Michael Carrick

Dave Evans

I know the threat by the Chinese backed stooges MMGA (aka Fat Tail) to usurp our BOD was dealt with at our recent AGM, but I thought it would be a good idea that each of the four stooges involved had their own thread.

These threads can be added to by the shareholders I speak to privately, or anyone else with information on the four men who sought to takeover our company for the Chinese and other actors involved.

I am aware that FIRB is one agency looking into this matter and the relationships and history of those involved. So without further ado, let’s start this thread on the man affectionately known to shareholders as Carrotdick (or 🥕 dick)

🤣🤣 I need a little time to get this thread going, his CV is even worse than the others

Let’s start with his more recent performances, including what he told one shareholder over a Zoom call and work our way back

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Dave Evans

We know the stooges used Alliance Advisors to handle the misinformation campaign and Alliance Advisors say that they prepare directors for meetings, source the reports, provide responses, plan and execute the campaign and review all documentation including governance and messaging.

If you look at MMGA’s twitter pages and videos you start to get a sense of the desperation and pathetic and embarrassing lengths these usurpers undertook to takeover our BOD.

Here’s the video they put out of this particular stooge



And here’s some more desperate, pathetic and embarrassing twitter moments. The stooges on their way to meet Simon Cong


Here’s the stooges and Math meeting at Simon Cong’s hotel

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Dave Evans

Here he is again. OMG Could this interview be any more embarrassing 🙈

And WTF is with their putting AVZ’s logo in the top right hand corner of the video

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Dave Evans

What’s extra telling about the above twitter post from the stooges is that in over 4,000 views it only had 3 likes and they are so deluded that they think it’s a “Fantastic interview”

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Dave Evans

This is the kind of campaign they think is professional and will win over serious and genuine investors


More delusions


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Dave Evans

Here’s the stooge’s strategy, which we will follow up with the AGM Voting Results

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Dave Evans

Shareholders had their say at the AGM but for some reason the stooges still seem to be lurking


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Dave Evans

So looking at the MMGA Stooge (Fat Tail) tweets above we can see the following

1) They are calling for the immediate resignation of our BOD.

2) They are calling for themselves to be appointed to our BOD “immediately”

3) They promise to provide shareholders with a say on any outcomes!

Well fuckwits, you had the votes of all your Chinese backers including Yibin, Huayou, Lithium Plus and CATH and you still got voted out by more than 2 to 1


Shareholders have had their say, in fact shareholders overwhelmingly voted to keep our BOD, now fuck off and stay fucked off
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Dave Evans

Here’s a reminder list of some the other actors who have been conspiring with the stooges to usurp our BOD

Omni Bridgeway
Tom Richardson (AFR)
Boatman (David Edward Robertson)

Simon Cong (Dathomir)
Adele Kayinda, Guy Loando
Celestin Kibeya Kabemba (Cominiere)
Leonard Math, Klaus Eckhof, Eric Allard

Chinese company Zijin
Chinese company Yibin
Chinese company Huayou
Chinese company Lithium Plus
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Dave Evans

Here’s some information on 🥕 dick provided by @Thaz on 22/10/2023

A little research that I did on our good friend, Mr. Carrick. He's employment history doesn't seem to be all that great. The companies he has touched all seemed to have been left up shit creek it seems.

Full Name: Mr. Michael Joseph Carrick
CA ID: 001215013
Date Joined CA: 1981-12-31
Designation: CA in South Africa and Australia.

Employment/Director History

RTG Mining Inc.

Term as director: 28/3/2012.
Key highlights:



Japan Gold:
Independent director


CGA Mining

Merged with B2Gold in 2013.
Resigned as a director in B2Gold in 2014. Share price eroded - but then eventually went back up.


First quarter production at the recently acquired Masbate Mine in the Philippines was 43,554 ounces of gold compared to the CGA Mining budgeted number of 48,321 ounces of gold. B2Gold's forecast gold production for the Masbate Mine was estimated at 43,894 ounces for the first quarter and between 175,000 and 185,000 ounces for the year as compared to CGA Mining guidance of 200,000 ounces. 2013 production will be impacted by a change out of the old SAG mill with a new SAG mill to be delivered in late August or September. B2Gold and Masbate engineers and geologists are working towards an updated geological model and mine plan which will incorporate drilling from the 2012 exploration program. B2Gold's technical team believes the new reserve and mine plan will be completed by mid-2013. The updated mine plan will be used to provide B2Gold guidance for 2013 production and cash cost numbers. The Company's technical team will also be reviewing potential expansion plans for Masbate based on the updated geological model. Guidance for the potential expansion of the Masbate mill is targeted for completion by early 2014.





AGR heads for Mongolian gold

A year after his inglorious exit as chief executive of Perth-based gold miner Resolute Ltd, Michael Carrick has bedded down a $120 million project financing deal to develop Mongolia's first major gold mine.


Mr Carrick, in his new role as executive chairman of Perth-based AGR Ltd, confirmed yesterday the company had secured $US20 million ($38 million) in equity backing from the world's biggest uranium miner, Canada's Cameco Corp, to finance development of a gold mine at the Boroo project in Mongolia.

The finalisation of the Cameco deal, under which the Toronto- and New York-listed mining giant will emerge with a 52 per cent stake in AGR, coincided with the completition of a syndication process for a $US33 million project financing facility with Macquarie Bank.

The deal is a coup for AGR after Resolute walked away from a scrip merger proposal last year. Mr Carrick has been working on the Boroo financing deal since his departure from Resolute in February last year.

His departure followed a sharp erosion in the value of Resolute shares which gave control of the company to Sydney investor Duncan Saville via a significant holding of converting preference shares. Mr Carrick's successor at Resolute, Peter Sullivan, said in a statement that Resolute had advanced $3.2 million to AGR in the past two years in loans and the provision of technical services an amount he expected would be repaid within 30 days from the proceeds of the Cameco share placement.

St Augustine Gold and Copper Ltd


Arthur Andersen
Senior International Partner



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Dave Evans

This isn’t the first time 🥕 dick has been involved in disputes over mining rights


Rival companies ramp up battle to reopen controversial Bougainville mine​

By Papua New Guinea correspondent
Eric Tlozek

RTG Mining chairman Michael Carrick says a proposal by the Central Me'ekamui Exploration Limited consortium is more realistic and "for the benefit of the people of Bougainville"

But BCL (Bougainville Copper Limited) company secretary Mark Hitchcock says the (Carrick) consortium's conduct is "less than honourable"

Bougainville's Mining Secretary Shadrach Himata says all landowners will be asked for their views.

The Bougainville Government has also criticised the (Carrick) consortium for paying landowners who support them and implied it is not respecting the approval process.

"The Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) will not entertain companies who use the back door or break and enter through the window using self-centred individuals who think they have a monopoly over the people's resources or represent their interests," Mining Minister Raymond Masono said in a statement.

“The ABG rejects companies that think they can bribe their way into people's resources by giving certain individuals money to gain landowner consent."

The ABG has had the PNG Government ban the key executive from Central Exploration, Sydney lawyer Renzie Duncan, from coming to Papua New Guinea.

Michael Carrick from RTG Mining says the consortium has been dealing openly with the Bougainville Government and that landowner payments are wages for its employees.
"It is clear the ABG, on the appointment of the new mining minister, supported BCL and the temporary banning of Renzie….”

Bougainville Copper Limited is deeply unhappy with RTG Mining and its partners.

"We think they're less than honourable in how they're carrying on their conduct and their activities in the area," BCL company secretary Mark Hitchcock said.

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Dave Evans



Bougainville seeks PNG's help to enforce ban on mining execs​

Bougainville's government has asked Papua New Guinea to help enforce its travel ban on a group of foreign mining company executives and shareholders.

Bougainville President John Momis

Bougainville President John Momis

The president of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province, John Momis, said that despite a ban, people were continuing to disrespect Bougainville's customs and laws, and cause "disharmony".

They wanted PNG officials to stop seven individuals from entering both PNG and Bougainville. The ban includes chair of RTG Mining, Michael Carrick, its chief executive, Justine Magee, and chief operating officer Mark Turner.

The ban also applies to two RTG directors and lawyer Renzie Duncan, who is with associated company, Central Exploration.

RTG has close links with the SMLOLA landowning group at the site of the Panguna mine, and they are hoping to re-open the mine. But the Bougainville government has separate plans for the mine, and intends controversial changes to its own Mining Act to make this happen.

Nature has gradually reclaimed the massive open pit of Bougainville Copper Limited's former lucrative mine.

Nature has gradually reclaimed the massive open pit of Bougainville Copper Limited's former lucrative mine. Photo: RNZ Pacific / Johnny Blades. The seventh person on the banned list is Nik Zuks, who is a shareholder of Kalia Group, which is looking to mine at another site on Bougainville Island.

The company was castigated by the government earlier this month for continuing mineral exploration, while the province was still conducting its referendum.

A Kalia geologist was killed in a clash,causing Mr Momis to say the company was encroaching on disputed land but Kalia said it had permission from the landowners.


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Dave Evans


Papua New Guinea Mine Watch

Monitoring the mining industry in Papua New Guinea​


ABG President refutes RTG claims

Autonomous Bougainville Government President John Momis.

One PNG | 22 January 2020
I refer to RTG Mining Inc.’s most recent announcement to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) dated 21st January 2020 whereby RTG deliberately made false claims to mislead their shareholders, the general public and the ASX.

Firstly, the Special Mining Lease Osikaiyang Landowners Association (SMLOLA) was an entity established under the controversial Bougainville Copper Limited (BCL) regime, which mistakenly placed landowners into individual blocks. This is in fact inconsistent with the traditional land inheritance system whereby land is owned by clans and families. The ABG has started the process to rectify this grave past mistake with the rejection of BCL’s licence over Panguna, thereby deeming all current mine affected landowner associations, including SMLOLA illegal, null and void.

So while it is true that RTG are the joint venture partner of SMLOLA as they have confirmed, I would like to confirm SMLOLA have no legal rights over Panguna and cannot enter into any legally binding agreements relating to Panguna. I am happy to advise however that the ABG will be assisting the true and genuine landowners to ensure proper social mapping is carried out in order to establish new legal landowner associations and entities.

Secondly, as per a media statement released from my Office on the 23rd December 2019, I would like to re-confirm and reiterate that the below RTG executives currently still have a travel ban on them, preventing them from entering Bougainville:
  1. Mr Michael J Carrick – Chairman of RTG Mining
  2. Ms Justine A Magee – CEO and Executive Director of RTG Mining
  3. Mr Mark Turner – COO of RTG Mining
  4. Mr Robert N Smith – Non-Executive Director of RTG Mining
  5. Mr Phillip C Lockyer – Non-Executive Director of RTG Mining
I also re-confirm and reiterate that this travel ban will not be uplifted under any circumstance.

Whilst there was a travel ban into Papua New Guinea, it has recently been uplifted due to RTG’s lies and deceptions to the PNG government and immigration department about their purported involvement in the Mt Kare project – a project that the world knows it will not succeed.

It is therefore concluded that RTG have taken advantage of the fact that both the PNG and ABG operate independently of each other and do not always consult each other on foreign companies, and that RTG’s interest in the Mt Kare project is merely an expensive ploy and deceptive tactic to be able to have a presence in PNG and access to their only real interest – the financial rewards of the Panguna pit.

RTG and their executives should be totally and utterly ashamed of themselves for their corrupt, disruptive and divisive behaviour. They have tried to take advantage of our landowners and people and have shown a complete lack of respect for government authorities.

RTG have completely misled the markets for their own financial gain and convenience.

The ABG will not rest until all RTG and their executives are banned for life from Bougainville and Papua New Guinea.

As it is my duty to protect the people of Bougainville from immoral charlatans, I appeal to the ASX, TSX and OTCQB, as your duty to protect current and potential shareholders, that you perform a full investigation into RTG Mining and their executives and their misconduct.

My Government would be more than happy to assist you with any enquiries relating to RTG and their activities whilst in Bougainville.

For current and potential shareholders and financial markets, I hope that this clears up any confusion or misunderstanding on RTG Mining’s position in Papua New Guinea, Bougainville and Panguna.

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What’s extra telling about the above twitter post from the stooges is that in over 4,000 views it only had 3 likes and they are so deluded that they think it’s a “Fantastic interview”

View attachment 51599
I just watched it for about 7 mins what a load of bullshit , he talks like a 10 year old prefect at his first speech at school , fancy letting that bloke do your taxes , old comment you know he is lying because his lips are moving , no wonder they did not get the vote
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Dave Evans

After the scum stooge’s latest amateurish attempt at undermining AVZ shareholders by commencing proceedings against AVZ in the West Australia Supreme Court


I thought I would put some more information up on the lies, disinformation and bullshit these Chinese stooges have been spreading as well as some facts around the recent AGM voting results



If you take away the four Chinese companies votes (Yibin, CATH, Huayou, Lithium Plus) the votes FOR our current BOD and AGAINST the stooges was actually 7 to 1 (not 2 to 1).

This was also reflected in the number of shareholders voting FOR our current BOD and AGAINST the stooges being 7 to 1

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Dave Evans


Remember when the Fat Tail (MMGA) stooges said the ICSID proceedings were unlikely to secure PR 13359 or grant the PE.

Here we are one month later with the PR 13359 and PE front and centre of the ICSID orders

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Dave Evans

Fat Tail (MMGA) stooges said they would listen to shareholders. Shareholders voted against the Fat Tail stooges by 7 to 1 and as a result these clowns acting on behalf of the Chinese companies trying to steal Manono have since then decided to try and take action against AVZ through the WA Supreme Court



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Love your work mate, forever grateful for your efforts to expose these parasites and see justice prevail in this appalling display of self interest and greed by these carnts!
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Dave Evans

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Dave Evans

👆And if you hadn’t realised yet, Alliance Advisors is the company the Fat Tail (MMGA) stooges used to mount their attacks on AVZ ahead of the last AGM

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