MEZ News: Meridian Energy Limited's (NZSE:MEL) Has Been On A Rise But Financial Prospects Look Weak: Is The St - 12th Jul 2024, 1:51pm


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Meridian Energy's (NZSE:MEL) stock is up by a considerable 12% over the past three months. However, we decided to pay close attention to its weak financials as we are doubtful that the current momentum will keep up, given the scenario. Specifically, we decided to study Meridian Energy's ROE in this article.

ROE or return on equity is a useful tool to assess how effectively a company can generate returns on the investment it received from its shareholders. Simply put, it is used to assess the p...

>>> Read more: Meridian Energy Limited's (NZSE:MEL) Has Been On A Rise But Financial Prospects Look Weak: Is The Stock Overpriced?
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