AVZ Ann: AGM Date and Director Nominations - 6th Sep 2023, 9:42am


Biding my Time 1971
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AVZ Announcement





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Media release. Importantly note 7.

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I posted this information here on the Chinese backed nominees.

Chinese Involvement In AVZ BOD Takeover

From a large shareholder…. In early August, a large shareholder was approached by Leonard Math on behalf of Peter Huljich and others, to see if they were interested in gathering other large shareholders and backing them to overthrow the current BOD. If they could not get 5% for an EGM, they would nominate for BOD positions.

A meeting took place at Northbridge Chinese Restaurant in Perth on Sunday 6th August 2023 between Bin Guo, Leonard Math and a major shareholder acting on behalf of others with shares totalling around 60 million.

Peter Huljich was not at the meeting as he told Leonard Math he could not be seen in attendance because of a restraint of trade clause from when he departed AVZ. Simon Cong and Guy Loando are backing this along with certain Chinese companies.

Peter Huljich and Leonard Math are acting as their front men. One key point was…. No Asian sounding names were to vote for an EGM as this would attract the interest of FIRB.

Bin Guo wanted to see some progress to free up shares for sale and is backing Huljich, Math and the other nominess. Yibin Tianyi and Lithium Plus are apparently involved in trying to out the current BOD.

It was also made clear that, if Huljich and the other nominess got in, there was NO guarantee of them getting the mining license, even with the backing of Simon Cong. Peter Huljich and Leonard Math were offered a large number of performance shares (millions) if they could get this across the line.

The major shareholder in attendance was also offered an incentive (to be discussed) if he could convince other significant holder's to back a new BOD.

I have been fortunate enough to have been taken into the confidence of a number of shareholders who have shared information with me, and believe the Chinese are funding the whole thing.



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Cruiser Posted

"Who benefits from the appointment of Huljich, Carrick, Ludbrook;
Eckhof, Simon Cong and ZIJIN?"


AVZ's position on the candidacy of Huljich, Carrick and Ludbrook, shareholders of Fat Tail Holdings Pty Ltd, for the Board of Directors​

October 10, 2023
Kiki Kienge

Shareholders of Fat Tail Holdings Pty Ltd (Fat Tail), an entity which owns 0.14% of shares in AVZ MINERALS LIMITED including Peter Huljich, former director of AVZ who holds a stake in the capital.
Sent correspondence to the shareholders of AVZ MINERALS LIMITED which will then be published on social networks, asking them to vote for the board of directors of AVZ, personalities from Fat Tail Holdings Pty Ltd, such as;
  • Peter Huljich (former director of the company),
  • by Michael Carrick
  • and Ty Ludbrook.
Namely that many voices in the sector speak of a link between Peter Huljich and Klaus Eckhof with Simon Cong Maohua and all with the Chinese giant ZIJIN MINING which is eyeing the Manono lithium project and wants to seize it at all costs, which is notably in a legal war following the acquisition of 15% of the shares of COMINUERE SA, a sale which was deemed illegal by the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance).

Many shareholders of AVZ MINERALS LIMITED and other expert analysts of the sector, suspect that these latest candidates for the board of directors of AVZ, only have the objective of supporting the strategy of the Chinese of ZIJIN MINING, to get their hands on the Manono lithium project, thus ejecting the Australians from AVZ.

In this correspondence from Fat Tail Holdings Pty Ltd, the editors made several inaccurate statements regarding the directors and the Manono lithium project, of which AVZ MINERALS is the majority shareholder.

Accusations of which we can read in the press release from the Perth company:
  1. AVZ's relationships with key DRC government officials and community stakeholders.
  2. Property of PR 13359 (the exploration permit which includes the Manono project).
  3. 15% stake in Dathcom Mining SA (Dathcom).
  4. Importance of arbitrage strategy;
  5. Judgment of the Lubumbashi high court;
  6. AVZ corporate governance;
  7. Appointments of Ty Ludbrook and Peter Huljich
– Brief passage 1 ;
AVZ is working tirelessly to advance these negotiations with Nigel Ferguson and Ben Cohen, Commercial Director and Deputy General Secretary of AVZ. They spent 246 days on business trips over the past 8 months in the DRC to advance these negotiations. On several occasions, accompanied by the executive director, Serge Ngandu, and by the legal advisor.
The DRC government recognizes this and is progressing MOU discussions within a strict legal and regulatory framework, which naturally takes time.

– Brief passage 2 ;
The CAMI portal indicates that Cominiere is the holder of PR13359, while specifying that it expired on December 27, 2021, which is obviously false. The CAMI register is incorrect because Cominiere obtained a national court order requiring CAMI to amend the register.

– Brief passage 3 ;
AVZ does not dispute the existence of contradictory statements regarding the transfer of the 15% in Dathcom. However, any alleged transfer of Cominiere's 15% stake in Dathcom to Zijin must be ignored, including reports published by Cominiere or Zijin, as this alleged transaction was in clear violation of AVZ's pre-emption rights.

– Brief passage 4 ;
AVZ management refutes the idea that any of the arbitrations could be considered unnecessary (…) It is important to note that AVZ notes that the introduction of ICSID arbitration against the DRC, concerning The failure to obtain the operating permit was the catalyst for the start of the MoU negotiations.

– Brief passage 5 ;
AVZ notes that the High Court of Lubumbashi was not competent to decide, and did not do so , the question of ownership of Dathcom shares, which will be decided by the ICC. Furthermore, AVZ was not a party to the proceedings and neither AVZ nor Graeme Johnston had the opportunity to be heard.

– Brief passage 6 ;
Furthermore, any inference that current directors or officers of AVZ sold shares while in possession of material information not publicly available at the time they sold their shares is false and without merit.
Peter Huljich served as a member of the AVZ Board of Directors between May 2, 2019 and August 3, 2022. Prior to his resignation, he was fully aware of the baseless and worthless allegations by Cominiere, Zijin and Dathomir.

– Brief passage 7 ;
While a director of AVZ, Mr. Huljich presented to the AVZ Board of Directors an impractical and baseless solution to purchase from Dig Oil (an entity associated with Dan Gertler) DRC's outstanding debts related to litigation, with the aim of exerting pressure on the government.

The AVZ board of directors rejected the proposal from Mr. Ludbrook (Allegiance Capital), in consultation with Mr. Huljich, because considering that the proposed strategy was not in the interest of AVZ shareholders, but rather to Huljich and Mr. Ludbrook.

Can we draw the conclusion that the possible appointment to the board of directors of AVZ MINERALS LIMITED of Peter Huljich, Michael Carrick and Ty Ludbrook would not be in the interest of the shareholders of AVZ, but of the people behind this cabal, which would be; Klaus Eckhof and Simon Cong Maohua, notably favoring the Chinese giant, ZIJIN MINING in its quest to seize the Manono lithium project?
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JAG Posted

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Retrobyte Posted

Appointed directors only hold office until the following AGM and have to stand for election - so Serge, Casta and the new lady will be seeking reelection, as will the two existing directors who are required to vacate - GJ and JC. There are 9 maximum directors - 2 are not up for reelection, those 5, and potentially two new ones = 9
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In early August Leonard Math on behalf of Peter Huljich and others approached shareholders seeking help to overthrow the AVZ BOD.

The meeting took place at Northbridge Chinese Restaurant in Perth on Sunday 6th August 2023 between Bin Guo, Leonard Math and a major shareholder

Peter Huljich was not at the meeting as he told Leonard Math he could not be seen in attendance because of a restraint of trade clause from when he departed AVZ.

One key point was…. No Asian sounding names were to vote for an EGM as this would attract the interest of FIRB.

Peter Huljich and Leonard Math are acting as the front men and Simon Cong and Guy Loando are backing this along with certain Chinese companies.

With the backing of Simon Cong, Peter Huljich and Leonard Math were offered a large number of performance shares (millions) if they could get this across the line.
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TDITD Reply To 9cardomaha

This reasoning is solid.

Just for some clarity:
  1. late 2022 Cominiere writes to MOM requesting termination of JVA because they have hurt feelings
  2. MOM cancels pending PE in ministerial decree 0000031, citing unharmonious relations (this is fucking laughable and not a valid reason for termination, one of the main points of argument for ICSID)
  3. Cominiere uses 0000031 and the belief that 13359 has been returned to Cominiere to file for termination at a local DRC court - they claim that because Dathcom has lost its asset, the JV no longer has reason to exist
  4. AVZ leadership sniff out this shitfuckery and obtains an emergency injunction (EI) against Cominiere
  5. Cominiere believes it has not breached ICC injunction, because it filed to terminate before EI was handed down
  6. With all this going on Cominiere also applied for a court order to have CAMI records updated, which was granted by the looks of it.
This hopefully clears things up, a lot of this is Cominiere acting under its own snack land fantasy scenarios, and the DRC legal system is so fucking outdated, they just go about doing whatever the fuck they want.

AVZ have the proceedings in motion for the outcome Carlos has pointed out, MOM comes over the top, which I stake my ambidextrous left/right them/they/it pronoun testicle on.

PS Cominiere's entire operational process is based on what it wants to believe, with utter disregard for what actually is. Hence what i said about the hydro plant as well, they just doing whatever the fuck they want.
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Best take on the current situation so far

In my opinion, the recent claims and documents from MMGA raise some (more ethical) concerns. The scope of what's happened here is deliberately (and IMO obviously) being kept from us

Let's not forget that MMGA is not exactly known for its integrity. They are led by Peter Hulich, who was previously a director and has been linked to questionable people and questionable practices, including issues with his date of birth. Furthermore, there have been questions about the identity of a mole within the company leaking information. These claims have been made by shareholders and have not been denied, none of the claims by shareholders have in fact been denied.

It's also worth noting that MMGA appears to be backed by the same Chinese entities that are causing issues in the DRC for us/AVZ.

We need to consider whether these individuals are acting in the best interest of the shareholders or if they're simply motivated by personal gain. It's important to keep things in perspective as long-term suffering AVZ shareholders. On evidence so far it would seem quite conclusive.

Our BOD is currently facing a range of challenges from every which way. We were warned about a potential disinformation campaign from MMGA, and it seems to be in full swing as we approach the Annual General Meeting (AGM). MMGA's proposals are non-existent their qualifications for the task at hand are sorely lacking as too their experience in country. Vote NO against MMGA !!

If these documents are indeed genuine, it raises obvious questions about more violations of the DRC mining laws by those involved. We're also making progress with the ICC, and have the ICSID looming overheard both of which have the power to render any forged documents or paid-off local court decisions irrelevant.

Despite some setbacks, such as the (false) loss of our ML decree due to DRC mining code breaches, we've taken steps to protect our interests through legal channels. Even if MOM appears to be against us, the ICC rulings will likely force them to correct their mistakes.

The current situation from MMGA and Comineire seems fraught with contradictions and information gaps. The increase in accusations and misinformation might be a sign that we're getting closer to a resolution.

I suppose the question is whether the ICC or some form of MOU will come first?
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Watch our interview with Michael Carrick, a nominated director for the board of AVZ Minerals. He discusses concerns with the company as part of the Make Manono Great Again initiative
Watch here: https://youtu.be/GxCxJ0RWZHg
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Peter Huljich's reputation is so far down the toilet the MMGA boys have changed the order of the nominated directors on their website

Looks like they're trying to promote Carrick as the new Mr Clean poster boy for the group

View attachment 47606

We all know how excellent and clean Carrick's reputation is dealing with mines in developing countries

Excellent relationship with the PNG government while Chairman of RTG Mining

View attachment 47607

Absolute crooks and liars through and through
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Carrick started off admitting Fat Tail only has a small number of shares in AVZ, couldn’t answer his own comment of how Nigel got a meeting with Tshisekedi immediately after the MMGA message kept referring to tommy and the AFR articles, had no idea about the contracts or money paid to Dathomir but kept acknowledging AVZ’s 75% interest in Dathcom, acknowledged Dathomir’s apparent reneging on the contract but can’t understand why we can’t get on with Dathomir or Cominiere (after they illegally sold off 15% of the project) on top of which, we had the ‘right of first refusal’….

Then says “that’s why we have been nominated” (rather than “we nominated ourselves on behalf of Simon Cong, Guy Loando and other Chinese interests) then says “We are not interested in the fairness of it” and further goes on to say “You know, we have no vested interest in the dispute” 😉

@Winenut I love the satellite views of the tenement, and as I’m sure you know, that new partition of the northern section includes an area we have drilled and received assays for, so clearly illegal trying to steal that section
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9cardomaha posted



My original intel was a split for 152... never shared (publicly) because it wasn't substantiated and a whole lot of plot holes in the content.

With the update to CAMI, not sure who the fuck Manono Lithium are, but trying to find out. It would make sense if it is ZJ + Cominiere under a 60/40 split. I recall in July they set up some shady fucking company, will double check to see if i have the registry stuff on the company.

Again don't board the hysteria train, most of this is operated under Cominiere's dumbass presumption that 13359 has been returned in full to them because of 'unharmonious relations' stated in 000031. This is not a fucking reason to terminate PR and the base arguement for ICSID. Every lawyer friend i've spoken to believes ICSID case is fucking game over red rover for DRC because, its a fucking weak ass argument and its not part of the DRC mining code (not that law and order mean jack shit in the DRC).

When parties engage in business with different core understandings and presumptions of ownership, but one has snacks and brown paper bags to throw around, they're going to do what corrupt fucks do. AVZ holding its positions at ICC and ICSID to push for a clean slate and clarity on the matter from a third party or at least a neutral party is imperative.

MMGA's fucking statements about ICC and these litigations being useless is fucking looney toons material and not the good kind, Space Jam 3 type of dog shit.
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Thaz Posted

A little research that I did on our good friend, Mr. Carrick. He's employment history doesn't seem to be all that great. the companies he has touched all seemed to have been left up shit creek it seems.

Full Name: Mr. Michael Joseph Carrick
CA ID: 001215013
Date Joined CA: 1981-12-31
Designation: CA in South Africa and Australia.

Employment/Director History

RTG Mining Inc.

Term as director: 28/3/2012.
Key highlights: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...company-of-lying-to-australian-stock-exchange
Japan Gold:
Independent director

CGA Mining
Merged with B2Gold in 2013. Resigned as a director in B2Gold in 2014. Share price eroded - but then eventually went back up.

1697901228245.png 1697901216298.png

First quarter production at the recently acquired Masbate Mine in the Philippines was 43,554 ounces of gold compared to the CGA Mining budgeted number of 48,321 ounces of gold. B2Gold's forecast gold production for the Masbate Mine was estimated at 43,894 ounces for the first quarter and between 175,000 and 185,000 ounces for the year as compared to CGA Mining guidance of 200,000 ounces. 2013 production will be impacted by a change out of the old SAG mill with a new SAG mill to be delivered in late August or September. B2Gold and Masbate engineers and geologists are working towards an updated geological model and mine plan which will incorporate drilling from the 2012 exploration program. B2Gold's technical team believes the new reserve and mine plan will be completed by mid-2013. The updated mine plan will be used to provide B2Gold guidance for 2013 production and cash cost numbers. The Company's technical team will also be reviewing potential expansion plans for Masbate based on the updated geological model. Guidance for the potential expansion of the Masbate mill is targeted for completion by early 2014.



AGR heads for Mongolian gold

A year after his inglorious exit as chief executive of Perth-based gold miner Resolute Ltd, Michael Carrick has bedded down a $120 million project financing deal to develop Mongolia's first major gold mine.
Mr Carrick, in his new role as executive chairman of Perth-based AGR Ltd, confirmed yesterday the company had secured $US20 million ($38 million) in equity backing from the world's biggest uranium miner, Canada's Cameco Corp, to finance development of a gold mine at the Boroo project in Mongolia.

The finalisation of the Cameco deal, under which the Toronto- and New York-listed mining giant will emerge with a 52 per cent stake in AGR, coincided with the completition of a syndication process for a $US33 million project financing facility with Macquarie Bank.

The deal is a coup for AGR after Resolute walked away from a scrip merger proposal last year. Mr Carrick has been working on the Boroo financing deal since his departure from Resolute in February last year.

His departure followed a sharp erosion in the value of Resolute shares which gave control of the company to Sydney investor Duncan Saville via a significant holding of converting preference shares. Mr Carrick's successor at Resolute, Peter Sullivan, said in a statement that Resolute had advanced $3.2 million to AGR in the past two years in loans and the provision of technical services an amount he expected would be repaid within 30 days from the proceeds of the Cameco share placement.

St Augustine Gold and Copper Ltd


Arthur Andersen
Senior International Partner
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Dave Evans

One of the photos of Leonard Math with Huljich and Carrotdick at Cong’s Fleuve Hotel in Kinshasa. You should be able to find the date and other photos on Twitter

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Dave Evans

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Dave Evans

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Dave Evans


AVZ releases US$20,000,000 for the management of Manono's lithium dispute​

November 18, 2023
Kiki Kienge

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Appeal to $AVZ shareholders, attending AGM in person.

After it is confirmed by announcement from the Chair during AGM that @MMGACIC nominees are OUT - Please, gently stand up & clap your hands for 5 to 8 seconds to appreciate 1.5 years of -

- AVZ mgmt hard work.
- 20,500 SHs support.

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