Dave Evans
The Governor of the Province of Tanganyika suspends the career activities of the mining company ManonoLithium for an indefinite period. She criticizes this Chinese company for not paying taxes without specifying them. Manono's civil society actors demand more transparency from the authorities in the measures they take.
The provincial authority sank its decision in a decree signed on January 06. According to this document, "the company Manono Lithium exploits gravel, stings, and sand without permission from the province. In addition, says the governor, the company does not pay state taxes.
Are suspended, the work of the quarries on behalf of the company Manono Lithium for non-payment of taxes due to the province and for lack of prior authorization. In addition, this measure applies to the transport and use of building materials.
Read also: https://magazinelaguardia.info/2024...-du-lithium-manono-toujours-dans-la-pauvrete/
We met this Wednesday with the administrator of the Manono territory to try to understand this dispute. What are the taxes not paid by the company?
However, we have information that Manono Lithium pays fees to SAEMAP. This gives the impression that the money does not reach the state coffers.
That is why, at the community level, we do not see the benefits of our mineral wealth. And to continue, the territorial authority has committed to provide us with this information this Friday.
Manono's civil society recalls that companies are obliged to pay taxes. For its part, the State should improve the business climate.
Manono: The suspension of Manono Lithium's activities is being debated

The Governor of the Province of Tanganyika suspends the career activities of the mining company ManonoLithium for an indefinite period. She criticizes this Chinese company for not paying taxes without specifying them. Manono's civil society actors demand more transparency from the authorities in the measures they take.
The provincial authority sank its decision in a decree signed on January 06. According to this document, "the company Manono Lithium exploits gravel, stings, and sand without permission from the province. In addition, says the governor, the company does not pay state taxes.
Are suspended, the work of the quarries on behalf of the company Manono Lithium for non-payment of taxes due to the province and for lack of prior authorization. In addition, this measure applies to the transport and use of building materials.
The Manono company, for its part, asks the provincial authority for a little more precision in the accusations against this company. Thank God Kabila, coordinator of the Dynamic Grouping of Christian Integration demands more transparency.Read also: https://magazinelaguardia.info/2024...-du-lithium-manono-toujours-dans-la-pauvrete/
We met this Wednesday with the administrator of the Manono territory to try to understand this dispute. What are the taxes not paid by the company?
However, we have information that Manono Lithium pays fees to SAEMAP. This gives the impression that the money does not reach the state coffers.
That is why, at the community level, we do not see the benefits of our mineral wealth. And to continue, the territorial authority has committed to provide us with this information this Friday.
Manono's civil society recalls that companies are obliged to pay taxes. For its part, the State should improve the business climate.

Manono: la suspension des activités de Manono Lithium fait débat
Manono Lithium , encore en phase d'exploration du minerais stratégique voit ses activités suspendues jusqu'à nouvel ordre
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