Very Interesting Beisha,
My thoughts (I'm being very loose with the word thoughts) are as follows :
That Plan B you so pleasantly projectile vomited through the screen and directly into my eyes and open mouth as my jaw had hit the floor, has evoked the words
"Zijin get fucked"
This was my initial thought, upon reflection I can see the error of my ways and so
"Zijin can go fuck themselves vigorously with a large rusty morning-star dipped lovingly in acid, the cunts"
On every single metric Zijin have failed the test, they cannot, simply cannot be trusted and more importantly allowed to have even half a percent in this project. They will lie, cheat, steal, con, bribe and god knows what else to get what they want. Not a good partner to co-own the largest hard rock mine on the planet with.
With Felix finally moving with determination and showing every part the rapid acceleration of a stoned tortoise while pulling out his finger from rectum to move on corruption within Government to sign off on changing up Lukondes special cesspit of corruption (yet we are supposed to believe he is clean
These new snack-searchers coming in should basically know the score.
Therefore, one would reasonably expect there to be more support for the ML being granted and less support for Mupande, i.e Mamba gone. A new MOP together with the MOM making shit happen to get the ML, I'm thinking along the lines of suspend CAMI DG like has been done before, an within that small timeframe before he is once again brought back by Lukonde we have the feted ML in our hands. A plan B should in theory only be required if Mupande can't be removed, or convinced to stop with the snacks for just this one project.
Plan B should at this stage not be required good sir!
However I will play your evil game, but I will keep that dirty dirty word Zijin out of my mouth
Wait for ICC while cutting spending to essentials. BOD pay-cut 50% till ML (a gesture if nothing else).
Now I'm off to brush my teeth and use some mouthwash to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth, oh look a piece of carrot.
just read this back an its not so cohesive, apologies I have the missus whinging at me to hurry up as apparently, I have to watch a movie.