Dave Evans
BRN financial factors
Last two days have been good ones for BRN, up to $0.31 (20% and 5%). This could be partially due to the US averting a government shutdown and good inflation results on the back of tech stocks reaching an all time high in December.
But BRN’s ongoing operational losses, share based expenses, constant need for capital raising and low revenue are all still financial factors worth considering
BRN’s operational losses over the past 5 years (shown below) are over US$100million
2019 were US$11.31million
2020 were US$26.82 million
2021 were US$20.98 million
2022 were US$22.07 million
2023 were US$28.88 million
BRN is looking at another year of operational losses, already over US$11 million in the 2024 Half Yearly Report.
Millions of shares in remunerations going to KMP and share based expenses are costing millions
2019 - US$ 1.63 million
2020 - US$ 1.43 million
2021 - US$ 4.36 million
2022 - US$ 9.14 million
2023 - US$11.35 million
US$20 million is a lot of money in share based expenses for a company with operational losses of over US$100 million in the same period and half a billion market cap valuation seems high considering US $100 million operational losses, share dilution, multiple capital raises and low revenue
The last jump to $0.30c was after news of hearing aid company Starkey using AI but it had nothing to do with BRN and the SP dropped back to $0.23 within two weeks.
This time around the jump may also be on the back of a steady and possibly expensive marketing effort and could once again have operational losses running even higher in 2024.
Last two days have been good ones for BRN, up to $0.31 (20% and 5%). This could be partially due to the US averting a government shutdown and good inflation results on the back of tech stocks reaching an all time high in December.
But BRN’s ongoing operational losses, share based expenses, constant need for capital raising and low revenue are all still financial factors worth considering
BRN’s operational losses over the past 5 years (shown below) are over US$100million
2019 were US$11.31million
2020 were US$26.82 million
2021 were US$20.98 million
2022 were US$22.07 million
2023 were US$28.88 million
BRN is looking at another year of operational losses, already over US$11 million in the 2024 Half Yearly Report.
Millions of shares in remunerations going to KMP and share based expenses are costing millions
2019 - US$ 1.63 million
2020 - US$ 1.43 million
2021 - US$ 4.36 million
2022 - US$ 9.14 million
2023 - US$11.35 million
US$20 million is a lot of money in share based expenses for a company with operational losses of over US$100 million in the same period and half a billion market cap valuation seems high considering US $100 million operational losses, share dilution, multiple capital raises and low revenue
The last jump to $0.30c was after news of hearing aid company Starkey using AI but it had nothing to do with BRN and the SP dropped back to $0.23 within two weeks.
This time around the jump may also be on the back of a steady and possibly expensive marketing effort and could once again have operational losses running even higher in 2024.
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