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Having trouble finding a Mutual Fund Equity Report fund? Janus Henderson Global Technology D (JNGTX) is a potential starting point. JNGTX carries a Zacks Mutual Fund Rank of 2 (Buy), which is based on various forecasting factors like size, cost, and past performance.
History of Fund/Manager
Janus Fund is based in Boston, MA, and is the manager of JNGTX. The Janus Henderson Global Technology D made its debut in December of 1998 and JNGTX has managed to accumulate roughly $2.60 billion in assets...
>>> Read more: Is Janus Henderson Global Technology D (JNGTX) a Strong Mutual Fund Pick Right Now?
History of Fund/Manager
Janus Fund is based in Boston, MA, and is the manager of JNGTX. The Janus Henderson Global Technology D made its debut in December of 1998 and JNGTX has managed to accumulate roughly $2.60 billion in assets...
>>> Read more: Is Janus Henderson Global Technology D (JNGTX) a Strong Mutual Fund Pick Right Now?