I’ve got a question I’ve been pondering for ages about the share price as I am not well schooled on these matters.
I appreciate there are many variables to derive a SP. For example Afterpay peaked over $100 without any profit so that really confuses me and I know there are some who are saying our current SP is overvalued based on our past and current revenue. I have bought Brainchip based on where the revenue could be in a few years time, not current revenue.
I was lucky when I first started investing a bit over a year ago and jagged LKE, SYA and NVX amongst a few losers I have sold off. I was pleasantly surprised at how they have grown without much in the profit line either. I still think BRN will be my best investment!
Based on our no. of shares 1.8 billion how much in annual revenue do we need to mathematically hit the $10 mark?
If I’m right and we are going to be in Valeo’s 3 Billion sensors over the next 5 years that equates to $600 000 000 a year if we get a $1 per sensor.
Obviously Valeo is not going to be our only line of revenue but based on that amount from Valeo alone what SP does that equate to please because I have no idea?
Afternoon Stable Genius,
Like your thinking.
Some quick basic math off your above post and future PE ratios.
Potential Valeo Royaltias of $1.00 per unit x 600,000,000 per year.
$600million @ price to earnings ratio of..
1, PE of 7 = $4,200,000,000 ÷ 1.8 billion shares on issue = $2.333
( I have always thought that solid Blue Chip stocks trading under 7 pe were a bargain over the the long term).
2, PE 10 = $6 billion÷1.8bill Shares on issue= $3.33 share price
3, PE 25 = $15 billion÷1.8 bill SOI=$8.33 share price.
4, PE 100=$60 billion÷1.8 billion SOI= $33.33 share price.
* Worth noting....
Tesla trading on a PE of 219.92 as of March 2022.
Amazon trading on an estimated PE of 62.64.
Berkshire Hathaway trading on a PE of 29.484 as of march 2022.
Hypothetically if the above automotive derived revenues to BRN was say 30% Of total revenues out of a diverse plethora of revenue streams...
Space Force,
Computer Security private and company,
Flying transporters and Drones,
Civilian air craft,
Cochlear implants,
Heart rate/Blood pressure/Glucose levels etc,
Prosthetic limbs,
Vibration - From industrial structures to Heavy rail haulage to motor/ bearings to Dildonics.
Then add the 100 plus things I have forgotten or simply have not come to fruition yet due to not having AKIDA 1,2,3.
Adding 70% to the above numbers things start to look quite nice.
$600,000,000 (30%)+$1,400,000,000(70%)=$2,000,000,000 per annum Revenues.
1, $2bill x PE 7 =$14billion÷1.8 bill SOI=$7.78 per share.
2, $2bill x PE10=$20 bill÷1.8bill SOI=$11.111 per share.
3, $2bill x PE 25 =$50 bill÷1.8 bill SOI=$27.778 per share.
4, $2bill x PE100=$200bill÷1.8bill SOI= $111.111 per share.