0P00007GCA Discussion 2024


Staff member
Are you invested in 0P00007GCA? If so, what are the highlights and lowlights from your perspective?


Not invested anymore as the position has been closed due to a long term trailing stop being triggered. Plan to reinvest for the income once the current market euphoria/blow off top has played out - I am suspecting that both the US and AU are going to be tipped into recession and our markets will be heading south for quite a while so I m building up a cash buffer. Distributions for VHY are irregular is the only downside that I can see, so a buffer in the income account to allow for regular withdrawals is needed when you invest in ETFs. From my reading, VHY rates better than SYI. I do like IHD for income but again have been stopped out of that one as well. MER on VHY is acceptable if I recall.
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