Ty Ludbrook

Dave Evans

I know the threat by the Chinese backed stooges MMGA (aka Fat Tail) to usurp our BOD was dealt with at our recent AGM, but I thought it would be a good idea that each of the four stooges involved had their own thread.

These threads can be added to by the shareholders I speak to privately, or anyone else with information on the four men who sought to takeover our company for the Chinese and other actors involved.

I am aware that FIRB is one agency looking into this matter and the relationships and history of those involved. So without further ado, let’s start this thread on the man affectionately known to shareholders as Boy Dudbrook

Dudbrook states that he is the Managing Director of Allegiance Capital, but he cannot be found anywhere on the management team, and not even on their website. He also claims he was head of Managed Accounts at Patersons Securities and worked closely with other executives on Patersons’ Funds Management division. Patersons, as we know was involved in Capital Raises in 2019 for AVZ Minerals involving Chinese companies Huayou Cobalt and Lithium Plus. Given his history, I hope FIRB takes into account the possibility of him having strong links to Chinese Investors, Short Sellers, Brokers and Fund Managers.

More recently Dudbrook, Huljich and Carrotdick engaged the services of Alliance Advisors (a supposedly independent advisory firm focused on Shareholder Solicitation) who say they go "beyond the norm" to execute strategies resulting in winning outcomes.

Here’s a little of what they do....
Analyse institutional and retail shareholders to understand the source of voting shares
Conduct voter identification to uncover their voting positions, including banks and brokers
Engage with institutional investors in dialogue based on the type of proposals at hand
Devise a retail outreach strategy directed to the NOBO and other retail shareholders
Utilize a variety of communication strategies including emails and social media
Monitor voting trends, insights and results and adjust strategy as required
Provide retail voting analytics to unlock insights on shareholder’s behaviours
Provide customized investor profiles to identify potential pressure points
Provide voting projections to manage the solicitation strategy
Provide shareholders with voting access
Pre-launch solicitation strategies

They identify....
Key institutional shareholders and targeted retail shareholders
As well as proxy advisors and other influencers on the register
Then subscribe to them in order to get their votes

Additionally they....
Prepare directors for meetings, source and distribute reports
Provide a written response in the event of a negative recommendations
Plan and execute a campaign targeting Institutional and Retail shareholders
Provide offense or defense of public statements and what to send to shareholders

And get these last services they provide
Conduct programs to institutional and retail shareholders
Handle SEC filings, printing, proxy solicitation and tabulation
Review all documentation including Governance and Messaging
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Dave Evans

Here’s Dudbrook with fellow stooges in Perth playing ‘pull the finger’ during the 2023 AGM


Ty doesn’t look very happy leaving the event but his smug lawyer does. Now what’s that lawyer’s name again?

Ahh, thanks Hodl

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Dave Evans

We know the stooges used Alliance Advisors to handle the misinformation campaign and Alliance Advisors say that they prepare directors for meetings, source the reports, provide responses, plan and execute the campaign and review all documentation including governance and messaging.

If you look at MMGA’s twitter pages and videos you start to get a sense of the desperation and pathetic and embarrassing lengths these usurpers undertook to takeover our BOD.

Here’s the video they put out of this particular stooge

Ty Ludbrook's message to AVZ shareholders
Make Manono Great Again


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Dave Evans

This is the kind of campaign they think is professional and will win over serious and genuine investors

More delusions

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Dave Evans

Here’s the stooge’s strategy, which we will follow up with the AGM Voting Results

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Dave Evans

Shareholders had their say at the AGM but for some reason the stooges still seem to be lurking

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Dave Evans

So looking at the MMGA Stooge (Fat Tail) tweets above we can see the following

1) They are calling for the immediate resignation of our BOD.

2) They are calling for themselves to be appointed to our BOD “immediately”

3) They promise to provide shareholders with a say on any outcomes!

Well fuckwits, you had the votes of all your Chinese backers including Yibin, Huayou, Lithium Plus and CATH and you still got voted out by more than 2 to 1



Shareholders have had their say, in fact shareholders overwhelmingly voted to keep our BOD, now fuck off and stay fucked off
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Dave Evans

Here’s a reminder list of some the other actors who have been conspiring with the stooges to usurp our BOD

Omni Bridgeway
Tom Richardson (AFR)
Boatman (David Edward Robertson)

Simon Cong (Dathomir)
Adele Kayinda, Guy Loando
Celestin Kibeya Kabemba (Cominiere)
Leonard Math, Klaus Eckhof, Eric Allard

Chinese company Zijin
Chinese company Yibin
Chinese company Huayou
Chinese company Lithium Plus
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Hates a beer
Boy Dudbrook must be happy that the school term is almost over and he can take a 6 week break
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Dave Evans

After the stooge’s latest amateurish attempt at undermining AVZ shareholders by commencing proceedings against AVZ in the West Australia Supreme Court


I thought I would put some more information up on the lies, disinformation and bullshit these Chinese stooges have been spreading as well as some facts around the recent AGM voting results



If you take away the four Chinese companies votes (Yibin, CATH, Huayou, Lithium Plus) the votes FOR our current BOD and AGAINST the stooges was actually 7 to 1 (not 2 to 1).

This was also reflected in the number of shareholders voting FOR our current BOD and AGAINST the stooges being 7 to 1

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Dave Evans


Here we are one month later with the PR 13359 and PE front and centre of the ICSID orders

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Dave Evans

Fat Tail (MMGA) stooges said they would listen to shareholders. Shareholders voted against the Fat Tail stooges by 7 to 1 and as a result these clowns acting on behalf of the Chinese companies trying to steal Manono have since decided to try and take action against AVZ through the WA Supreme Court



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Dave Evans

Boy Dudbrook started blocking shareholders on Twitter as soon as I caught him posting lies and misleading information about me and Nigel Ferguson.

It appeared that he was trying to hide his lies as well as remove them from Twitter. Unfortunately he wasn’t quick enough and I saved all his posts. Here’s some of what he posted 👇


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Some nice work there Dave(y)
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