Manono Lithium Continues To Violate Laws In The DRC

Dave Evans




Manono: The suspension of Manono Lithium's activities is being debated​

Manono: The suspension of Manono Lithium's activities is being debated

The Governor of the Province of Tanganyika suspends the career activities of the mining company ManonoLithium for an indefinite period. She criticizes this Chinese company for not paying taxes without specifying them. Manono's civil society actors demand more transparency from the authorities in the measures they take.

The provincial authority sank its decision in a decree signed on January 06. According to this document, "the company Manono Lithium exploits gravel, stings, and sand without permission from the province. In addition, says the governor, the company does not pay state taxes.

Are suspended, the work of the quarries on behalf of the company Manono Lithium for non-payment of taxes due to the province and for lack of prior authorization. In addition, this measure applies to the transport and use of building materials.


The Manono company, for its part, asks the provincial authority for a little more precision in the accusations against this company. Thank God Kabila, coordinator of the Dynamic Grouping of Christian Integration demands more transparency.

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We met this Wednesday with the administrator of the Manono territory to try to understand this dispute. What are the taxes not paid by the company?

However, we have information that Manono Lithium pays fees to SAEMAP
. This gives the impression that the money does not reach the state coffers.

That is why, at the community level, we do not see the benefits of our mineral wealth.
And to continue, the territorial authority has committed to provide us with this information this Friday.

Manono's civil society recalls that companies are obliged to pay taxes. For its part, the State should improve the business climate.




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Dave Evans


May 20, 2024 18:00 JST
Response to Africa Intelligence Article

HONG KONG, May 20, 2024 - (ACN Newswire) - Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. (2899.HK; 601899:SH; "Zijin Mining" or "The Company") provides the following response to the recent article published in Africa Intelligence titled "Zijin Mining pays $70m to mysterious Congolese NGO".
Zijin Mining believes the insinuations of impropriety or wrongdoing in the article titled "Zijin Mining pays $70m to mysterious Congolese NGO" are categorically false, misleading, and unfounded.
The Company did not make a donation to the NGO, Le Bouclier. The contribution was made by Manono Lithium, in which Jinxiang Lithium, a subsidiary of Zijin Mining, controls a 61% ownership, as disclosed by the Company on October 24, 2023. The donation ceremony was also held publicly with media in attendance, and press coverage of the event was subsequently published.
The NGO in question was thoroughly vetted and recommended by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Ministry of Public Health, Hygiene and Prevention, independent of external influence and/or Jean-David E’ngazi’s appointment to Cominiere. The decision was based on humanitarian considerations and there is no basis for referring to the NGO as "mysterious".
The article also fails to accurately represent the comprehensive scope of our partnership with the local community and our dedication to corporate social responsibility. Zijin Mining stands by the integrity of its actions and remains steadfast in its commitment to ethical business practices.
Regarding the specific details of the fund transfer to the NGO outlined in the article, the Company will be launching an inquiry into the allocation and disbursement of funds by the NGO, to ensure transparency, accountability, and the sustainable development of the region.
The article also misrepresents the findings of the IGF report in relation to the 15% share purchase from Cominiere in 2021, made by Jin Cheng Mining, another subsidiary of Zijin Mining. Neither Zijin Mining or any of its subsidiaries made any payment to Focus Plaidoirie in relation to the above said transaction. Jin Cheng Mining conducted the required due diligence on the seller (Cominiere) and the asset.
As a globally responsible mining company, Zijin Mining affirms that it has diligently complied with all legal and regulatory requirements throughout the processes outlined in the article.
Copyright ©2024 ACN Newswire.

Response to Africa Intelligence Article


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From the Governor of Tanganyika


@Presidence_RDC $AVZ @VitalKamerhe1 @moise_katumbi @KiengeKki @jonnnono @FranckFwamba @USAmbDRC @amoshochstein @CadastreMinier

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Dave Evans


Satcheas Sangwa

Autochtones du Tanganyika,nous sommes témoins oculaires que #ManonoLithium n’a pas encore dépensé aucun rond de nos 70Millions de $ censés servir la province dans différents axes humanitaires selon l’accord avec le Gouvernement Central. Où seraient passés ces 70 Millions?

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Indigenous people of Tanganyika, we are eyewitnesses that #ManonoLithium has not yet spent any of our $70 million supposed to serve the province in different humanitarian areas according to the agreement with the Central Government. Where would these 70 Million have gone?

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Joseph Mulunda

Porte-voix des masses silencieuse du Tanganyika au sujet du détournement présumé de $ 70 millions par l'ONG le bouclier/ lithium, la jeunesse du Tanganyika hausse le ton et exige clarification. Halte à la prédation comme mode de gouvernance !

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Voice of the silent masses of Tanganyika regarding the alleged embezzlement of $70 million by the NGO Shield/Lithium, the youth of Tanganyika are raising their voices and demanding clarification. Stop predation as a mode of governance!
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Tanganyika News

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In an official letter, the Vice Governor suspends the activities of Manono Lithium until further notice. Enough to prove the young notables of Tanganyika right, several Young Leaders and Children of Traditional Chiefs who have raised their voices. Well done to honorable Sangwa Albert

#Mines_RDC La population du #Tanganyika veut voir clair sur la gestion de son #lithium.

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#Mines_RDC The population of #Tanganyika wants to see clearly the management of its #lithium @ChrisKitungwa


#TANGANYIKA : dans le dossier du LITHIUM DE MANONO, l'ONG VISION NATIONALE élève le ton par le biais de son président, M. BONNY KITENGE. Il critique vivement l'attitude et le comportement des mandataires de la compagnie

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#TANGANYIKA : in the MANONO LITHIUM issue, the NGO VISION NATIONALE is raising its voice through its president, Mr. BONNY KITENGE. He strongly criticizes the attitude and behavior of the company's agents

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Dave Evans


Manono: would there be embezzlement of the $70 million?​

May 29, 2024

Manono: would there be embezzlement of the $70 million?

The case of an alleged $70 million embezzlement makes the hones in Tanganyika province. Since last week, the management committee of La Cominière and a subsidiary of the Chinese company zijin, Manono Lithium, have been pointed out with the accusing finger.

According to the NGO Vision Nationale, the company Manono Lithium reportedly paid $70 million to the ong le Bouclier. The exit of these funds would have been authorized by the public company Cominière. Indeed, the allocation of this amount of money is qualified by this citizen structure as a embezzlement.

Maître Bonny Kitenge, National President of this ng requires explanations. "We learn that the $70 million has been converted into humanitarian aid," he surprised during a press conference held in Kalemie. He added "We wonder who authorized the representatives of the Cominière to decide this way. The money that was to go into the Public Treasury is converted into humanitarian aid."

For his part, Abbé Moise Kiluba, head of Manono's civil society, also wonders about the allocation of this fund. The information circulated on social networks. As a civil society, we asked the Cominière company to meet in Manono to provide us with explanations. But until then, we are waiting for the rest"

400 households assisted in Kalemie​

Meanwhile, the ong Le Bouclier, a recipient of $70 million from Manono Lithium, has just provided assistance in the city of Kalemie. Thus, 400 households affected by the floods of the Kyomba site in the Mateo district received help. It is, among other things, corn flour, soap, sugar, salt and tarpaulins.

Nevertheless, this so-called "humanitarian" action arouses reactions in Manono. Civil society does not understand why Le Bouclier targeted the victims of Kalemie rather than those of Manono. Our territory is also a victim of floods. There are disaster victims at our place in Manono. Why did you omit them from this assistance? Wonders Abbé Moise Kiluba.

In addition, the children of the usual leaders of Kalemie and some young people denounce the disparity between the fund disbursed and the humanitarian aid in question. For them, the sum of $70 million is higher than the action put to Kalemie. "It's a pure and simple scam," they said. As a result, they call on provincial and national MPs to closely monitor this file so that responsibilities are established.

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Actions to demand the truth​

Despite everything, the ng Vision National promises to carry out citizen actions to demand the return of the embezzled money. "We will organize a series of events. We intend to demand the truth about the $70 million destination, "says Master Bonny Kitenge. He continued "I invite the prosecutor at the Court of Cassation to open a judicial investigation against the Cominière Management Committee. »

Pending the outcome of this case, the provincial government of Tanganyika has suspended Manono Lithium's activities. The decision is contained in a letter addressed to the administrator of the Manono territory. He himself was also summoned urgently on May 22 in Kalemie


Tanganyika: The Provincial Assembly examines the file of the $70 million embezzlement of Manono Lithium after youth pressure​

May 30, 2024

Tanganyika: The Provincial Assembly examines the file of the $70 million embezzlement of Manono Lithium after youth pressure

COMINIERE is at the center of a scandal of proven corruption and embezzlement of about US$70 million from an endowment allegedly made by Zijin Mining for the benefit of a non-governmental organization (NGO) led by Jean E'ngazi, a member of the board of directors of this company in the state portfolio.

After several denunciations, the synergy of notable young people associated with the children of customary leaders and other young people of Tanganyika exchanged with the President of the Provincial Assembly Cyrile Kimpwa Mukalayi last Monday to solicit the involvement of the deliberative body so that this money could enter the province and benefit the children of Tanganyika.

In response, the President of the Provincial Assembly to reassure young notables of the involvement of his institution while inviting the leaders of the Manono Lithium company to find clarification.

In addition, according to the Coalition Congo N'est à Vendre (CNVAP) this observation is only the most recent of a succession of worrying information on the opaque management of the country's lithium assets by the Cominière - a company in the State's portfolio

The CNPAV calls on the Government of the Republic and the control institutions to launch an official investigation into the mismanagement by the Cominière and the ministries of mines and the portfolio, of the Kitotolo-Manono lithium deposit; and considered that these payments could create conflicts of interest through an illicit enrichment of the members of the board of directors of the Cominière and indeed constitute a embezzlement of funds to the detriment of the Congolese population living in extreme poverty.
James Kabwe

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Dave Evans



Manono: the erection of a mini dam deprives the inhabitants of water

Manono: the erection of a mini dam deprives the inhabitants of water​

Manono: the erection of a mini dam deprives the inhabitants of water

The erection of a mini dam on artificial Lukushi Lake in Manono in Tanganyika province, creates a stir. Residents of two surrounding neighborhoods say that the construction of this infrastructure affects riparian communities. Others denounce the non-compliance with the administrative procedure by Manono Lithium.

Indeed, since the beginning of June, the company Manono Lithium has launched construction work on a mini dam. The company registers this initiative as part of its social actions. Nevertheless, Abbé Moise Kiluba, an executive of local civil society who visited the site, is shocked.

"The company is building a dike on the river. To date, machines cover part of the river with soil. It traces a road in the middle of the river."Thus, the lake that was supplied with water by this river, has dried up, says this civil society actor. In addition, riparian populations are already experiencing consequences.

"Barzin districts 8 and 7 and the Kanteba city of Manono are deprived of water. And yet, the communities used the lake for all household needs, deplores Valérie Mabala, another actor in civil society. He added: "This artificial lake is also economically vital. People fished there and fish were sold on the local market. »

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What about compliance with standards?​

As a result, the construction project of this mini dam is perceived in different ways in Manono. For most of the inhabitants, the erection of the dam did not meet the standards.

This is the case of Professor Deogratias Yolola, an expert in environmental governance. "This project could have started with preliminary studies of environmental and social impact. There are thousands of families who experience secondary and tertiary activities related to the presence of this lake. Market gardeners, fishermen, weavers, washers of artisanal mining products." For him, this study was not done.

For his part, Abbé Moise Kiluba, an executive of the Civil Society in Manono, denounces the lack of consultation with the local community. "The company Manono Lithium did not organize consultations before launching its project. This explains the discontent. »

In addition, the company maintains that the lake is in its concession. This is how we fear the total disappearance of this lake in favor of the exploitation of Lithium, he adds.

In the meantime, Manono Lithium has received the approval of the Chief of the Bakongolo Chiefdom for the implementation of his project. In addition, the document authorizing the erection of this mini dam bears the signature of the coordinator of the Regroupement d'intégration chrétienne, RDIC. Also, that of the president of the biker operators. For civil society, these structures cannot prevail in the name of the community. Sources close to the head of the chiefdom indicate that the mini hydroelectric power plant should produce about 2 megawatts.

On the side of the Manono Lithium company, so far, no reaction. We contacted the Company's human resources manager, but he did not wish to speak.

Manono: l'érection d'un mini barrage prive l'eau aux habitants

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Dave Evans


Tanganyika: Manono Lithium SAS reports on its first achievements and projects to the Bakongolo chiefdom community (Communication)​

Saturday June 8, 2024 - 8:35 p.m.

Third party rights

It was in a relaxed atmosphere that the delegation representing the Manono Lithium company shared its first achievements with the great Chief Luba surrounded by notables and the community, the basis of the BAKONGOLO chiefdom.​

As part of illuminating the lantern and rumors which hovered over the web and the extent of the city of Manono that the Lukushi River would be sold in this phase of exploration by the political-administrative and customary authorities in view to exploit minerals, this exchange forum which was held in the morning of this Friday, June 7, 2024 in KANTEBA village located 8 kilometers from the city center of Manono, offered an opportunity to the beneficiary community plans to express themselves freely in front of their customary representative.

Welcomed with frenzied applause from the community, the representatives of the Manono Lithium company, after the introductory words of the great Chief Luba Mwilambwe Sébastien, proceeded in turn to the first report of the work carried out in only 6 months by their company under the request of the local community in different areas including infrastructure, sport, health, professional training.

Third party rights

Regarding the issue related to the sale of the Lukushi River space, it concerns the construction of a mini dam to provide electricity to the entire local community and not extract the minerals as highlighted in his words Maître BONDO WA KISHIMBA Jean legal advisor to Manono Lithium:
It was at the request of Manono Lithium that the great Chief LUBA brought together the layers of the Kanteba community in order to explain to them the objective and report on the projects carried out and in progress in the city of Manono by this Chinese company question of clarifying things, because there are ill-intentioned people fueled by Cainite hatred who are starting to intoxicate the Manx population to rise up against society while society is in a good evolution for the integral development of the Territory "After the explanations provided by the company, the ambiguity is resolved and the community has clearly understood the merits of repairing the dam that collapsed years ago ," he reaffirmed.
Committed to the transformation and the noble cause of his entity, the great Chief LUBA MWILAMBWE Sébastien said he was congratulated by the loyalty expressed towards him and his base by the Manono Lithium company. The number 1 of this customary cream did not hesitate to make some recommendations before the company begins the exploitation stage.
We are very happy with your consideration towards us, we community of the Bakongolo chiefdom, ask you as soon as possible to provide us with drinking water because our mothers are suffering too much, to train 20 young people from our chiefdom in different trades and set up a radio station specific to the chiefdom because we are the first beneficiaries ,” he declared.
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Very convinced by the various projects that will be implemented for their benefit, the local population says they are behind Manono Lithium and take ownership of all the company's activities for better development.

Having been on the lookout for all the community's grievances, Mr. WHEN HONGZHI Head of the general department at Manono Lithium, reassured and promised to get personally involved with his teams for an immediate response, he also reiterated his determination to transform Manono and its surroundings into a prosperous town.
The way in which you responded to this call reveals to us a sign of renewed confidence for the development of our Territory, our company will respond perfectly to the ambition of the community, to make this territory an economic and social development based on the potential of the region ,” he insisted.
Third party rights

It should be noted, however, that the company Manono Lithium SAS will also launch agricultural cooperative projects around it, in particular vegetable planting and livestock projects in cooperation with the Bakongolo Luba chiefdom. Specifically, in terms of vegetable planting, the company will provide vegetable seeds to cooperative farmers for free, and the cooperative farmers will be responsible for planting vegetables and can resell the agricultural products to the company at market prices.

However, it has already actively responded to requests from local governments and communities, carried out infrastructure maintenance works and carried out repairs on urban roads, Manono hospital roads and roads leading to villages. Carry out repair and rescue work on the N33 road, replace bridge decks and reinforce the foundations of bridges damaged by floods.

Tanganyika : Manono Lithium SAS rend compte de ses 1ères réalisations et projets à la communauté de la chefferie Bakongolo (Communication)

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Dave Evans


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Dave Evans


Translated from French by
#Mines_RDC #Lithium Construction of a mini-hydroelectric dam on the Lukushi River by the group #ZIJIN , creates controversy in MANONO. The population fears the drying up of the river, source of water and fish, for a project involving irregularity and corruption.

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URGENT! #MANONO_LITHIUM Awakening of the Congolese who are blocking the construction of a mini dam of #ZIJIN /COMINIERE, which hides corruption of the traditional leader and the authorities, illicit exploitation of lithium, drying up of the Lukushi river.
@Presidence_RDC @ChrisKitungwa



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URGENT! The government of Tanganyika has just suspended all activity of #Manono_lithium , joint venture between the Chinese of #ZIJIN and #COMINIERE , for irregularities.

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Dave Evans

Bin59 Posted

Société MANONO LITHIUM SAS : Travaux de la construction des sites industrielles d'exploitation et de concentration
采选工业场地建筑工程施工招标公告 Avis d’appel d’offres - Travaux de la construction des sites industrielles d'exploitation et de concentration 马诺诺锂业简易股份有限公司,商业和动产登记证书号:NCD/LSH/RCCM/23-B-01276,国家身份识别号:N05-B0500-N27040M,税号:A2315586S,注册地址:刚果民主共和国卢本巴希市卢本巴希镇Annexe街区Ribambelle街道11B。因公司业务开展需要,现对采选工业场地建筑工程施工发布招标公告。 La...
The latest Tender notice 29/08/24


Company MANONO LITHIUM SAS: Construction work on industrial exploitation and concentration sites
Published on Thu, 29/08/2024 - 11:23

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Tender Notice - Construction work on industrial operating and concentration sites
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Dave Evans

Mr Tonnes Posted


Manono Lithium going all out with their claim to PE for 15775, this time on Facebook.

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Dave Evans



Translated from French by
1/5. *Manono Lithium SAS: OBTAINING THE OPERATING PERMIT FROM THE GOVERNMENT* This good news was officially announced by the company's managers during a general meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
@MinMinesRDC @Presidence_RDC @TopCongo @ChrisKitungwa

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2/5. The news was greeted with immense joy by the staff, both Chinese and Congolese, thus symbolizing the recognition of the joint efforts and the remarkable results obtained by the company in just one year since its establishment in Manono.

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3/5. The management of Manono Lithium SAS congratulated the agents for their selflessness in the work which is crowned by the obtaining of this document and which marks the beginning of a new page for the company.

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4/5. Note that during the exploration phase, Manono Lithium SAS actively engaged in social activities for the benefit of the population with the rehabilitation of roads, vocational training, education, health, as well as the promotion of sport and culture.

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5/5. With the obtaining of the Exploitation Permit, Manono Lithium SAS is committed to continuing its development mission in a win-win spirit, to strengthen bilateral cooperation between China and the Democratic Republic of Congo. *Communication Manono Lithium SAS*
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View attachment 69564 View attachment 69565 View attachment 69566 View attachment 69567 View attachment 69568

Translated from French by
1/5. *Manono Lithium SAS: OBTAINING THE OPERATING PERMIT FROM THE GOVERNMENT* This good news was officially announced by the company's managers during a general meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
@MinMinesRDC @Presidence_RDC @TopCongo @ChrisKitungwa

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2/5. The news was greeted with immense joy by the staff, both Chinese and Congolese, thus symbolizing the recognition of the joint efforts and the remarkable results obtained by the company in just one year since its establishment in Manono.

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3/5. The management of Manono Lithium SAS congratulated the agents for their selflessness in the work which is crowned by the obtaining of this document and which marks the beginning of a new page for the company.

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4/5. Note that during the exploration phase, Manono Lithium SAS actively engaged in social activities for the benefit of the population with the rehabilitation of roads, vocational training, education, health, as well as the promotion of sport and culture.

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5/5. With the obtaining of the Exploitation Permit, Manono Lithium SAS is committed to continuing its development mission in a win-win spirit, to strengthen bilateral cooperation between China and the Democratic Republic of Congo. *Communication Manono Lithium SAS*
Lol they try to make it look like they built a basketball court for the town when clearly it is for the Chinese for their recreation. The Chinese love basketball. Meanwhile the soccer tournament that they held for the town (posted on X) was played on dirt smh
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Dave Evans

From @Sammy_da_Smile

Manono Lithium SAS already getting done for Labor abuse and committing series breaches.

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Dave Evans

From @Jazz

Manono Lithium continuing to lie and violate ICC and ICSID orders. This is another attempt (on 05/03/25) at influencing the Tanganyika and Manono locals with lies on YouTube. Notice also the local chief once again colluding with them👇

Like all YouTube videos, to access the English translation, open in YouTube, allow subtitles and translate to English
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