Here is the agenda of DRC Mining Week 2023 scheduled for June 14 to 16 in Lubumbashi

As announced, DRC Mining Week opens its doors from June 14 to 16, 2023 at Karavia Hotel in Lubumbashi in the province of Haut-Katanga in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

The day of June 14, 2023 is devoted to the morning of the inaugural speech.

First, the welcome message from David Ashdown, CEO of VUKA Group, South Africa.

He will be followed by Louis Watum, President of the DRC Chamber of Mines.

Jacques Kyabula, Governor of Haut-Katanga, the province hosting these meetings, will speak.

This will be followed by a word from the CEO of Standard Bank, sponsor of this inaugural session.

The representative of the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Nsamba will return to the recommendations of the 2022 edition before the Minister delivers her opening speech.

Long before the opening speech by Bridgette Radebe Motsepe, CEO of Mmakau Mining & President of SAMDA in South Africa.

This series of inaugural speeches will be followed by a visit to the stands after a cocktail.

Also on this day, two sessions will be devoted to two panels on energy: the first on the transition of ecological energy and the second on strengthening the energy sector through acquired private investments.

Day of June 15, 2023, 5 panels are on the agenda

The first, an Ecobank-sponsored lunch in Value Chain Investment Forum mode.

The debates will focus on improving the competitiveness of Chinese investments in new energy minerals; Turkish Investors' Growing Appetite for DRC Minerals: What to Expect?

What is the analysis of foreign investment in the mining sector today?

The second panel sponsored by EQUITYBCDC where discussions will revolve around why and when financial institutions support new and developing mining projects in the DRC.

What financing model would be adaptable for companies based in Congo?

The third panel dedicated to women and sponsored by Glencore will focus on integrating gender equality into more efficient mining operations.

Creating an inclusive workplace for women: what has been achieved so far and what are the policies?

The fourth panel on subcontracting sponsored by Rawsur will focus on subcontracting and suppliers, what is the difference?

How to win the trust of mining companies and face foreign competition?

The question of quotas for local contracts in relation to the expertise required: how to define the balance?

The fifth invitational panel is sponsored by FBNBank on the theme “on the road to a 21% reduction in emissions by 2030: the Governor's dialogue. »

The day of June 16

The program includes a Bolloré-sponsored trade mission focused on creating more business strategies: facilitating business transactions and increasing growth in the region.

The debate will also focus on the presentation of showcase countries and good practices focusing on the theme: "Development of trade policy: what does it take to create a policy aimed at advancing the export and import of goods in the region?

Discussions will revolve around how the queuing and queuing system in Kasumbalesa deliveries, prices of goods, increased fuel prices and social life of drivers; technologies to be put in place to facilitate the fluidity of transport between SADC countries; the deep water project.

Another panel is dedicated to environmental, social and governance factors.

The agenda also includes a ministerial forum (not open to the public) on how to create a common policy of local transformation made in Africa.

It should be noted that EquityBCDC will hold a panel on the theme: “The miners of today and those of tomorrow, mining success: implementation and achievements. »

The closing speeches will complete this 2023 edition of DRC Mining Week.

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Over the last 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals has carried out

Soil Sampling
Field Mapping
Metallurgical Testing
A FEED Study

Securing a renewable 25-year lease on an Industrial Site
- For logistics activities related to an intermodal staging station
- Responsible for the commercial and operational management logistics
- Including road haulage, rail and port services and infrastructure maintenance
- Rehabilitation of the road from Manono

An Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports including
- 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management

A 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study
- Received DFS Technical Approval

A SEZ Agreement
Tendering for Mining Infrastructure
Legally Obtaining and Paying for an Increased Share of Dathcom
Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin

Proving Financial Capability including
- Raising Capital
- Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s
- Arranging funding and Offtake Agreements with CATH

Presenting at the Battery Minerals Conference
Legally Fulfilling all Requirements to Obtain the Mining License
Receiving the Ministerial Decree to Award the Mining License
Spending millions of dollars and Supporting the Local Community

An 85-page Sustainability Report committed to
- Environmental and Social Governance (ESG)
- Socio - economic benefits
- Preserving environmental values
- Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain
- Ending poverty
- Improving health and education
- Reducing inequality
- Contributing to economic growth
- Minimising greenhouse gas emissions
- Preserving biodiversity
- Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant
- Supplying energy to local communities
- Making a positive contribution to the lives of people in the region
- Including direct and indirect employment opportunities
- Leaving a positive legacy for future generations
- Maintaining a strong sense of loyalty
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Investigation sounds alarm on risks in Congo’s nascent lithium sector

A new investigation by Global Witness looking into the Democratic Republic of Congo’s nascent lithium sector sounds the alarm bell on a swathe of potential supply chain risks. To create the report, the London and Washington-based NGO looked at a sample block of 51 mining concessions that concentrated around the town of Manono in southern DRC and where hard-rock lithium deposits have been discovered. The investigation found concessions on and around DRC’s lithium deposits are or were held by or involved a small number of people with close business relationships – including a now-serving government official – with former President Kabila,”

According to the group, Cong Mao Huai, reported to be an adviser to former DRC president Joseph Kabila, is or was associated with companies with ownership links to six concessions investigated by Global Witness. The NGO claims to have seen documents that appear to show there have been long-standing business links between Cong and now-serving Minister Guy Loando Mboyo. The report also cites data from Congo Hold Up – the biggest leak of financial information from Africa to date – which supports the allegations of the business links between the two.
MINING.COM Staff Writer | December 14, 2021 | 5:06 am Battery Metals Africa Lithium

The Episcopal Commission for Natural Resources of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CERN-CENCO) organized, this Thursday, August 11, 2022, a conference under the theme: "How can lithium from Manono in the DRC contribute to the energy transition? ? Multi-stakeholder reflection on the sidelines of the pre-COP27”.

Initiated under the cover of the Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest (REBAC), this conference brought together several stakeholders, including partner companies such as COMINIERE, AVZ and other shareholders.

US disillusioned over failure to turn DR Congo away from Beijing. Ever since Félix Tshisekedi took power, Washington had hoped he would curb China's huge influence in the country. Four years later, the United States is bitterly disappointed that it has failed to break Beijing's hegemony in strategic mining issues.

Financial crime watchdog adds Congo to money laundering watch list

KINSHASA, Oct 8 The Financial Action Task Force plans to put Democratic Republic of Congo on a list of countries subject to increased monitoring. Congo, a major cobalt and copper producer, will go on the global financial crime watchdog's so-called "grey list" of deficient countries no later than Oct. 21 for shortcomings in stamping out financial corruption, including money laundering and anti-terrorist financing

DRC: UC SAS denounces a mining fraud of more than USD 10 million estimated at 60 tons of Coltan and Cassiterite, perpetrated in Manono and Malemba-Nkulu

A mining fraud of more than 60 tons of coltan and cassiterite, valued at more than USD 10 million, is allegedly perpetrated in the territories of Manono and Malemba-Nkulu, in the provinces of Haut Lomami and Tanganyika. This company accuses a certain Hadley Nathus and a Canadian subject named Eric Allard (chairman and CEO of the company TANTALEX) who, acting in complicity with the leaders of COMINIERE, would be in collusion with some authorities of the country, to cover up this large-scale mining fraud. UC SAS alerts the authorities to monitor this situation.

In addition, this company accuses by name the Ministry of Justice of having taken a decision contrary to the rule of law by instructing the Single Window for Business Creation (GUCE), through its letter number 2160/LW10130/APP/CAB/ME/MIN/J&GS/2022 of September 20, 2022, technical service under its supervision, to cancel a legal transfer of shares for the benefit of a Canadian subject "yet condemned on Congolese soil by judgments that have become final". The company UC SAS notes that the instruction of the Ministry of Justice given to the GUCE "violates the laws of the country and proceeds from an abuse of power, insofar as it operates on the judgments that have become final about this assignment: RP19203, RCE 7495, RPO 10247/10267, as well as a pre-law under RAC 2942". In addition, it deplores the "sabotage" of the efforts made by the President of the Republic Felix Tshisekedi, to establish good governance in the DRC, marked by, among other things, respect for the principle of separation of powers and the improvement of the business climate. "The DRC must avoid being influenced by crooked individuals, so-called investors, while recognized speculators, at the risk of tarnishing the image of the entire country, and particularly the Sama Lukonde government...", deplores the UC SAS in its statement.

DRC - Mines: COMINIERE SA accused of blocking the Manono Lithium production project, this mineral prized in the manufacture of electric batteries (Civil Society)

The Congolese state portfolio company COMINIERE SA is accused of continuing to multiply illegal manoeuvres to block the effective start-up of Dathcom's lithium mining project in Manono, Tanganyika province.

President Tshisekedi called to ensure the integrity of the leaders of the COMINIERE
Based on this observation, civil society asks President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi to ensure that the climate of trust reigns between the shareholders of the joint venture Dathcom Mining SA so that operating operations begin urgently and to give orders to the state services for Dathcom Mining SA to be notified and that the 10% of action of the State are effectively registered in the register of the Mining Cadastre, in accordance with
mining legislation.

Leaders of the COMINIERE called to resign
Finally, the leaders of COMINIERE SA are called upon to resign taking into account the conclusions of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) on their management and the sale of the assets of this state enterprise. The organizations and platforms of civil society in the DRC that signed this press release are: CDH, ESPOIR ONGDH, JUSTICIA Asbl, LICOCO, MAX IMPACT, MDR, POM, RCEN, RDN Asbl, CERN/CENCO AND TPRDC.

Civil Society points to the culprit and mobilizes to save the Manono lithium mining project

The lithium mining project in Manono, in the province of Tanganyika, is stalling. And civil society, evolving in the natural resources sector, does not hesitate to name the culprit: Cominière (Congolese mining company), this company of the State Portfolio born from the vestiges of Zaire-Etain. In a statement, made simultaneously, on November 20, 2022, in Kinshasa, Kolwezi, Lubumbashi and Bukavu, these Civil Society Organizations note that "the management of Cominière SA must stop blocking Manono's development and undermining the presidential energy policy and the development of 145 territories by multiplying strategies to block Dathcom Mining". From the outset, these Civil Society Organizations specialized in natural resources issues say they note "agitation and maneuvers on the part of certain administrative and judicial government services as well as Cominière SA in order to freeze the notification of the Operating Permit of Dathcom Mining SA and communicate to it the total amount of surface rights due to the State. Faustin KUEDIASALA 0

DRC: La Cominière in the sights of the 12 NGOs

A dozen national organizations accuse the public company Cominière S A of blocking the Manono Lithium project. Indeed, to start the exploitation of this strategic ore, there is a prerequisite, it is access to electrical energy

DRC: this is why civil society organizations specializing in mining issues are asking Tshisekedi to dismiss the portfolio minister

In a joint press release, Congolese civil society organizations and platforms specializing in mining issues (Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG, RCEN, CERN / CENCO, TPRDC, MAX IMPACT) , who have been monitoring the exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ask the President of the Republic to dismiss the Minister of Portfolio of the Government of the Republic By Gilbert Ngonga



Sale of the mining assets of Cominière SA: Technical director Célestin Kibeya accused of complicity and usurpation of competence

Congolese civil society organizations and platforms specializing in mining issues (Justicia Asbl, LICOCO, RND Asbl, POM, MDR, GANVE, CDH, ESPOIR ONG, RCEN, CERN/CENCO, TPRDC, MAX IMPACT), monitoring exploitation of natural resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo, accused, in a press release, the technical director Célestin Kibeya Kabemba of being no stranger to the selling off of the mining assets of the Congolese mining company (Cominière SA). Worse still, the man exercises the functions of interim Director General without presidential order, nor decree of the ministry of supervision, that of the Portfolio, even less a report of the Board of directors. "Already on October 26, 2022, when the interim Managing Director Mwamba Athanase was not yet in the hands of Congolese justice, the same Mr. Kibeya had co-signed as '' Managing Director ai '' on behalf of Cominière SA a press release press attributed to UNITED COMINIERE SAS with Eric Allard, a convicted person in Lubumbashi for forgery and use of forgery, and Michel Kitwa Nelkin. “, denounce these NGOs.

DRC: CNPAV asks Felix Tshisekedi to reconsider his letter to Joe Biden requesting the lifting of sanctions against Dan Gertler

The Congo is not for sale (CNPAV) sends a letter to the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Félix Tshisekedi to express his "deepest dismay" following the discovery, in the columns of the New York Times newspaper, of his letter dated of May 05, 2022 addressed to his American counterpart Joe Biden, requesting the lifting of sanctions against Dan Gertler. According to CNPAV estimates, the losses for the Congo in cases linked to Dan Gertler amount to more than $2 billion.


Corruption in Infrastructure of the Democratic Republic of Congo Research Paper
While the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) emerges from a long period of violence and instability, it also faces a legacy of deep-rooted bribery at all levels of society, threatening social and political institutions with failure. DRC has suffered from modest bribes to high fraud through shady financial dealings. As a result, corruption exists in various sectors, including the police, legal system, public administration, and mining or extractive industry, despite the country’s anti-corruption initiatives.

Financial Patrol: The IGF flushes out an industrial quantity of duplicates, forgers and cheats among civil servants and agents of the State!
According to the IGF, 145,604 paid agents have incorrect, fanciful and fabricated registration numbers for payroll purposes; 53,328 agents alone have more than one registration number in the file with the same name; 93,356 agents share the same registration number with other equally paid agents; 43,725 agents are paid without their names appearing on the declarative lists from their original departments; while 961 payroll officers are on the payrolls of several departments and many of them are on more than 15 payrolls.
The IGF informs that already, certain cases of obvious irregularities are the subject of deactivation and warns at the same time that the list of 961 agents responsible for processing the payroll involved in the mafia network will be transmitted to the judicial authorities for embezzlement of public funds. It should be remembered that the control of the number of civil servants and agents of the State remains a cancer that has seriously eaten away at the public treasury for decades. Despite all the efforts made by successive Ministers of Public Service, the problem remains very deep.

The Democratic Republic of Congo's Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF) has revealed massive fraud in the public payroll department, where dozens of fictitious employees cost the state nearly $800 million a year.

According to the findings of an audit of the government's payroll, the IGF noted numerous irregularities, with tens of thousands of fictitious employees. Each month, "the monthly loss of earnings suffered by the Treasury is 148,999,749,440.95 Congolese francs (or 66.2 million dollars)," said the IGF in a statement dated Thursday, concerning the audit conducted by its services. The Congolese public finance watchdog says that more than 145,000 paid agents have "incorrect, fictitious and fabricated registration numbers for payroll purposes". Also, more than 40,000 agents are paid without their names appearing on the declaratory lists from the services that employ them, while more than 90,000 agents "share the same registration number with other agents who are also paid.


Mining attractiveness: the DRC ranked 82 out of 83 countries in the Fraser Institute report

The latest Fraser Institute annual report ranks the DRC at the bottom of the world ranking of the least attractive states for investment in the mining sector. Out of a total of 83 countries studied, the DRC ranks 82nd in the mining policy index. It is Venezuela that closes the world ranking, thus being the only country listed behind the DRC. According to the Fraser Institute 2022 Report, the investment climate in the mining sector in the DRC is simply unattractive. Following a field visit between August 23 and December 30, 2022, their experts interviewed 1,966 exploration, development and other mining-related companies. They ended up with this very negative rating due to several destabilizing factors, mainly the unilateral increase in the royalty rate, the lack of clarity on the limits of mining exploration concessions and cases of corruption.


Fraud and corruption in the DRC: damning revelations from the head of the General Inspectorate of Finance​

I would pinpoint five, related to corruption and the embezzlement of public funds. The control of the Central Bank of Congo is the first: we discovered credit cards held by civil servants, politicians. Directly connected to the general account of the Treasury via commercial banks, these cards could be used at any time. The State account could thus be debited for extremely high amounts, amounting to 10,000 dollars per day and purchases could reach the same amount. The Congolese Treasury has thus lost a lot of money.

The audit of the mining sector was the third important case: the examination of all the contracts concluded between 2010 and 2020 by Gécamines (the General Society of Quarries and Mines) revealed serious facts of the selling off of mining assets. Between 2010 and 2020, Gécamines made nearly $2 billion in profits and 97% of that amount was squandered on operating expenses and snacks. In addition, nearly 612 million dollars, paid by Gécamines to the Congolese State in respect of taxes due in 2010 and 2019 and paid into the Treasury account, have disappeared at the level of the Central Bank of Congo.... The affair of Chinese contracts, opaque and unbalanced, is resounding…

World Bank suspends $1 billion worth of project funding in Congo

KINSHASA, May 16 (Reuters) - The World Bank has suspended funding for humanitarian and development projects in Democratic Republic of Congo worth more than $1 billion after the government dissolved the project fund without warning, the lender said. The suspension will affect more than 600,000 beneficiaries, including victims of sexual violence, the World Bank told Congo's finance minister last week in a letter seen by Reuters. A World Bank spokesperson confirmed its authenticity.

The letter also said that the bank was still waiting for documentation on the status of $91 million which had already been advanced for the projects out of the total $1.04 billion. On May 4, Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi dissolved the structure, the "Social Fund of the Democratic Republic of Congo", by presidential order and created another public fund. In the letter dated May 12, the World Bank's director of operations for the country, Albert Zeufack, said the institution had found out about the decision in the press. One of the fund's beneficiaries was the Panzi Foundation led by Denis Mukwege, a Congolese gynaecologist who won the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize for his work with victims of sexual violence. "It's a catastrophe for the victims," Mukwege told Reuters. He said he had been warned a few days before that expenses incurred on his program would stop being reimbursed. A programme coordinator said that he had had to turn victims away.

Four of Congo's main opposition politicians wrote to the leaders of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the African Development Bank last week asking them to conduct an audit of their funds in Congo, saying they suspected misuse.

DRC excluded from the list of investments of the French group ERAMET, following the blocking of the PE of lithium of Manono by the government

It was last March that the DR Congo and the EU announced an agreement on rare minerals such as copper, cobalt and lithium, the two parties initiated negotiations for a partnership on the exploitation of rare minerals and strategic, for the next few months a "win-win" memorandum of understanding and a roadmap are announced on this cooperation and investment agreement in a mining sector in the DRC, so the EU intends to fight the Chinese monopoly in the DRC , reduce its dependence on China and accelerate its ecological transition.

The EU is focusing above all on the development of a value chain in the DR Congo and the creation of a market for the battery, electric vehicle and renewable energy industry, as pointed out by Mrs. Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships :
“We want to create value in the DRC, local added value. Not just exporting your raw materials to Finland, Europe and then refining them in Europe. We do n't want to create dependency, nor do we want neocolonialism. We really want to create local value and we want to create a win-win partnership. »

During the visit of President Emmanuel Macron to Kinshasa, the two countries notably concluded an agreement for the mapping and sustainable management of the mining resources which abound in the Congolese subsoil, French companies and institutes will be invited to map and invest in the mining sector of the DR Congo according to this partnership. But here is following the blocking of the delivery of the exploitation permit 13359 by the Congolese government to DATHCOM, of which the group AVZ MINERALS owns 75%, which must allow the start of the exploitation of the lithium of Manono, the French group, ERAMET has just excluded the DR Congo from its investment strategy in Africa for the time being.

Geoff Streeton , director of strategy for the company, and Christophe Thillier , in charge of exploration, have also drawn a line under the DRC for the moment, despite having identified its lithium potential.

The difficulties encountered by the Australian AVZ MINERALS on its Manono project in Tanganyika in the south-east of the country gave the French company some food for thought, which has chosen to focus its investments in this sector on its Centenario-Ratones project in Argentina," said the media, Africa Intelligence. ERAMET is a French mining and metallurgical company with a workforce of 9,090 employees spread over 17 mining and industrial sites in 15 countries. In 2022, it achieved a turnover of 5.014 billion euros. On November 8, 2021, ERAMET announced the launch of its lithium mine project in the Andean highlands of northern Argentina. The construction of a plant will start in early 2022 and end in 2024 with the aim of producing 24,000 tonnes of lithium carbonate per year. Much of its lithium production will supply the European battery construction sector. June 11, 2023 Kiki Kienge

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International businesses and corporations looking to invest in the DRC should read the story of Australian company AVZ Minerals who after spending over 6 years of hard work in the DRC, spending millions of dollars, fulfilling all legal obligations to receive the Ministerial Decree required for Dathcom’s Mining License in Manono are now being denied the Mining License

DRC owned Cominiere, who have been found by the DRC Inspector General of Finance of being corrupt and fraudulently selling off shares worth $150 million for $33 million to Chinese mining giant Zijin Mining are attempting to steal the Dathcom lithium project from AVZ Minerals
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Top 20
Have another look @Xerof
@Spikerama @Mr Inappropriate @TDITD @Frank

I’ve edited in some additional info…. open to suggestions. Not finished yet, looking at putting putting this on the DRC MINING WEEK Website, their Facebook page and anywhere else it could go

It’s obvious the government knows about the corruption between Cominiere and Zijin and is letting corruption run riot in the DRC
Excellent work. Make sure you have room for Alingetes excellent interviews on Cominieres report.
Also the great videos we have showing off AVZs progress and the Bishop and heads/people of Manono commenting on AVZs good work !!!
I'll most likely be joining in on this fun too. A DRC fucking mining week without Manono or AVZ tells you all you need to know about the Government
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Excellent work. Make sure you have room for Alingetes excellent interviews on Cominieres report.
Also the great videos we have showing off AVZs progress and the Bishop and heads/people of Manono commenting on AVZs good work !!!
I'll most likely be joining in on this fun too. A DRC fucking mining week without Manono or AVZ tells you all you need to know about the Government

The info I gathered from Jules Alingete I just left on the Corruption thread, mostly articles from Kiki and other great journalists in the DRC, but there’s 11 pages of info there

It seems pretty obvious to me the DRC want a bigger piece of the pie through Cominiere (who are not only corrupt but they are broke as well) after AVZ followed the mining code and spent millions of dollars developing the project, producing the DFS and proving the resource was financially viable.

I did put some info from the IGM on the Cominiere thread I started last week but it’s about 50,000 words all up…. I was thinking about putting it on a thread with everything from the IGF but where do you stop?!

Maybe we could put a link to this thread on the DRC MINING WEEK website / Facebook site etc and edit out our private comments and conversations and just put all the info we want on it here 🤔
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*To add, The full story goes into more detail, Hard to believe if this is the case :rolleyes: No wonder DRC is Doomed to fail if true :eek: as

CNPAV urges DRC President to withdraw request for lifting Dan Gertler sanctions​

The Congo is not for sale (CNPAV) have sent a letter to the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Félix Tshisekedi to express his “deepest dismay” following the discovery, in the columns of the New York Times newspaper, of his letter dated of May 05, 2022 addressed to his American counterpart Joe Biden, requesting the lifting of sanctions against Dan Gertler.

According to CNPAV estimates, the losses for the Congo in cases linked to Dan Gertler amount to more than $2 billion. :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:

Indeed, this platform of the Congolese civil society calls on the Congolese Head of State to reconsider his request and to preserve the interests of the populations.

“We very respectfully urge you to reconsider this request and take all necessary measures to preserve the interests of the Congolese populations in a possible settlement of the disputes between Mr. Dan Gertler and the Democratic Republic of Congo”, informs the letter from the CNPAV.

This Congolese civil society platform shows Félix Tshisekedi that the agreement signed between the Congolese government and Dan Gertler’s Ventora company is “unbalanced” and not beneficial to the population because it obliges the DRC to pay Dan Gertler and legitimize illegal transactions.

“The agreement concluded in February 2022 by Your Administration and the Ventora company of Mr. Dan Gertler is very unbalanced and does not benefit the population.

Not only does this agreement ignore the enormous past losses incurred by the DRC, it obliges the latter to pay cash to Mr. Dan Gertler.

Worse still, the agreement legitimizes the illegal and fraudulent transactions that led to the transfer of Gécamines’ royalties to Mr. Dan Gertler’s company Ventora, which retains the right to collect these royalties for the next fifteen years. :rolleyes:

For the year 2022 alone, the Ventora company of Mr. Dan Gertler was entitled to receive approximately $130 million in respect of these royalties”, denounces the CNPAV. o_O

The member organizations of this platform reminded the Head of State of the meaning of their fight.

“As a reminder, our Coalition Le Congo n’est pas à Vendre is fighting for an end to the practices of corruption, retro-commissions and bribes, in order to put an end to the looting of natural resources of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the impunity enjoyed by those responsible for corruption and embezzlement of money intended for roads, schools, hospitals, drinking water, the war effort and the recovery of public enterprises” , they say. (y)

Note that Dan Gertler is an Israeli businessman sanctioned by the US Treasury for “corruption and fraud in the Democratic Republic of Congo”.

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Have another look @Xerof
@Spikerama @Mr Inappropriate @TDITD @Frank

I’ve edited in some additional info…. open to suggestions. Not finished yet, looking at putting putting this on the DRC MINING WEEK Website, their Facebook page and anywhere else it could go

It’s obvious the government knows about the corruption between Cominiere and Zijin and is letting corruption run free in the DRC
At the hospital with the wife mate but will have a gander later.
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At the hospital with the wife mate but will have a gander later.
Well that will teach her to talk back to you.........

Hope its nothing serious mate
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Thanks TITS, I’m not on Twitter and all the info I gathered from Jules Alingete I just left on the Corruption thread…. Not videos, mostly articles from Kiki and other great journalists in the DRC, but there’s 11 pages of info there and I’m worn out just from going back through the first 5 pages

Definitely need a rest from all this bullshit but would be good if we could collaborate in some way and try and get it all out there. I don’t think too many shareholders are keen to go after the government, which I understand, but it seems pretty obvious to me they are corrupt and want a bigger piece of the pie through Cominiere who are not only corrupt but they are broke as well.

I did put some info from the IGM on the Cominiere thread I started last week but it’s about 50,000 words all up…. I was thinking about putting it on a thread with everything from the IGF but where do you stop?!

Maybe we could put a link to this thread on the DRC MINING WEEK website / Facebook site etc and edit out our private comments and conversations and just put all the info we want on it here 🤔

Congratulations on the Mantle by the way 😉👍
Ok, I've been on an off, well more off with the kids school holidays.

Was it you that I read somewhere that you'll run it by AVZ first ?

If Cominiere and MOP became cry-babies over us simply highlighting the IGF findings, I'm sure the DRC Govt won't be too happy either.
But IMO they have had plenty of time yet have done fuck all, infact it could be argued they have emboldened the corrupt scum by letting it happen under their noses and virtually ignoring the IGF report and other info.
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Yes I agree, and no I haven’t run it by management, just putting the pieces together and getting it ready at this stage

I think we need to keep the focus on Cominiere, Zijin and Mupande but if the govt doesn’t act soon then I reckon we should expose them as well

Some People might think it's a case of

Both Barrels #.jpg
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According to the deputy of #Kipushi , Nanou #Memba , 3,424,000 $US per day of the money collected by tolls on the roads of #Lualaba and #Haut_Katanga , end up in the pockets of individuals than the coffers of the State.

This is $ 1.25 billion per year!.

Consider that certain public servants are paying themselves 3 to 4 wages, by using fake names and numbers, and others don't get paid at all because of this, people have to make an income somehow to provide for their families, or starve.
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A major civil society player working in the natural resources sector, Franck Fwamba looks back at the epilogue of Manono's lithium project. For the good of the country and the happiness of the wounded people of the territory of Manono, in the province of Tanganyika, he calls on each party to the conflict to "put water in its wine for the fair gain of each other". Interview with Econews.

Franck Fwamba, you are one of the few activists and journalists who have been fighting for the protection of the heritage of certain mining companies in the State Portfolio for years, so that their exploitation benefits the country and not individuals. At the end of March, your Coalition TOUS POUR LA DRC facilitated a meeting between Dathcom Mining partners and delegates from the Manono population of the population delegates of Manono. Can you tell us more?

The Civil Society of the territory of Manono, as a riparian community impacted by the mining project of DATHCOM Mining SA, being seized of the cancellation of the operating permit of the company that it sees working on the ground, resolutely wished to gather around a table the disagreeing parties in order to understand the contours of the discordance, to put them back together so that the exploitation of the Manono lithium mine begins without delay, the only source on which the population of Manono relies for its development. To achieve this, Civil Society requested the assistance of the Bishop of Manono, Monsignor Vincent de Paul Kwanga, and Bishop Guy Mande of the Methodist Church, to lead the mediation exchanges between the parties in conflict, namely the partners of the DATHCOM Project, mainly COMINIERE, AVZ and DATHOMIR.

What was the strong message that delegates from the people of Manono conveyed at this meeting?
Indeed, the organizers were keen to work with all stakeholders to find a lasting solution. Thus the Cominière who wanted to distort company was pushed, if not obliged by the Catholic and Methodist bishops before the delegates of Manono, to participate by telephone. Thus, Mr. Kibeya Célestin, the technical director of Cominière who acts as the temporary manager, participated, promising to find common ground with his partner AVZ who was represented in Lubumbashi and online on GoogleMeet from its headquarters in Perth, Australia.

case of MMCS in arbitration in Paris where the elements of the feasibility study of Dathcom served as a spearhead to the arguments of the Congolese side). Now that the child is conceived, that the ultrasound has even revealed his sex, why do we want him to be a stillborn, an abortion? "

Was Dathomir present at that meeting in Lubumbashi?
I don't think so and the organizers can answer the reason for the absence as well as the people concerned if they were contacted.

Is the population of Manono afraid to live on a cursed and problematic deposit?
All of us, as Congolese, regret what has happened for ten years in this deposit that has already seen Global Tin leave, then Manomin abruptly. The majority shareholder of the latter went to arbitration in Paris. You know what EcoNews, other media and NGOs did the day before recent arbitration sessions to avoid that Cominiere and the DRC are represented while by a suspicious letter to the lawyers, the Cominiere did not want to go, preferring to pave the way for the Dig Oil scenario of bad memory. Incredible but true that this mine of strategic minerals is in the hands of unconscious if not incompetent leaders given several elements in our possession.

Is the people of Manono aware of this?Some, yes. Indeed, Bishop Kwanga had said things in a clear and simple way. I quote: "We thank the various partners of Dathcom, especially Cominiere and AVZ, for their openness to share their concerns with us and their willingness to dialogue to iron out differences so that finally the lithium child can be born in good health from his parents who understood him. We are counting on you, because by examining the risks of blocking, we believe that it cannot benefit any stakeholder. Among these risks, we have singled out a few: loss of an investor who has provided quality work; arbitration proceedings that can cause the Congolese State to lose funds (as was the case with KMT, Frontier and COMISA, etc.) and the arrest of certain state and parastatal officials; loss of credibility of COMINIERE with the population of Manono; diversion of the project which would have new investors, which would delay its operationalization; loss of capital invested; in the event of termination of the contract, there would be the over-politicization of the project which would call into question the vision of the Head of State, or even compromise it; if the cancellation of the Exploitation Permit persists, artisanal diggers could invade the concession of PR 13359. It is therefore important that each party puts water in its wine for the fair gain of each other by considering the respective contributions, in particular the deposit brought by the DRC and the valuation provided by AVZ". there would be the over-politicization of the project which would call into question the vision of the Head of State, or even compromise it; if the cancellation of the Exploitation Permit persists, artisanal diggers could invade the concession of PR 13359. It is therefore important that each party puts water in its wine for the fair gain of each other by considering the respective contributions, in particular the deposit brought by the DRC and the valuation provided by AVZ". there would be the over-politicization of the project which would call into question the vision of the Head of State, or even compromise it; if the cancellation of the Exploitation Permit persists, artisanal diggers could invade the concession of PR 13359. It is therefore important that each party puts water in its wine for the fair gain of each other by considering the respective contributions, in particular the deposit brought by the DRC and the valuation provided by AVZ".So, the people of Manono have said everything through the mouth of Bishop Vincent Kwanga whose wisdom and mastery of what is happening at Cominière is not in doubt.

The population of Manono believes in the AVZ, while Cominière and some officials reject it, going so far as to accuse it of corruption. What do you say?
Any objective mind who knows Cominière well knows that among all the partners who are in Manono, only AVZ is the serious one and the darling of the population who expect more from her.

Regarding corruption, the length taken by the Dathcom file, from the filing of the Feasibility Study to the granting of the Exploitation Permit, is one of the longest in our mining history. It demonstrates that Australians have complied with their listed company regulations, refraining from corruption. If you are referring to Marius Mihigo's file, it is shameful and surprising that those who say he was hired to corrupt people forget that his facilitation contract has no connection with the transformation of the Exploration Permit into an Exploitation Permit whose procedure and conditions are clearly defined in the Mining Code and Regulations. As a reminder, large and medium-sized companies legally resort to facilitators and lobbyists of several orders, including lawyers, customs agencies, public relations managers, including contacts with politicians, the media and NGOs. We had learned that the former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin had come to Kinshasa in 2019 to meet Congolese officials and Jeun Afrique wrote this: ''Since 2008, he has been at the head of the Villepin International cabinet, which he makes prosper thanks to an address book acquired within the Chiraquian networks. On May 8, in Kinshasa, he proposed to President Félix Tshisekedi to work on strengthening the relations of the DR Congo with, on the one hand, Russia, and on the other, China. In Hong Kong, the French also chairs the advisory board of the rating agency Universal Credit Rating Group. Several other Congolese media spoke about it. Glencore, Trafigura and others have them too. Several other Congolese media spoke about it. Glencore, Trafigura and others have them too. Several other Congolese media spoke about it. Glencore, Trafigura and others have them too.

In the United States of America, lobbyists who are very numerous in Washington, New York, Paris, Brussels and Strasbourg are well paid in millions of dollars or euros by companies and governments to facilitate contacts and relay with officials Americans and Europeans within the framework of their interests without talking about corruption. Why when a company hires a lobbyist in the DRC, it makes noise and it is accused of all evils. Civil society is interested in seeing the list of corrupt or potential corrupt from the accusers or whistleblowers of Mr. Mihigo Marius in order to file a legal complaint against him and AVZ. Otherwise, it would be a strategy of the people indexed by the IGF report around mismanagement,

In Mihigo's place, I would have filed a complaint for defamation and slanderous denunciation without compromising. What about the leaders of Cominière whose justice claimed to have solid elements to charge because a senior magistrate had told my colleagues Henri Muhiya of CERN-CENCO and Ernest Mpararo of LICOCO the day of the handover of the copy of the Agreement between the DRC and Ventora by the Minister of Finance, Nicolas Kazadi, to Civil Society, at the beginning of December 2022?

If we take into account what is happening at dathcom, Marius is a collateral victim of the networks that are angry with AVZ by violating his right to the presumption of innocence.

FK: Do you believe in a favorable follow-up despite the presence of Zijin?
We believe in the vision of the Head of State to do things better and above all not to leave all our strategic minerals at the mercy of the control of the Chinese who are already a rope around our neck by controlling at least 70% of our cobalt. industrial and artisanal. The DRC is not going to make the suicidal choice to let China control Manono's coltan and lithium, especially since our American partners have clearly announced at Mining Indaba in Cape Town their position, that is to say not to let the China control the sources of supply of certain critical minerals for electric batteries including lithium. A grand coalition with Canadians, Europeans and Australians against China in the mining sector has been announced and implemented under American leadership with whom we have good relations. Also, everyone should read Congolese and international NGO reports and press publications to realize that Zijin is often accused of human rights violations from various angles. Our lithium and coltan sector in Manono does not need such a partner at Cominiere. Let's do like Zambia, let's diversify the partners in our minerals without letting a single country have the monopoly of production and control at the risk of asphyxiating our economy.

What does that mean?
Taking into account the IGF report and several documents in our possession, "TOUS POUR LA RDC" wants the DRC to develop the Dathcom project with the partner who has valued it by removing the other partners who have brought nothing to it. . May the Government sit down with AVZ and find a lasting solution for the country and the development of the communities, as you often said through several publications. The Chinese want our mines to secure their sources of supply, not to develop them, according to standards, taking into account our interests. The case of Sicomines is a great illustration of this and the Westerners observe that it was they who had ceded certain mines to the Chinese. Today, they regret it with this story of energy transition.

What can you learn from your advocacy?
We insist on the appointment of new agents, competent and patriotic, at the head of the mining companies of the State in difficulty, including Cominière. Louis Watum, Delphin Tshimena, Gustave Nzeng and several young executives are better than those who currently direct these lame ducks, such as Kisenge-Manganese, Sodimico, Miba, Cominière. We ask the State to do what it did at Gécamines by changing management to relaunch these strategic companies.

For the population of Manono, the message is that conveyed by Bishop Kwanga of the Catholic Church during the workshop in Lubumbashi: "As it is in the name of the population of Manono that we have initiated this process, we ask that the different interventions take their expectations into account. In the interests of a balance in the development of the country, the populations of Manono In the interests of a balance in the development of the country, the populations of Manono believe that it would be in all justice for the transformation of lithium to be done in Manono through the Special Economic Zone announced by His Excellency Félix-Antoine Tshi-sekedi Tshilombo, as President of the DRC and Chairman-in-Office of SADC, on the occasion of the Mining Investment Forum "Investingin mining Indaba 2023" in February 2023".
Thanks to EcoNews for the noble struggle alongside Civil Society for the defense of the country's interests and the development of communities. "Bendele Ekueya Te" and may the DRC win beyond our differences!

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Jules Alingete, born in 1963, is today one of the most feared men in the DRC. He climbed all the levels of a career dedicated to the control of public finances: after studying economics, he became a chartered accountant, adviser to the Ministry of the Economy and tax specialist. For three years, he has been Chief Inspector General of Finance of Congo (IGF) with the status of judicial police officer, which allows him to initiate legal proceedings in the event of violations. Its reports are addressed directly to the Head of State.

What are the missions of the General Inspectorate of Finance?

Examining how public funds are managed, we note the facts of embezzlement and corruption. We carry out audits, checks and verifications of all public services, companies, provinces, local entities, ministries in order to verify the proper use of public goods and funds. Our checks can take place on past facts, but they also relate to current facts. We even work a priori, before the act is performed, with the aim of prevention and education.

What are the biggest cases you have had to deal with?

I would pinpoint five, related to corruption and the embezzlement of public funds. The control of the Central Bank of Congo is the first: we discovered credit cards held by civil servants, politicians. Directly connected to the general account of the Treasury via commercial banks, these cards could be used at any time. The State account could thus be debited for extremely high amounts, amounting to 10,000 dollars per day and purchases could reach the same amount. The Congolese Treasury has thus lost a lot of money.

The audit of the forest sector of the DRC – a process related to the moratorium to which the Congo had adhered – is the second case. Despite commitments made to the international community, logging permits continued to be issued by members of the government in charge of the forestry sector. Following our report, the current Minister of the Environment canceled logging concessions.

The audit of the mining sector was the third important case: the examination of all the contracts concluded between 2010 and 2020 by Gécamines (the General Society of Quarries and Mines) revealed serious facts of the selling off of mining assets. The modus operandi of fraud and selling off in this mining sector having been better understood, measures have been taken. Between 2010 and 2020, Gécamines made nearly $2 billion in profits and 97% of that amount was squandered on operating expenses and snacks. While Gécamines had to renew its production tool and relaunch its activities, no investment was made and the company has a very heavy social debt.

In addition, nearly 612 million dollars, paid by Gécamines to the Congolese State in respect of taxes due in 2010 and 2019 and paid into the Treasury account, have disappeared at the level of the Central Bank of Congo.

The affair of Chinese contracts, opaque and unbalanced, is resounding…

The audit of Chinese contracts is the fourth outstanding mission. This contract called "minerals against infrastructure" was concluded following an agreement established in 2008 between the DRC and a few Chinese companies: under the terms of this contract, the DRC was to give mineral-rich deposits to Chinese companies. In return, the latter had to provide the financial means allowing the exploitation of these deposits. It was agreed that the two parties would share the gains resulting from this exploitation.

The evaluation of these contracts revealed, to the detriment of the DRC, disparities in the distribution of the benefits generated by the agreement. The distribution of capital in the common exploitation is an example: Congo, which had brought the bulk of the business - that is to say its richest mines, whose value was estimated at more than 90 billion dollars –, received 32% of the shares during the constitution of a joint venture, Sicomines. The Chinese side, which had contributed nothing, received 68% of the shares.

The company thus created operated on the basis of loans which were contracted with Chinese banks at too high rates, around 12% interest, loans that Sicomines had to repay. The Chinese took advantage of the laxity of some Congolese who insolently enriched themselves. Since the real contribution of Chinese companies has not been traced, we have never understood how the Chinese side was able to secure 68% of the shares...

The distribution of earnings from Sicomines has been unbalanced: according to studies conducted by the IGF, the total earnings, after 15 years of operation, were estimated at 10 billion dollars. While in principle, Sicomines should have given the Congolese state 32% of the gains resulting from the exploitation of the mining sites, the Congolese state only received 822 million dollars. This sum should have been used to repay the loans that the State had contracted to build the infrastructure. The value of the planned infrastructure was estimated at $3.2 billion, in the form of schools, roads, hospitals, universities. Admittedly, loans were contracted, but the funds released by the Chinese contracts were not allocated to carrying out the promised work. It is now a question of rebalancing the advantages between the parties. Some Congolese have enriched themselves thanks to these contracts: if the funds have not ended up in the state coffers, it is because they have been used for other purposes...

You also discovered infrastructures that had been financed both by Sicomines and by the Public Treasury, so much so that today, we do not know who financed what...

Added to this is the problem of the quality and price of these infrastructures: counter-expertise revealed over-invoicing ranging from one to two, the quality of certain roads proved to be below average. The DRC was practically set aside during the control of Sicomines: the president of the company was a Chinese as were 70% of the members of the Board of Directors.

As for the daily management of the company, the general manager was Chinese as well as the three main directions, production, finance and marketing. The deputy managing director, a Congolese, only had a ceremonial role, the managing director had his residence in China and in his absence, it was the commercial or technical managing director who took over the interim. How, in such circumstances, could we have given reliable information on the commercial policy or on the operation of Sicomines?

This company behaving like a state within a state, it was impossible to access its financial data. It took ten years for this company to agree to file its financial statements with the Congolese authorities in 2021. Whether it was finance, production, trade policy, the Chinese managed everything, it was in Chinese that their instruments were configured. Congolese engineers did not control the situation...

In addition, since Sicomines' production is sold to Chinese companies, the selling price was estimated to be half the normal price. I conclude that the ten billion generated by Sicomines in fifteen years in fact only represent half of the reality... These elements explain why the President of the Republic decided that this Chinese contract should be revisited in order to rebalance the advantages between the parts.

The audit of the civil servants' payroll file was also another important file for you.

1. 426,000 civil servants were concerned and their salary represented 350 million dollars per month.

The audit revealed many dysfunctions: people had several registration numbers and were therefore paid several times, others had the same numbers as other agents and they were therefore fictitious, some were paid on the lists of several services, for example the Ministry of Education or that of the Plan, other beneficiaries were not known by the service supposed to employ them...

A quarter of the names on the files being questionable, the IGF asked for the general cleaning of these files. The Ministries of Finance, Budget, Labor will take care of this task and then the Ministry of Finance will report to the government.

Do you have any idea how much money was lost in all these cases that could be recovered?

The equivalent of 70 million per month was recovered from the pay of state agents! In fifteen years, Chinese contracts have caused us to lose 10 billion US dollars because of the mismanagement of our agreement.

More than 50 other major mining contracts containing serious irregularities were examined. Gécamines, responsible for managing all of these mining contracts, has collected royalties reaching 10 billion dollars. But 97% of this amount was squandered on operating expenses and placed on investments. And this when the company should have renewed its production tool and financed its revival... This explains the "social debt" represented by the arrears to be paid to the staff. As for the credit card affair, it cost us between 50 and 60 million dollars.

In addition, nearly $612 million paid in taxes to the Central Bank of Congo was not returned to the central account of the Public Treasury; that money is gone...

We have not yet audited the operating costs of the army, the national police, the intelligence services, these two structures having internal inspection bodies. As for the teachers, they were paid because they have priority.

Faced with this generalization of corruption, who do you incriminate?

These corruption problems merit analysis over time. The DRC has long lived in a system where corruption was considered normal; people did not realize that this practice mortgaged the development of an entire nation. The current president wanted to revitalize all public finance control services. Since 2020, three services have been fighting against the embezzlement of public funds. The strategy of the monitoring bodies is to publish reports right away, which causes a public outcry. It is then up to the courts to examine the files and decide.

Justice being independent, we must refrain from commenting on its decisions, among other things when great dignitaries find themselves whitewashed… In general, we need to rebalance the advantages between the parties in order to be able to embark on the reconstruction of the country. The Chinese made do with the laxity they found in the Congo. It is up to us to make the contracts advantageous for all parties. It will be up to the courts to establish the responsibilities of the Congolese themselves...

How did you react to the Congo Hold-up investigation, carried out by a consortium of investigative journalists including those of "Le Soir"?

This case concerned the embezzlement of $43 million belonging to the Central Bank of Congo but lodged in its accounts with the BGFI Bank. What was not correctly pointed out is that the IGF had participated in the Congo Hold-up investigation! On several files we shared the same conclusions.

However, for the IGF, the 43 million dollars that had disappeared from the accounts of the Central Bank of Congo with the BGFI had been stolen by this commercial bank. On the other hand, for the media involved in the Congo Hold-up investigation, the BGFI had taken this money to serve the Kabila camp. The IGF had no evidence to support this claim.

The difference between the investigations of services such as ours and those of NGOs often lies in the production of the material evidence of the assertions. At the IGF, we must remain apolitical and the results of our investigations must be supported by conclusive material evidence. To date, the BGFI Bank has already acknowledged the facts charged to it by the IGF and it has even already reimbursed nearly 40 million dollars to the Central Bank of Congo.

Our only element of reference is the fact of touching public funds: whoever you are, we, without political consideration, will be interested in you...

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I’m not sure how many shareholders read this thread…. But there is more than enough evidence of corruption and extortion in the DRC mining sector to inform potential international investors ahead of the two DRC MINING WEEK events (June and September).

The evidence includes AVZ Minerals work (over the last 6 years in the DRC) developing the Manono Lithium Project as the majority shareholder in Dathcom, and includes the recent ICC (International Court of Arbitration) ruling, declaring Cominiere’s attempts to terminate AVZ’s partnership in the Dathcom joint venture as unlawful.

The evidence also shows that CAMI has now removed AVZ Minerals from holding the Exploration Rights (PR) on the 13359 tenement on the Landfolio Cadastre Map Portal

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Hi @MoneyBags1348, love your threads. I'll help with DRC Mining Week campaigns. Let me know what you want. Br Sparrowhawk
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For those interested in posting something on Twitter ahead of the DRC MINING WEEK 2023 event (Sponsored by Jean Felix Mupande Kapwa's mates.... THE VUKA GROUP). Don't worry, fortunately some of us already did it

Read the AVZ story. AVZ Minerals spent 6 years & millions of dollars developing the Manono Project, only to have the project, ML & ownership delayed by the illegal actions of Cominiere, Chinese company Zijin and Simon Cong (Read the IGF report)

AVZ Minerals produced an 85-page Sustainability Report committed to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) including Socio - economic benefits, Preserving environmental values, Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain, Ending poverty, Improving health and education

AVZ's 85-page Sustainability Report also committed to Economic growth and employment, Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, Preserving biodiversity, Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant and Supplying energy and contributing to the local communities.

AVZ's Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports including 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management. Also produced a 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study; Received DFS Technical Approval; Had SEZ Agreement; Tendered for Mining Infrastructure. Now license taken away

AVZ followed the DRC Mining Code. Satisfied all approvals - Environmental; Financial Capability; Favourable Cadastral & Technical Opinion of the DFS for the Manono project. The Ministerial Decree to award the ML was granted last April then taken away

For 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals carried out Soil Sampling; Field Mapping; Consulting; Drilling; Metallurgical Testing; FEED Study; Securing a lease on an Industrial Site for logistics including road haulage, rail & port services & infrastructure rehab to the road from Manono.

Now following the DRC taking away AVZ's ownership and delaying the Mining License, AVZ has been forced to take the DRC to International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
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And for those interested in posting something on Facebook ahead of the DRC MINING WEEK 2023 event (Sponsored by Jean Felix Mupande Kapwa's mates.... THE VUKA GROUP). Don't worry, fortunately some of us already did it, and just happened to time the Facebook post on the same day as AVZ released it's ICSID announcement.

And this went to every bank and company sponsoring the DRC MINING WEEK 2023 event, including gold, diamond and platinum sponsors, the Mining Advisory Board, the Minister's office and others, last sentence added today

Read the AVZ story. AVZ Minerals spent 6 years & millions of dollars developing the Manono Project, only to have the project, ML & ownership delayed by the illegal actions of Cominiere, Chinese company Zijin and Simon Cong (Read the IGF report)

For 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals carried out Soil Sampling; Field Mapping; Consulting; Drilling; Metallurgical Testing; FEED Study; Securing a lease on an Industrial Site for logistics including road haulage, rail & port services & infrastructure rehab to the road from Manono

AVZ produced a 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study; Received DFS Technical Approval; Had a SEZ Agreement; Tendered for Mining Infrastructure and followed the DRC Mining Code. AVZ satisfied all required approvals - Environmental Approval; Financial Capability (through Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s, Arranging funding and Offtake Agreements with CATH, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin) Favourable Cadastral Opinion & Favourable Technical Opinion of the DFS for the Manono project. The Ministerial Decree to award the ML was granted last April then taken away

AVZ Minerals also produced an 85-page Sustainability Report committed to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) including Socio - economic benefits, Preserving environmental values, Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain, Ending poverty, Improving health and education, Economic growth and employment, Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, Preserving biodiversity, Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant and Supplying energy and contributing to the local communities. AVZ's Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports included 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management.

Now, following the DRC taking away AVZ's ownership and delaying the Mining License, AVZ has been forced to take the DRC to International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
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