dodgy contributions


I couldn't think of a better name, sorry. I'll be happy to correct it if someone comes up with something better.
My point is this. There are many articles or contributions or opinions floating around out there in the infinite expanses of the WWW with dubious content, validity or truthfulness. So in my mind, this thread is for all the stuff where we don't need to explain ourselves or explain at length what's wrong with this or that article. So this thread is more of a repository where anyone can throw in anything of dubious value.

I see it more as a kind of rubbish dump. So feel free to throw anything in here that you want to put little or no effort into preparing. That way the other threads stay clean without losing any information.
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This should serve as an example. The title makes it clear what it's all about: questioning everything and fuelling opinion.
In this case, it reads like this:

"Transitioning to fossil-free industry - the green boom in Norrland

Multi-billion-dollar investments, tens of thousands of new jobs and promises of a greener future. A historic transition to fossil-free industry is taking place in northern Sweden. At the same time, the question marks are piling up. How green are the projects really? And where will everyone live?

How will the environment be affected?
Much of the criticism concerns the impact on the environment. One example is Talga's planned graphite mine in Vittangi, which has brought the concept of green transition to a head. Sceptics argue that the mine will destroy high nature values and reindeer husbandry in favour of dubious environmental benefits.

Recently, the Institute for Economic Research has also released two reports questioning the profitability of green steel. According to these, there are major uncertainties about willingness to pay.

Of course, this has nothing to do with proper journalism. Hence this new thread.


Great thread.... "Fake News" or "Gaslighting" comes to mind. :)
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"The abyss of the energy transition"


"No winning lottery to get a new mine in the municipality"
and many more over the years


"At the same time, the question marks are piling up. How green are the projects? And where will everyone live?"
s. a.

Giving the cause a face. More will follow.




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