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For many investors, the main point of stock picking is to generate higher returns than the overall market. But in any portfolio, there are likely to be some stocks that fall short of that benchmark. We regret to report that long term KMD Brands Limited (NZSE:KMD) shareholders have had that experience, with the share price dropping 39% in three years, versus a market return of about 19%.
Since shareholders are down over the longer term, lets look at the underlying fundamentals over the that time...
>>> Read more: Investing in KMD Brands (NZSE:KMD) three years ago would have delivered you a 1.7% gain
Since shareholders are down over the longer term, lets look at the underlying fundamentals over the that time...
>>> Read more: Investing in KMD Brands (NZSE:KMD) three years ago would have delivered you a 1.7% gain