EDV News: Endeavour Group Limited's (ASX:EDV) Stock On An Uptrend: Could Fundamentals Be Driving The Momentum? - 12th Feb 2024, 4:17pm


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Most readers would already be aware that Endeavour Group's (ASX:EDV) stock increased significantly by 15% over the past three months. As most would know, fundamentals are what usually guide market price movements over the long-term, so we decided to look at the company's key financial indicators today to determine if they have any role to play in the recent price movement. Particularly, we will be paying attention to Endeavour Group's ROE today.

ROE or return on equity is a useful tool to asse...

>>> Read more: Endeavour Group Limited's (ASX:EDV) Stock On An Uptrend: Could Fundamentals Be Driving The Momentum?
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