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Hi Judith, I put some information here on how AVZ Minerals spent over $140 million since 2017 developing Dathcom’s Manono lithium project and how it was stolen by Celestin Kibeya Kabemba and Cominiere.
This act of embezzlement has stolen more than $2 billion from over 20,000 international investors in AVZ Minerals
Celestin Kibeya Kabemba took a bribe from Zijin Mining to illegally and fraudulently sell 15% of shares in Dathcom to Jin Cheng Mining (a subsidiary of Zijin). Hear the recorded bribe
The DRC Inspector General of Finance released a report exposing how Cominiere fraudulently sold of the 15% Dathcom shares to Jin Cheng at $33 million, which was $120 million dollars below their value, thereby depriving the DRC of that money.
Not only did Cominiere do that, in the same transaction, Cominiere also squandered the $33 million. Read the IGF Report
The above illegal actions violated the DRC Mining Code and were carried out under the watchful eyes of the Minister of Portfolio (Adele Kayinda Mahina), the Minister of Mines (Antoinette N’samba) and the Mining Cadastre (CAMI).
Following the above actions, Antoinette N’samba, in violation of the DRC Mining Code revoked Dathcom’s Ministerial Decree to Award the Mining License for PR13359 and Cominiere illegally terminated the Dathcom Joint Venture Partnership with AVZ Minerals and with the help of the DRC Mining Cadastre, partnered with Zijin to form a Joint Venture called Manono Lithium, and granted their own Exploration Permit (PR15775) on an area that AVZ had already explored, drilled and began Early Works on including a Camp and infrastructure to house workers, a Lithium Core Library and other works.
See Map and Photos’Este+Maiden+Mineral+Resource+Estimate.pdf
AVZ Minerals sought to have the above actions rectified through the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Centre For Settlement Of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The ongoing Arbitration has already handed down the following orders and findings
1. First ICC Rulings against Cominiere determined that Cominiere not take any action to terminate the Dathcom Joint Venture and if Cominiere violated this order it would be subject to a penalty of 50,000 Euros per day as well as court costs
2. Second ICC Rulings against Cominiere determined that Cominiere must not take any steps to explore or exploit, directly or indirectly, any area within the perimeter of PR13359 or PR 15775. Cominiere also ordered to pay an additional €50,000 per day and arbitration costs for any non compliance of the ICC orders.
3. The ICSID Interim Orders against Cominiere ordered the reestablishment of Dathcom as the holder of PR13359
and CAMI to rectify the mining fallout map to reflect Dathcom’s ownership of PR13359
Cominiere and Zijin continue to violate the ICC and ICSID interim orders by carrying out work on the disputed territory, the money Cominiere owes in penalties alone is shown below
This act of embezzlement has stolen more than $2 billion from over 20,000 international investors in AVZ Minerals

Since 2017 in the DRC, AVZ Minerals has spent over $140 million on Acquiring Equipment for Infrastructure, Soil Sampling, Field Mapping, Consulting, Drilling, Metallurgical Testing, Completing a FEED Study, Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports including Groundwater Management, a 160...

Celestin Kibeya Kabemba took a bribe from Zijin Mining to illegally and fraudulently sell 15% of shares in Dathcom to Jin Cheng Mining (a subsidiary of Zijin). Hear the recorded bribe

The DRC Inspector General of Finance released a report exposing how Cominiere fraudulently sold of the 15% Dathcom shares to Jin Cheng at $33 million, which was $120 million dollars below their value, thereby depriving the DRC of that money.
Not only did Cominiere do that, in the same transaction, Cominiere also squandered the $33 million. Read the IGF Report

The above illegal actions violated the DRC Mining Code and were carried out under the watchful eyes of the Minister of Portfolio (Adele Kayinda Mahina), the Minister of Mines (Antoinette N’samba) and the Mining Cadastre (CAMI).
Following the above actions, Antoinette N’samba, in violation of the DRC Mining Code revoked Dathcom’s Ministerial Decree to Award the Mining License for PR13359 and Cominiere illegally terminated the Dathcom Joint Venture Partnership with AVZ Minerals and with the help of the DRC Mining Cadastre, partnered with Zijin to form a Joint Venture called Manono Lithium, and granted their own Exploration Permit (PR15775) on an area that AVZ had already explored, drilled and began Early Works on including a Camp and infrastructure to house workers, a Lithium Core Library and other works.
See Map and Photos’Este+Maiden+Mineral+Resource+Estimate.pdf
AVZ Minerals sought to have the above actions rectified through the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Centre For Settlement Of Investment Disputes (ICSID). The ongoing Arbitration has already handed down the following orders and findings
1. First ICC Rulings against Cominiere determined that Cominiere not take any action to terminate the Dathcom Joint Venture and if Cominiere violated this order it would be subject to a penalty of 50,000 Euros per day as well as court costs
2. Second ICC Rulings against Cominiere determined that Cominiere must not take any steps to explore or exploit, directly or indirectly, any area within the perimeter of PR13359 or PR 15775. Cominiere also ordered to pay an additional €50,000 per day and arbitration costs for any non compliance of the ICC orders.
3. The ICSID Interim Orders against Cominiere ordered the reestablishment of Dathcom as the holder of PR13359
and CAMI to rectify the mining fallout map to reflect Dathcom’s ownership of PR13359
Cominiere and Zijin continue to violate the ICC and ICSID interim orders by carrying out work on the disputed territory, the money Cominiere owes in penalties alone is shown below

DRC ICC Penalty Calculator 2.0
Calculates the amount of penalties the DRC has incurred since the first & 2nd violation of the ICC court ruling
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