NXT News: Increases to CEO Compensation Might Be Put On Hold For Now at NEXTDC Limited (ASX:NXT) - 17th Nov 2023, 2:49pm


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NEXTDC will host its Annual General Meeting on 24th of November CEO Craig Scroggie's total compensation includes salary of AU$1.30m The overall pay is 56% above the industry average NEXTDC's EPS grew by 78% over the past three years while total shareholder return over the past three years was 7.8%

Under the guidance of CEO Craig Scroggie, NEXTDC Limited (ASX:NXT) has performed reasonably well recently. As shareholders go into the upcoming AGM on 24th of November, CEO compensation...

>>> Read more: Increases to CEO Compensation Might Be Put On Hold For Now at NEXTDC Limited (ASX:NXT)
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