
Nothing really matters, anyone can seeat this point does it matter?
Exactly mate. I think they are priming for a takeover, hence the four rigs running.. proving even bigger resource.That's an interesting point. Letting the drills go idle and laying down tools plays into the hands of those who generate fake news re AVZ doing nothing in Manono.
Had a look at this on HC this morning, no comment on this particular post ; but interesting address on his earnest brokers email I think....Earnest Brokers using an gmail address....’earnest brokers’ anyone even hear of these guys...i only know of ‘earnest insurance brokers’ which doesn't deal in equities....theres earnest broking and financial services out if India